Featured News Righteous Defiance Shutdown World Headlines

Video: Pastor Interrogated and Fined $1652 For Traveling to Give Caregiving Help to Disabled Church Member Amid Lockdown

A Pastor in Melbourne, Australia, living under the harshest and strictest lockdown measures in the world, was stopped, interrogated, fined $1,652, and made to turn around and leave after attempting to give caregiving help to a disabled Church member.

This abuse of power took place on September 30, when a member of Pastor Stephen Hills’ Church who has a disability informed him that he needed some urgent help. Given that “caregiving” is one of the few legitimate means to be traveling, Pastor Hills grabbed his documentation and eventually found himself at a COVID-19 checkpoint, one of the dozens of blockades set up ensure no one is disobeying lockdown orders.

Australia’s lockdown has been so severe, for a long time people were not allowed to travel more than 5 km away from their homes and were forbidden from having anyone over to their houses, as well as were prohibited from going outside their homes to exercise in public parks or nature paths, or even a walk down the street.

At the checkpoint, Hills explained to the officer why he was traveling “just going down to (visit) a church member. Caregiving and practical help.” He showed the officer his Driver’s License and Pastor’s ID card, but the officer again asked why he was going down. Hills reiterated that he was going to help a disabled church member with an urgent task but the officer then began to question why Stephen was acting so nervously.

After explaining that he was unnerved by the checkpoints, the officer told him to pull off to the side, due to his suspicious behavior, a move Hills found incredulous.

I gave him the evidence. I gave him the license. I gave him all the requirements, and he just wouldn’t believe me; and it was the injustice of not being believed and knowing I was doing something to help someone out.

The officer demanded to know the name and address of the disabled church member, information Hills declined to share, citing that ministers have the duty to maintain confidentiality. The Officer said that he didn’t believe him and because he wouldn’t give up the name said, “I don’t think that you meet the criteria of caregiving under essential travel.”

The officer fined Hills $1652 and turned him around, forcing him to find other arrangements for the distressed parishoner.

See the video below:

News Religion Roman Catholic Stuff Social Justice Wars World Headlines

Pope Francis to Catholic Teens: Ditch Capitalism to save ‘Sister Earth’

The capitalism- hating, socialism-loving Vicar of the Roman Catholic Church had a message for young people from 115 countries livestreaming his plenary talk: it’s time to ditch capitalism so that we don’t kill the planet and each other.

The pontiff has been panegyric with his flattery and worshipful praise of mother Gaia and harsh in his criticism of capitalism throughout his rule, saying that fat people are the victims of capitalism, joined with pagans to worship a topless earth goddess, and said that fossil fuels are immoral and should be banned.

Speaking to young Catholic entrepreneurs on Saturday, the Pope said via a video conference that those listening were called to build up a “new normal” in the wake of the pandemic:

You showed a personal interest in identifying the crucial issues we are facing, and you did this from a particular perspective: that of the economy, which is your area of research, study and work. You recognize the urgent need for a different economic narrative, for a responsible realization that the present world system is certainly unsustainable from a number of points of view, and is harming our sister earth, so gravely maltreated and despoiled, together with the poor and the excluded in our midst.”

Francis called on attendees to take his message and spread it wide, to put it into practice and have a “concrete impact on cities and universities, workplaces and unions, businesses and movements, public and private offices, and to work with intelligence, commitment and conviction in order to reach the centers where ideas and paradigms are developed and decided.”

Saying that we can no longer have “privilege sectorial interests to the detriment of the common good” and that “It is not enough to increase the general fund of wealth and then distribute it more fairly. This is not enough. Nor is it enough to develop technology so that the earth may become a more fitting dwelling place for human beings, “Francis profers:

“The future will thus prove an exciting time that summons us to acknowledge the urgency and the beauty of the challenges lying before us. A time that reminds us that we are not condemned to economic models whose immediate interest is limited to profit and promoting favourable public policies, unconcerned with their human, social and environmental costs.”

Francis says that he’s confident that these young leaders and future citizenry will “recognize the urgent need for a different economic narrative” and he ends his message with this plea:

I ask you to recognize our need for one another in giving birth to an economic culture able “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands, and inspire in young people.

News Righteous Defiance Shutdown World Headlines

Over 120 church leaders blast UK’s ‘unlawful’ closure of churches amid COVID lockdowns

(Christian Post) More than 120 church leaders are taking legal action against the U.K. government for its “unlawful” decision to ban worship services during the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown.

The leaders of various denominations are demanding a judicial review of the government’s decision, arguing that the “measures involve a direct and serious interference with the independence of religious organisations and freedoms of religious people.”

The Christian Legal Centre is supporting the religious leaders’ legal challenge, according to a statement by the group.

“The English and Welsh Governments have now introduced two successive sets of lockdown measures which have completely prohibited and criminalised public communal worship, a core aspect of religious life for the Claimants and their congregations,” the letter reads. “With these measures, the Governments have inflicted a terrible human cost, without rigorous consideration of less onerous restrictions, and as part of a package which leaves places of worship open for secular activities.

