
NZ’s Largest Megachurch Closing Campuses after Damning Internal Report Destroys Reputation

Two months ago, New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs opened up an investigation into the country’s largest church after church leaders commissioned an internal report into allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct from within the congregation, found the results damning, and then refused to release it and address the complaints.

Conducted by Pathfinding, the 49-page report was commissioned by the church after several public stories that cast the 10,000-member multisite Arise Church in a negative light emerged. Senior Pastor John Cameron resigned after this initial revelation, and in total, 545 people came forward with a story to tell, including current and former members of staff, past board members, and students.

Consequently, many stories of racism, bullying, manipulation, extravagant spending, abusing the interns through overwork, and sexual harassment emerged, prompting the government to take action.

Hemorrhaging people and money, Arise Aukland pastor and pastrix Ben and Anna Carroll announced they are shuttering their campus, disassociating themselves from the Arise mothership, and will be reopening a whole new church in the new year.

“We are now in the process of closing down our Arise services here in Auckland in October and planning to begin a new church – Passion AKL in 2023. ..We are keen to keep everyone informed about what is happening for gatherings and the prayer points for this next season.”

According to Journalist David Farrier, who has been masterfully covering the story, it’s not just the Aukland campus that is in trouble:

The Wellington campus is effectively temporarily shut, and while Ray and Emma Moore are still pastors, their congregation — what’s left of it — are all meeting at the Arise Centre with those from the Hutt Valley Campus until at least February. Clearly with so many people leaving, they can’t fill the Michael Fowler Centre anymore.

Lest anyone think that the Carroll’s are leaving because they are fed up with the abuses of Arise and the leadership there, rather than a nakedly transparent attempt to rebrand themselves, they recently praised their former pastors during a church service, ‘honoring’ them for all they’ve done.


NZ Gov’t Investigating Nation’s Largest Megachurch After Damning Internal Report

New Zealand’s Department of Internal Affairs is investigating the country’s largest church after it commissioned an internal report into allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct from within the congregation, found the results damning, and then refused to release it and address the complaints.

Conducted by Pathfinding, the 49-page report was commissioned by the church after several public stories came out that cast the 10,000-member multisite Arise Church in negative light. Senior Pastor John Cameron would resign after this initial revelation. In total, 545 people came forward with a story to tell, including current and former members of staff, past board members, and students.

Consequently, many stories of racism, bullying, manipulation, extravagant spending, abusing the interns through overwork, and sexual harassment emerged. Pathfinding recommended a wide array of course corrective actions the church should undertake, 92 in all, to establish greater financial accountability and a healthier church environment, including the termination of the board in exchange for another one, on account of how corrupt things got, writing:

“Notwithstanding the new appointments, the board as an entity has lost its moral mandate to govern Arise. We believe it to be unacceptable that the board were unaware of key issues within Arise, and did not initiate the necessary mechanisms to ensure they could exercise their governance responsibilities.”

Not only did the board not resign, but they refused to release the report, despite previously promising they would, and didn’t even tell the congregation what any of the recommendations were. In fact, they sought to have a gag order put on it through the Employment Relations Authority (ERA), who initially granted their request.

Then the report was leaked by the investigative site Webworm, much to the outrage of the church, who complained that the missive was “illegally obtained.” Once leaked, the ERA rescinded the publication ban, and the news has roiled the congregation, catching the attention of Charities Service, a division of Internal Affairs. Charities General Manager Natasha Wright said of the leaked report:

“In light of recent developments, Charities Services has opened an inquiry and will be re-engaging with the charity. As this matter is now subject to our regulatory processes, it is not appropriate to make any further comment.”

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News World Headlines

New Zealand Now has the Gayest Parliament in the World

New Zealand has won the dubious honor of being the gayest Parliament in the world, stealing the dishonor from the previous world leader, the United Kingdom after Labor party leader Jacinda Ardern led her party to a landslide victory, allowing her to form the country’s first majority government in 20 years and her party’s best showing in over 50.

With yesterday’s election, there are now 11 openly LGBTQ members of the 120 member Parliment, putting them at 9.16%. The previous “record holder,” the UK, has 45 queer members out of 650 sitting members, putting them at a mere 7%.

The distribution across parties is pretty one sided, with the progressive parties having the lion’s share of those who God gave over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another, exchanging the truth about God for a lie and worshipping and serving created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

The center-right National Party holds no gay members, whereas the far-left Green party has 40% of their members who fall on the LGBTQQIP2SAA spectrum.

In the United States, there are 11/535 members of congress that are out of the closet and openly gay, a rate of just over 2%