
Charismatic Prophetess: ‘You Can Take Pictures of Your Cat’s Soul Leaving Its Body’

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or that Miscarried Babies are Reincarnated For the Next Pregnancy, or even that there’s a place called ‘Jello-land’ in heaven that contains chocolate waterfalls and candy houses, she’s explaining when cats die, you can watch their souls leave their bodies, and take pictures of them as they float up into the sky to heaven.

Speaking to chief enabler Steve Shultz on episode 63 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, he asks her what happens to cats, dogs, and other such critters when they die, and she does not disappoint:

When they pass, just like we do, their spiritual body that looks just like them steps out of their fleshly body. I firmly believe that on the day the dead in Christ shall rise, they will get their bodies back too, because they are living in heaven.

Your own guardian angel, my own guardian angel took my Yorkie to heaven. And when she stepped out of that physical body and she had stopped breathing, there she was, and my angel just grabbed her up and took her up to heaven. I have seen her in heaven several times when I was there, just enjoying herself, playing games and stuff with other pets that are up there…

More about that Yorkie’s passing in a second:

(Before he passed) we took him to our family Vet and took him in. And we stayed with him the whole time. And they gave him just a real simple shot. So he kind of went to sleep and eventually he passed and he jumped out of his body.

…And then when I saw that, I looked and turned to (unintelligible name) and the Father said “run outside”. And he said “get your cameraI and run outside.” So I run outside the Vet and we have a photograph of that dog’s spiritual body heading towards heaven. It is so him, he had the pointiest ears, you know… and he was really quite cute.

And it was a spiritual body, it looked just like him but younger, and I got pictures to come back and say, ‘Look, Mom, he’s on his way home to heaven’. And she was still so rejoicing.


Charismatic Prophetess Says Heaven is ‘50% Worshipping’ and 50% Riding Roller Coasters with Jesus

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s talking about dispatching her army reserves of more than 5 billion angels to go do spiritual battle.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 28 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve!, Kerr answers a question over what sort of fun people have in heaven, but not before she explains there is an information-type booth in heaven for people who don’t know they’re in heaven, and need some instructions to address their confusion. She says she first went to heaven when she was 8 years old, and since then has visited heaven thousands of times, to the point she’s practically moved in.

(The first time God showed me a roller coaster) I’m like eight years old. I mean every eight-year-old expects to see fun things but they’ll ride on the roller coaster, where part of the track goes through the sky and back to the other side of the park, back onto the track. So there’s a huge difference in enjoying these things in heaven than there is on the earth, and that was one of the first things they showed me was a fun place in heaven.

So I’ve never doubted anything he showed me. When when you get up, there there are some people who have to be taken to the welcome center because they’re not quite sure they’re in heaven. (unintelligeable) love god but they never expected the fun to be there, although the father said you must be like a little child to enter into the kingdom of heaven, so we should have all expected it.

This prompts Shultz to ask what the ratio of ‘secular fun’ to worshipping is, and what the division of time that will me, and she tells all:

I would say 50% is holy and wonderful and powerful, with the presence, the absolute presence of the living God consuming you- going in you and around you- hearing him everywhere in heaven, all the time. Nobody has to say ‘I wish I could hear God in heaven. ‘ The Lord will show up all the time, all over heaven to spend time with you. So part of it is what I would consider if you’re going to the church and the power of God is there and I’ll see the seraphim coming down out of the ceiling from heaven, I see all these beautiful things, there’s such splendor in heaven.

But the wonder! It says heaven is a wonder and it’s splendor. The wonder is the fun side, and absolutely I would have to say 50/50. Half of all of heaven is about fun and excitement and enjoying yourself up there with all of your friends and family, the other half was all about being with him being his presence and sometimes Jesus will ride the roller coasters with you or he could even be a cowboy himself, I’m sure he’s probably done that before.