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia

Breaking Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA World Headlines

It’s Official! Pope Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions

In a move everyone paying attention could see coming, Pope Francis threw off further restraint and gave his hearty endorsement to same-sex civil unions in comments while being interviewed for the new feature-length documentary Francesco, which premiered at the Rome Film Festival this morning.

The film, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, covers the last 7 and a half years of the Pope’s reign and comes across suspiciously like a hagiography that illuminates the Pontiff in adulatory and flowery language. It features discussion on his deep concern for injustice, illegal immigration, and environmental concerns, and includes the spicy scene in question midway through where while sitting down for an interview, he says:

Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. What we have to have is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

It’s not the first time that he has made controversial statements regarding Gay Marriage and the morality of homosexuality. He told a reproter in 2013, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?”

One of the people that features prominently in the film is Juan Carlos Cruz, a sex-abuse victim of the Roman Catholic church who is also a homosexual. He is the chief whistleblower in the Chilean Romanist sex abuse scandal and spent 3 days in 2018 with Pope Francis, at the Vatican, telling CNN that in a private conversation with him Francis said:

You know Juan Carlos, that does not matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this. The Pope loves you like this and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say.

We also wrote about how last month, Pope Francis continued his trend of making off-the-cuff gay-affirming statements to those pushing him on the issue, telling a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.” 

Defenders of the Pope who are uncomfortable with these comments have already begun to regurgitate the same old defenses, saying that the pope is not speaking “ex-cathedra” and therefore is simply giving his opinion, flawed that it is.

The film has no release date yet.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News World Headlines

New Zealand Now has the Gayest Parliament in the World

New Zealand has won the dubious honor of being the gayest Parliament in the world, stealing the dishonor from the previous world leader, the United Kingdom after Labor party leader Jacinda Ardern led her party to a landslide victory, allowing her to form the country’s first majority government in 20 years and her party’s best showing in over 50.

With yesterday’s election, there are now 11 openly LGBTQ members of the 120 member Parliment, putting them at 9.16%. The previous “record holder,” the UK, has 45 queer members out of 650 sitting members, putting them at a mere 7%.

The distribution across parties is pretty one sided, with the progressive parties having the lion’s share of those who God gave over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another, exchanging the truth about God for a lie and worshipping and serving created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

The center-right National Party holds no gay members, whereas the far-left Green party has 40% of their members who fall on the LGBTQQIP2SAA spectrum.

In the United States, there are 11/535 members of congress that are out of the closet and openly gay, a rate of just over 2%

Featured Politics Videos World Headlines

Video: Parents of Teen Killed in School Shooting use A.I. and DeepFake Technology to Bring him Back…To deliver a Message on Voting

In a story that has profound and unsettling implications on how humans are designed to interact with the dead, Change the Ref, a nonprofit run by the parents of a young man killed in the Parkland school shooting, released a realistic CGI video of their late son encouraging and urging watchers to vote on gun control.

This mind-bending, deeply disturbing video features 17 year-old Joaquin Oliver, one of 17 students who lost their lives when mass shooter Nikolas Cruz rampaged through Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018

Using sophisticated 3D Modeling and audio tracking, the Oliver’s have recreated their son using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Fake technology for the purpose of creating a Public Service Announcement. The message? Urging people to support gun safety and gun control legislation and “replace” the vote his parents say he would have made if he and the rest of the Parkland victims would have lived.

“Yo, It’s me—it’s Guac,” he says. “I’ve been gone for two years and nothing’s changed, bro. People are still getting killed by guns. Everyone knows it, but they don’t do anything. I’m tired of waiting for someone to fix it. The election in November is the first one I could have voted in, but I’ll never get to choose the kind of world I wanted to live in, so you’ve got to replace my vote. … Vote for politicians who care more about people’s lives than the gun lobby’s money. Vote for people not getting shot, bro. Vote for me, because I can’t. We’ve got to keep on fighting and we’ve got to end this.”

This is not the first time his parents have recreated him, though this is certainly the most realistic. In 2019, they teamed up with an agency to make a 3D image his likeness which they brought to different rallies and political events across the country, using his body and likeness top promulgate their mission.

Once the deepfake has been made, a process that costs tens of thousands of dollars but rapidly becoming more affordable, the parents could input a script into the machine and the young man could say anything back to them, living in their computers. Using CGI to bring children and loved ones back from the dead is alarming and deeply disconcerting, and using them to promote political viewpoints even more so.

While this isn’t a topic that the church and theologians have even scratched the surface of, given its novelty and recent reality, there is much work to do. We need a comprehensive biblical framework and systematic theology seeking to determine the scriptures that would be used to either promote or defend these actions, whether or not the actions of the parents are beneficial, sinful, or adiaphora, and how to view those that come to a different conclusion.

Breaking Evangelical Stuff News World Headlines

New Testimony in Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal: Exposed as Pervert and Molester

Christianity Today brought wide attention to a story we’ve had at Protestia for weeks now, which is the allegations of sexual misconduct against the late famed Christian apologist and RZIM founder, Ravi Zacharias against members of his staff at Jivan Spa, a business he owned with partner Anurag Sharma.

