‘Christian Band’ Crowdfunding to Create ‘World’s First Worship Album Focused on Climate Crisis’

A “Christian band” has launched an IndieGoGo page in order to raise money to create “the first, major Christian worship album to focus on our climate crisis.”

The Porter’s Gate Worship Project is spearheading the project, revealing that “Top artists have already signed on, and they have been busy writing world-changing songs.”

Climate change hurts everyone, of course, but especially those who are least responsible for it: the poor, our children, and generations yet to be born. This is a serious injustice, and Christians are called to respond–with faith, hope, and love. With prayer, and with action…It has never been more urgent, and it’s time for us to step up. All of us…

If the name “The Porter’s Gate” sounds familiar to you, it should. The band, which is founded by Isaac and Megan Wardell and is comprised of a rotating collective of guest artists and collaborators, describes itself as “a sacred ecumenical arts collective reimagining and recreating worship that welcomes, reflects, and impacts both the community and the church.”  The band is heavily involved in the social justice scene created an album where they literally worshiped George Floyd, which was promoted by The Gospel Coalition.

The band is seeking to raise $70,000 but only has 9 backers so far, though they have claimed to have raised $15,000 from other sources. In a press release Isaac Wardell, Director of The Porter’s Gate, shares:

The Porter’s Gate community is excited to bring the Biblical conversation about caring for God’s creation and advocating for climate justice deeper into the church through worship and music…We are singing together what we believe about God’s love for everyone, the value of His created world, and our commitment to caring for His creation and each other.

Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, Vice President of the Evangelical Environmental Network agrees:

(Climate change) is an injustice that the church needs to respond to. And like other movements for justice, we need songs to sustain, guide, and inspire us. We believe this worship album can provide the church with those songs as it seeks to respond faithfully to the climate crisis.

They lastly note that “Major musicians have already signed on as songwriters and recording artists: Paul Zach, Liz Vice, Jonathan Ogden, Leslie Jordan, Latifah Alattas, Andy Squyres, IAMSON, Ike Ndolo, Kate Bluett, John Arndt, and Jon Guerra.”

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5 thoughts on “‘Christian Band’ Crowdfunding to Create ‘World’s First Worship Album Focused on Climate Crisis’

  1. This climate crisis and social justice as well are the fruit of the apostate crumbling “church” in the USA. The majority of ‘professing christians’ do NOT care for 100% biblical truth but they want to recreate what it means to be a true born again child of God! 2Tim 4: 3-4

  2. What can you say. Grifters gonna grift.

    They need the money to pay for all that electricity for practice, recording, and concerts, and fuel to get from venue to venue. Then everybody can fix the supposed climate crisis by burning electricity to listen to their music, feeling all warm and fuzzy for saving the planet by enslaving the inhabitants.

  3. Being good stewards of God’s creation is fine, however worshiping creation is simply idolatry. This group is supporting the Globalists whose sole aim is to usher in world government and by implication construct the framework for the antichrist to rule.

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