Charismatic Prophetess: There’s a Beach in Heaven Called ‘Wipeout Surf Park.’ Surfing is Allowed, but Bikinis are Prohibited

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, or that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s explaining how there are rainbow-colored pink unicorns in heaven and even a surf park, here beach lovers can surf and swim underwater.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 26 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! she answers a question about heaven from a 10-year-old girl who asks her about the fantastical place.

You’re going to be so excited to find out that creatures, what we would call animals here on earth, are called creatures in heaven, are every color in the rainbow. You will be amazed! I literally have seen unicorns in heaven and if you get an old bible, the King James Bible, they’re mentioned nine times…if you get a KJV and you search for unicorns in the King James Version, you’ll see nine times he’s mentioned it.

And so they are in heaven, they definitely have pink ones in heaven and there’s a whole area in heaven that has beaches for people to surf on, to play in, uh it’s a beautiful place.

It’s called the Wipeout Surf Park. They have parks in heaven- amusement parks- but this one is literally made for people who love the beach.

Now just so you have heads up, there will be no bikinis present, people. It’s not about getting sun on your flesh, it’s you and your spiritual body enjoying the water. You can swim under the water and breathe it. You can surf hundred-foot waves and you might fall off a couple of times but you won’t get hurt.

Charismatic Nonsense Cursed Headlines Money Grubbing Heretics News

Charismatic Prophetess says Her Mother is Anointed to Literally ‘Call in’ Babies from Heaven

There are two of them. [Help, Lord! -Ed.]

Explaining that her mother is 90 years old and still sharp as a tack, having drawn her own little following on account of a shiny theological bauble she possesses, our favorite pink-haired sorceress Kat Kerr has introduced us to a brand new gifting and unique ministry that we’ve never heard of before, compliments of her maker.

Claiming that her mom operates in the “baby zone,” Kerr recounts how every time she prays for couples to have a baby, they have one. This is because her mother is anointed to literally “call in” babies from heaven and bring them down to earth where they will become implanted in the womb – a cosmic road trip predicated by her miraculous gift. She explains:

[My Mom] has already almost like her own little following. She also is anointed literally to call babies from the Father to the earth, which means she is Anointed. She has her own following, she has her own prayer lines.

When I go somewhere she’ll pray for people that can’t have children and she makes them understand, ‘are you going to be accountable for this child?’

Okay you’re not going to just go to my mom and say ‘pray for me.’ You’re going to get a talk to by her, and uh, she’s raised 15. She should know, right?

Steve: “She calls them in? She literally calls them in?”

Yeah. The father has anointed her to do that. So almost every person she’s ever prayed for – any couple or person she prays for – they have a baby. I mean, she’s going to start a gallery of pictures and she stays in contact with them until they have the baby. We call it the “baby zone.” I operate from the revelation zone, my mom operates from the baby zone.

Previously Kerr has shared an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb, up to five times for five miscarriages.

In this case, Kerr’s mom is almost like a middleman man between God and the mother, a “coyote” ferrying/smuggling babies back and forth from heaven to earth, crossing the border of the cervix walls and trying to avoid the demons of miscarriage.

We look forward to next week where our coverage will go back to slightly less bizarre topics, such as her recent claims that her deceased brother lives in a mansion in a part of heaven called “Christmastown,” a Jackskelletonian antithesis to “Halloween Town.” This is neighborhood is holiday-themed and is decked out in Christmas ornaments and gingerbread men and snow falling 24-7, and where he regularly gets visits from the real Santa Claus.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess: God Has Paparazzi Angels Who Follows You Around + Going to Heaven on Missiles

Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired, mainstream continuationist, spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” has given us a fresh round of “revelation” about heaven, introducing us to “photographer angels” who function like the paparazzi, as well as claiming that God employs various modes of transportation when he takes the dead to heaven, including biplanes and missiles.

Appearing on Episode 18 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve,” chief enabler Steve Shultz of the Elijah List asks whether Jesus’ mother Mary will have pictures in her mansion of her boy. This comes after an extended discussion of trying to figure out if the mansion they get in heaven will be vaporized and replaced with a new one once they’re in the new heavens and earth.