We’ve been attesting for years now that Zacharias has been involved in some truly debauched behavior, writing as far back as early 2018 about allegations of sexual misconduct, and how Zacharias’ sexting scandal story simply did not make sense to anyone paying attention. Since then we have periodically updated with whatever new findings we gained.

In fact, we were roasted over the coals and widely condemned for including this paragraph in his obituary: “The final years of Zacharias’ ministry were marred by credible accusations of a cyber affair between he and a female follower of his ministry and the discovery that RZIM had inflated Zacharias academic credentials in its promotional materials.”

We received howls of condemnation for daring to sully his good name, and were told that obituaries were only reserved for happy memories.

Now, CT has done some rare good work and expanded a story that we had begun and helped break several weeks ago. Here are a few salient portions from the story, which describes allegations of witness testimony from the women he had in his employment:

Three women who worked at the businesses, located in a strip mall in the Atlanta suburbs, told Christianity Today that Ravi Zacharias touched them inappropriately, exposed himself, and masturbated during regular treatments over a period of about five years…

CT has verified the identities and job histories of the three women. They shared their stories under the condition that they not be named, fearing the stigma of coming forward as victims and possible retribution for harming the reputation of a famous Christian leader. They spoke with CT by phone multiple times over the past five weeks, and CT heard from three coworkers at the spas who corroborated elements of their accounts.

The third woman said that after Zacharias exposed himself several times, he asked her to massage his groin area and moved her hand there. It is possible that his back injury caused pain in that area, she said, so she complied with his request even though it made her uncomfortable.

By that point, they had talked for hours in the private massage rooms, the woman said. He had asked about her life, and she had told him everything from her career aspirations and her struggles as a single mother to her childhood relationship with Jesus and how she had been sexually abused.

The woman felt that Zacharias was ministering to her and “there was a holiness around him.” She thought she was, in turn, helping him and felt compelled to go along to an extent.

Then Zacharias tried to move her hand to his penis, the woman told CT. She refused and turned away as he masturbated. The next time she gave him a massage he exposed himself again and masturbated again. By her account, this happened more than 50 times over the next three years.

He would say, ‘I need it. I need it. I need it,’ the woman recalled. He would say he needed it so much and it was good therapy.

Zacharias asked her to have sex with him. Both times, she refused because he was married. He told her that he dreamed of being able to leave his ministry and his life as an apologist behind to live a normal, private life. But he couldn’t because this was his ‘burden,’ the woman recalled.

‘He would expose himself every time, and he would touch himself every time,’ one of the women told CT. ‘It was where he went to get what he wanted sexually.’

Zacharias masturbated in front of one of the women more than 50 times, according to her recollection. He told her he was burdened by the demands of the ministry, and he needed this ‘therapy.’ He also asked her to have sex with him twice, she said, and requested explicit photos of her.

Sharma, an IT professional, met Zacharias in the mid-1990s. In one conversation, recorded by someone not associated with the spas, Sharma describes himself as Zacharias’s close friend. Even after the business relationship ended, they continued to talk until the day Zacharias died, he said.

‘He had no friends, and he needed somebody to talk to,’ Sharma said. ‘He was very sad about all his demons, and he said that was the condition of the human heart.’

This is one of the rare occasions where we would encourage our readers to read the long article from Christianity today, as it largely echoes what we’ve already said, but provides much more detail of the allegations. The whole article is here.

As far as what that means for his legacy, the investigation that is supposedly taking place, how we should view his conversion in light of eternity, and the fact that he went to the grave seemingly in unacknowledged, unrepented of, a gross moral failing; we can only pray that he learned enough of the gospel during his time teaching it to have truly believed it at the end.

abortion Featured World Headlines

94% of Doctors in Belgium Favor Killing Disabled Babies After Birth

(Life News) A “disturbing” new research paper has revealed how 94 percent of Belgian doctors support the killing of new-born babies after birth if they are diagnosed with a disability.

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications said: “It is deeply disturbing that medical professionals who should protect and value each human life hold these shocking beliefs.”

The research article surveyed the attitudes of healthcare professionals in Belgium towards the ‘termination of pregnancy at viable stage.’

93.6% of physicians in Flanders region, Belgium, surveyed “agree that in the event of a serious (non-lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable.”

The research article also states that: “Physicians more often prefer foeticide over neonatal palliative care in case of non‐lethal foetal conditions…Almost nine out of ten respondents (89.1%) agree that in the event of a serious (non‐lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable.”

Is the concept of ‘after birth abortion’ becoming acceptable?

In January 2019, the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, defended a state bill which would have allowed babies to be killed during labour.

Northam, who is a paediatric doctor, described how a baby with disabilities could be left to die after birth.

The Governor said that if a woman who was about to give birth desired an abortion, the baby could be delivered and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and family desired and then a discussion would ensue” between doctors and the mother…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by a SPUC correspondent and published at Life News.