Charismatic Prophetess says St. Patrick’s Mansion in Heaven is Surrounded by Giant ‘Singing Shamrocks’

Our favorite pink-haired, mainstream continuationist, spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” continues to bring us all sorts of insights into the wonders of heaven is back with some new information about the celestial realm.
You’ll recall she has previously regaled us with a host of insider tidbits from one who routinely journeys up to the third heaven/ goes on an acid-tripping bender, including but not limited to the fact that:

- Heaven has “flowercopters” to carry people into the air.
- Heaven has cows that drive tractors.
- In Heaven, kids take art classes taught by rabbits. Giant rabbits. Giant multi-colored rabbits. Who help the kids paint the eggs with “liquid light” so they can draw Minions on them. And inside the eggs are baby chicks or rabbits. Somehow.
- The kids sit on mushrooms that rise up into the air.
- There’s a city in Heaven made out of Jell-O where you can “eat the mailboxes.”
Now, she has apparently discovered a new neighborhood, where St Patrick lives. She tells chief-enabler Steve Shultz, who honestly must be her dealer:
… Patrick was a great winner of souls. And he is — I can tell you — he is in Heaven. I have seen his mansion. And because Jesus also has a sense of humor, He built Patrick’s mansion in a field of five-foot-tall shamrocks. [Laughs]
[SHULTZ: Wow! Really?!… You’ve seen that in Heaven?]
Yeah… I did. I saw him in Heaven, and so he’s got all these shamrocks that sing to him and they work with Jesus Christ because God has a sense of humor…
While there is a certain degree of satisfaction in pointing out that Kerr is verifiably insane, this is no laughing matter. Her streams are viewed by hundreds of thousands of people. This stream alone has almost 95k, and it was released less than a day ago.
The comments section is filled with captivated weak women and effeminate men, all led astray by her and this nonsense and slurping up this slurry purée of milk, mushed peas, and spiritual strychnine, rather than than the wholesome meat of the word.

Pray for those who are being deceived by this damnable duo.
h/t to the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link and transcript
How did you draw the conclusion that effeminate men in regards to those who follow Kat Kerr?