I promise you she’s got photographs of her with him when he was a baby. The angels were there. I think they have photographer angels because there are some that do nothing but take the pictures. When she got to her mansion she saw a gallery of all the pictures. When she was telling that truth to Elizabeth, and John leaped in the womb of Elizabeth, I know that encounter – I’m sure that was photographed, I’m sure them going to Bethlehem – she’s probably got pictures all over in her mansion, she’s probably has a whole gallery of that.

[Steve: Wow. I want to see those. I want to go visit. You have not been in her mansion though?]

I’ve seen glimpses of inside her mansion, parts of it, not all of it of course. I’ve seen parts of it, but because of Christ himself, the Father tape – the Father and his videographers, I know what they call them. The Father tapes everything!

Earlier in the episode, she explains what happens when we die, waxing eloquent on all the ways we get transported to heaven, including biplanes presumably piloted by angels or on missiles launched by angelic beings.

We’ll also get to travel through the new heavens he makes, and you’ll have planets for us to visit just for fun. You won’t just stay there, you get to go to many places that have been created for you to have fun…When you pass from this earth, and your guardian angels take you, sometimes you just go on up to the cosmos and you arrive there.

Sometimes you’re taken many different ways, I’ve seen people step on these things that look like elevators and zip you up. Some go in chariots. Some go in biplanes. Some go in missiles or all kinds of things to delight you, that’s why he does that.

Charismatic Nonsense Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Charismatic Prophetess sees 20ft Sasquatch Warriors, ‘Fairies,’ Unicorns, and Other Cryptids in Heaven

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and ‘Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb or that St. Patrick’s mansion is surrounded by giant singing shamrocks, she’s describing how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, and other fantastical creatures- the result of visiting heaven “thousands of times.”

Kerr, speaking to chief-enabler and ‘woooooow-er’ Steve Shultz on the March 24, 2021 program of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! and likely reading from a copy of the book Fantastical Beasts and Where to Find Them, describes what sort of beings inhabit the heavenlies after being asked by a listener whether or not there are bigfoots in heaven.

I know there’s unicorns in heaven. We know there aren’t any on the earth right now-God had them all in heaven-but I have never seen bigfoot down here. I can’t confirm. What I can confirm to you is what I have been shown, and most of what I have been shown is in heaven and yes, yes absolutely yes, there are creatures that you would call bigfoot or sasquatch or whatever they want to call them, I absolutely have seen intelligent creatures. Why? Because there’s creatures there we don’t have here. Why? Because God created them for up there. And so like I’ve said, I’ve seen unicorns in heaven- they’re really there. I’ve seen little tiny beings that you would call a fairy but they’re small angels and all those things up there. Haven’t seen a leprechaun yet or a mermaid, because we’ll always get those questions after I talk.

There are creatures, huge creatures I would say probably close to 20 foot tall that look like that and most of them are part of the army of heaven. The army of heaven is mostly made up of super-intelligent creatures designed by God to fight against the army of darkness and that’s where I saw them. I saw them in the area where Michael’s headquarters are in heaven, and I saw some that were not like that being, but I’ve seen some beings that would be like 200 feet high, and the barracks they stay in or the areas they stay in, the doorways are that high for them to go through. So yes, there are creatures like that in heaven, you’ll be delighted when you get there to find out exactly what’s there.

Interestingly, given the descriptions we have of the seraphim and ophanim, such as in Ezekiel 1:15, Kerr May have had her most lucid vision yet.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Prophetess says St. Patrick’s Mansion in Heaven is Surrounded by Giant ‘Singing Shamrocks’

Our favorite pink-haired, mainstream continuationist, spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” continues to bring us all sorts of insights into the wonders of heaven is back with some new information about the celestial realm.

You’ll recall she has previously regaled us with a host of insider tidbits from one who routinely journeys up to the third heaven/ goes on an acid-tripping bender, including but not limited to the fact that:

  • Heaven has “flowercopters” to carry people into the air.
  • Heaven has cows that drive tractors.
  • In Heaven, kids take art classes taught by rabbits. Giant rabbits. Giant multi-colored rabbits. Who help the kids paint the eggs with “liquid light” so they can draw Minions on them. And inside the eggs are baby chicks or rabbits. Somehow.
  • The kids sit on mushrooms that rise up into the air.
  • There’s a city in Heaven made out of Jell-O where you can “eat the mailboxes.”

