It’s Official. We’re Being Subpoenaed By Tyndale House, But We Won’t Give Up Our Sources

(Gideon Knox) Shortly before Christmas, Gideon Knox Group publisher, JD Hall, received a subpoena from attorneys representing Tyndale House, regarding a news story published by Gideon Knox publication, Pulpit & Pen, in 2015. The subpoena demanded that Hall be deposed in only a few days from the date of the letter. At the time, Hall was attending a Turning Point USA event in Florida, so our attorney notified Tyndale House that their date was not acceptable.
Information that was subpoenaed was in relation to the #1 news story in the world on January 14 and January 15 of 2015, regarding “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven.” That boy, Alex Malarkey, wrote an open letter published by Pulpit & Pen, retracting the claims made by his father of his near-death experience and tale of so-called “Heaven Tourism.”
It was a black eye for Tyndale House, who not only published Malarkey’s book, but refused to pull it from the shelves when Malarkey reached out to Tyndale House through surrogates to tell them the book was false.
Shortly after our story broke, Tyndale House pulled the book. But unfortunately, it appears that Tyndale House has continued to mistreat young Alex Malarkey, who was an unfortunate victim of profit-motivated adults. The Malarkeys and Tyndale House are currently in the middle of a lawsuit, and Tyndale House continues to behave unrepentantly and as bullies to young Alex, who they have mercilessly mistreated and profit-mongered.
Hall has agreed to give Tyndale House his text and email communications with Malarkey, considering Malarkey was never a secret or confidential source. However, Tyndale House has hinted at desiring Hall’s entire Facebook data file, which contains all of his communications via Facebook Messenger.
Hall’s communications are privileged and protected by Montana’s Journalism Shield Law, which is the strongest in the nation. Available in his data file are Hall’s communications with missionaries serving in tyrannical regimes, with sex abuse and clergy abuse victims who have been sources in many different news stories, and with parishioners and Gideon Knox supporters communicating on the grounds of confidentiality.
In no uncertain terms, Gideon Knox Group will not be intimidated by Tyndale House or their attorneys. While good-faith cooperation will be given to satisfy subpoena demands regarding communication with Malarkey (again, he was not a confidential source), we will not give up our communications with others whose lives and livelihoods may be at risk.
Consider this a notice that Gideon Knox Group will, at all times, protect our confidential sources who risk life and limb to blow the whistle on corruption. If you would like to donate, all receipts from Giving Fuel in the month of February will be put toward legal defense to protect Christian journalism. You can give here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by JD Hall and posted at Gideon Knox. Title changed by Protestia.
“communications with missionaries serving in tyrannical regimes, with sex abuse and clergy abuse victims”
I’m just guessing that you have enemies in high places, and that the scum known as the Tyndale House lawyers, are merely tools in seeing just what you have exactly.