
Y It’s Time to Ditch the YMCA

With Pride Month well underway, now is a fitting time to talk to our fellow Christians about their association with the YMCA. Some of you may have nothing more than a gym membership, while some may even have the misfortune of attending church in a Y (yes there are churches), but no matter your yoking comfort level, make no mistake: you’re supporting an organization that professes Christianity but is operating contrary to your core Christian beliefs. 

Is the above a hyperbolic overstatement bordering on slander? 

Well I’m glad you asked! 

Did you know the YMCA marches in various pride parades all around the US?

Did you know the YMCA blazed the trail to provide “gender affirming care” for its employees before legally obligated?

Did you know the YMCA promotes Planned Parenthood as a resource for teenagers seeking “health” related services?

But most importantly, did you know that the “C” in Y.M.C.A stands for Christian?

The last one may be the hardest to believe for some, and to many reading this article, anathematizing the YMCA years ago seemed just as obvious a decision as not partnering with the First Universalist Unitarian Church of San Francisco.

Yet there are still many Bible believing Christians under the impression that the Young Men’s Christian Athletes, or “Y” for short, is a solid, local, benevolent Christian Ministry. After all, the ministry is 180 years old and just like most ministries of that age, it tends to get more solid with time (just ask the United Methodists).

To start this rainbow journey, all one has to do is visit the Facebook page of your neighborhood Y and look at their focus in the month of June. The pride graphics you see emblazoned all over their timeline are passed to the local Y by the national Y, but this is just the beginning. You’ll not only see a stand of solidarity to all things LGBTQ+, but you’ll see a call to action to march. Pick any city and the Y is probably marching as we speak.

The Y also offers a wide range of pride merch to wear when you march alongside them at your local pride event.

One shirt offered since 2019 titled “Where there’s a Y, There’s a Way” might cause you to ask, “What way?” The back of the shirt provides the answer– all ways and all religions.

Now, where the Christian would say there is only “One Way–Christ Jesus”– the Y.M.[insert all religions here]A., would beg to differ. 

Another expression of Christian virtue from the YMCA comes in the form of full throated support of Illinois codified gender affirming bathroom laws.

In 2023, you may have heard of a 16 year old swimmer Abbigail Wheeler, who participated in the YMCA Springfield youth female swim team. One day after practice she became the unfortunate witness to an unsettling visual: a discernibly male figure changing in the same bathroom as her.

When she and her family pressed the YMCA to take a stand for young women by petitioning the leadership and even organizing a protest over the bathroom policy, the YMCA offered no support to her. Instead, they went so far as to poke holes in her story and side with the state of Illinois to such a degree that she and her family felt they had no choice but to end their association to the YMCA.

This has happened on more than one occasion at various YMCAs; males changing around female minors in their facilities and the Y responding in the same way. Instead of aligning with Christian values and at the very least expressing a solidarity with the plight of these young women, the YMCA chooses not only to remain neutral by claiming their hands are tied, but in reality deciding to position themselves as the antagonist by their very own mission statement.

These types of horror stories go on and on. The American Life League has a great expose here.

The YMCA not only leans heavily into LGBTQ+ affirming causes, they’re also on mission to amalgamate Christian Churches into their organization. 

In many cities across the nation, the YMCA hosts a yearly event called “The Annual Good Friday Breakfast”. These events sometimes can host up to six hundred guests, many of them pastors, where the YMCA praises itself to establish credibility with its patrons and shares its current vision for the city, all in effect to unify itself to the listening Christians in the room.

Another way the YMCA is working to yoke itself to Christianity is through church planting within its many facilities. For instance, there are twelve YMCA branches in the greater Indianapolis area. Of those twelve locations, eight have quasi-independent churches paying rent within their facilities.

Now you may assume that those churches affirm LGBTQ by the very nature of yoking themselves to YMCA ministry, but you would be wrong. 

Of the eight churches researched, three were found to have a section in their statement of faith affirming the sanctity of marriage being between one man and one woman.

How can this be? Is it ignorance or just complacency? Who can know, but a church yoking itself proudly to a ministry that violates Christian doctrine so openly is definitely a product of our time. A virtue signal to the world to let them know you are enthusiastically welcoming but not quite fully affirming…yet.

In truth, the YMCA has long been a bizarre organization, even having a disco song written about the “goings on” within its many facilities, a hint as to Y the Y is the Y that it is today.