Now, she has apparently discovered a new neighborhood, where St Patrick lives. She tells chief-enabler Steve Shultz, who honestly must be her dealer:

… Patrick was a great winner of souls. And he is — I can tell you — he is in Heaven. I have seen his mansion. And because Jesus also has a sense of humor, He built Patrick’s mansion in a field of five-foot-tall shamrocks. [Laughs]

[SHULTZ: Wow! Really?!… You’ve seen that in Heaven?]

Yeah… I did. I saw him in Heaven, and so he’s got all these shamrocks that sing to him and they work with Jesus Christ because God has a sense of humor…

While there is a certain degree of satisfaction in pointing out that Kerr is verifiably insane, this is no laughing matter. Her streams are viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. This stream alone has almost 95k, and it was released less than a day ago.

The comments section is filled with captivated weak women and effeminate men, all led astray by her and this nonsense and slurping up this slurry purée of milk, mushed peas, and spiritual strychnine, rather than than the wholesome meat of the word.

Pray for those who are being deceived by this damnable duo.

h/t to the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link and transcript

Featured News Onward to Glory

Rush Limbaugh’s Wife Reveals Final Days ‘He Knew He was Going to Heaven’

Rush Limbaugh spoke about the afterlife a lot in his finals days, saying that ‘he knew he was going to heaven’ according to his wife Kathryn in a conversation with Todd Herman, who spoke of how she and her late husband prepared for his death.

In a recently released audio recording, Kathryn Limbaugh shared how they planned his funeral together, and told Herman that Rush didn’t know his February 2, 2021 show should be his last.

KATHRYN: So I am walking with Rush and explaining to him his event, and I told him all he has to do is show up, which I’ve also arranged. (laughing)

RUSH: (chuckles) Yeah, and it is an event, and it’s awesome! I mean, I hope you get invited to it.

KATHRYN: (chuckles) Yeah.

RUSH: I mean, what she just described to me is incredible. Sorry I’m gonna miss it. But —

KATHRYN: (laughing) You’re gonna have a front-row seat.

RUSH: But I’ve just said to her, “I can’t believe it. It’s so cool!”

Kathryn recounts that his funeral was beautiful, if small, due to the COVID restrictions.

It was very peaceful, very beautiful. And we followed behind the horse-drawn carriage until we reached the chapel. And when we reached the chapel, we had a small service in the chapel which is located in the cemetery. Rush was escorted into the chapel to his favorite version of The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

And it was just stunning, if you can imagine, looking forward through a winding road to see this beautiful carriage with Rush in it and then flags around his grave site. So as we approached the gravesite you could see these powerful American flags waving in the wind and the sun was shining directly on that spot.

Speaking about his final show and peace he found, she said that they talked about heaven all the time, and that Rush knew he was going there:

He just got a little bit sicker and sicker by the day, and we had to take a bit of an emergency action for him. But the blessing in this is that he knew he was going to heaven. But he didn’t know that that was his final show, and didn’t know that he would not be speaking with all of you directly again. So that does provide some comfort that it was peaceful and unknown.

Todd comments that she must take great comfort in Rush knowing he was going to heaven, and she agrees that it did.

Absolutely, yes. We talked about it all the time, and you may recall he always said practically every show that he thanked God for being able to wake up that day. And that’s really how he took it, one day at a time, and knew that it was God’s plan and we would go forward as we needed to. But he knew ultimately that he would return to heaven and be greeted by everyone who’d gone before him.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Says Prayer Literally Forms ‘Missiles’ that Blow up ‘Satan’s Mock Kingdom in the Second Heaven’

Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” is at it again! Never failing to entertain, this mainstream continuationist reveals that she has a new revelation from God about the inner workings of heaven, and it involves “prayer missiles!”

The product of a new acid trip/given visions by Satan, Kerr recounts to chief enabler Steve Shultz of ElijahStreams that when we pray, weapons come out of our mouths and make their way to the second heaven, where the blow up a mock kingdom satan has set up in heaven:

Now, when worship happens on the Earth, normally, it is collected, number one, by angels a lot of times, but it also goes up to the atmosphere and it is put into the bowls before the altar of God and it creates an incense. With that sacrifice of praise is the most beautiful incense in the throne room, when someone is doing that.

But it also creates a weapon, as you do that, when you say that, you know, You’re worthy, anyway. You are my God and I will not serve another. You are it.  Missiles come out of your mouth, and they go up to the Second Heaven where Satan has a little mock kingdom set up, and you actually blow up parts of it. I mean, really, it explodes. They have to try to rebuild all the time. And so you’re very dangerous against Hell.  On your worst days, we should always worship God…

Unsurprisingly, Shultz listens with rapt attention, eating it all up and blown away at her shiny new revelation. He says “Literally, this has never been taught to me.” [Editor’s note: That’s because she’s making it up, Steve. There are no Scriptural explanations like this anywhere.]


No kidding.

Sadly, it’s not the craziest thing she’s ever said, with that honor either being the claim that in heaven, God and the angels mockingly refer to Joe Biden as “Sleepy Joe,” or when she weaved an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb.

As usual, HT to the give of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link and transcript.


It’s Official. We’re Being Subpoenaed By Tyndale House, But We Won’t Give Up Our Sources

(Gideon Knox) Shortly before Christmas, Gideon Knox Group publisher, JD Hall, received a subpoena from attorneys representing Tyndale House, regarding a news story published by Gideon Knox publication, Pulpit & Pen, in 2015. The subpoena demanded that Hall be deposed in only a few days from the date of the letter. At the time, Hall was attending a Turning Point USA event in Florida, so our attorney notified Tyndale House that their date was not acceptable.

Information that was subpoenaed was in relation to the #1 news story in the world on January 14 and January 15 of 2015, regarding “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven.” That boy, Alex Malarkey, wrote an open letter published by Pulpit & Pen, retracting the claims made by his father of his near-death experience and tale of so-called “Heaven Tourism.”

It was a black eye for Tyndale House, who not only published Malarkey’s book, but refused to pull it from the shelves when Malarkey reached out to Tyndale House through surrogates to tell them the book was false.

Shortly after our story broke, Tyndale House pulled the book. But unfortunately, it appears that Tyndale House has continued to mistreat young Alex Malarkey, who was an unfortunate victim of profit-motivated adults. The Malarkeys and Tyndale House are currently in the middle of a lawsuit, and Tyndale House continues to behave unrepentantly and as bullies to young Alex, who they have mercilessly mistreated and profit-mongered.

Hall has agreed to give Tyndale House his text and email communications with Malarkey, considering Malarkey was never a secret or confidential source. However, Tyndale House has hinted at desiring Hall’s entire Facebook data file, which contains all of his communications via Facebook Messenger.

Hall’s communications are privileged and protected by Montana’s Journalism Shield Law, which is the strongest in the nation. Available in his data file are Hall’s communications with missionaries serving in tyrannical regimes, with sex abuse and clergy abuse victims who have been sources in many different news stories, and with parishioners and Gideon Knox supporters communicating on the grounds of confidentiality.

In no uncertain terms, Gideon Knox Group will not be intimidated by Tyndale House or their attorneys. While good-faith cooperation will be given to satisfy subpoena demands regarding communication with Malarkey (again, he was not a confidential source), we will not give up our communications with others whose lives and livelihoods may be at risk.

Consider this a notice that Gideon Knox Group will, at all times, protect our confidential sources who risk life and limb to blow the whistle on corruption. If you would like to donate, all receipts from Giving Fuel in the month of February will be put toward legal defense to protect Christian journalism. You can give here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by JD Hall and posted at Gideon Knox. Title changed by Protestia.