(Boy George was even commissioned by the YMCA to sing a remake of the song a few years ago.)

It’s clear the YMCA plays both sides of the fence by presenting itself as a Christian ministry to those who would consider it Christian and as an ally to those geared toward progressive ideologies. 

You cannot have both bitter water and sweet come from the same fountain, and what fellowship does light have with darkness?

With all that being said Christian, this June, the choice is clear:

You Must Cease Associating with the YMCA.


The YMCA also has a goal called “Vision 2030” That they state closely aligns UN Sustainable Development Goals aka Agenda 2030

Yes, that Agenda 2030.

Note: This guest article was written by Ian Franklin and published with permission in its entirety.


Alistair Begg Doubles Down On Attending LGBTQ Wedding, Says He’s Not Budging

In some disheartening news, Pastor Alistair Begg has doubled down on his insistence that Christians can attend LGBTQ weddings and even buy the couple a gift, according to the leadership of American Family Radio, resulting in Begg’ show being terminated from the lineup.

Begg, who pastors Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and whose program Truth for Life has aired on AFR for the last 12 years, sent representatives to speak on his behalf to AFR Vice President Ed Vitagliano and AFA Vice President Walker Wildmon. The results, they shared, were discouraging:

Taking over the timeslot previously occupied by Truth for Life to speak directly to Begg’s audience, AFR leadership said they contacted the pastor to give him “an opportunity to say ‘I messed up right there'” and to provide him with the opportunity to say ‘I said the wrong thing, and I’d like to recant,'” but that no apology or clarification was forthcoming:

The two individuals that we talked with, Walker and I with two individuals from Alistair Begg’s ministry, they made it clear that Alistair Begg believes that homosexuality is wrong, he hasn’t changed that his views on that. He does not believe that homosexual marriage is valid and that the practice of homosexual activity is, as the Bible says, an abomination.

So all four of us were in agreement with that. But what we could not get them to change, and they said that Alistair Begg is not going to change his mind, was on the issue of whether Christians should attend.

…And the goal of the call, and the goal of all Christians when approaching these issues, should be reconciliation, but reconciliation in truth. And so that was our goal with the call with Alistair Begg’s team and unfortunately we didn’t get there. But we did press the issue multiple times and we even asked point-blank ‘So are you guys stating that pastor Alistair Begg is standing by his original comment? He has no regrets? He didn’t misspeak? He doesn’t want to further clarify nothing?

And they said ‘yes, he’s standing by his original comment.'”

The hosts lamented Begg’s response.

So very disappointing. And you know I even told… the gentleman and lady that we were on the call with with Truth for Life, that pastor Alistair Begg has such a long, decades long track record of biblical fidelity and truthfully teaching the Word of God, that this is extremely disappointing. This isn’t something that we saw coming. This isn’t like- some of the others Evangelical leaders that have drifted, this is not one that was on the list that we could have seen this coming.

While Begg sent staffers to speak in his stead, he has yet to personally address the matters publicly or justify holding such a dangerous and theologically decrepit view. Begg’s show still airs on 1800 radio stations, and he’s slated to be a speaker at the upcoming Shepherds Conference.


Another Netflix Cartoon Aimed at Kids Features Children Throwing Gay Wedding for Teachers

Everything is gay and getting gayer in the secular world, and kids shows continue to be no exception. Several recent offerings include when Blue’s Clues Reboot Featured Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade, the time when the Cartoon Network Promoted Abortion and Ze/Zir Pronouns and when Disney Introduced 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’. Also the cartoon Arthur had a Gay Wedding the most recently,  Rugrats reboot features a Lesbian Single Mom, the Scooby-Doo animated film Had ‘Velma’ Officially Coming Out as Lesbian, the PBS Kid’s Show ‘Odd Squad’ Featured a Same-Sex Wedding, and Blue’s Clues Reboot Features Drag Queen Sing-Along+ Ft, ‘Trans Beaver’ with ‘Top Scars’

Perhaps the biggest piece of propaganda that is emblematic of this whole affair is when Disney Junior pushed trans ideology on two-year-old’s using Muppet Babies.

Gonzo Goes Gay- ‘Muppet Babies Pushes Trans Agenda to 2-Year-Olds

There’s always more on the horizon, however, as a new episode of Emmy Award-winning Netflix preschool series Ada Twist, Scientist features students coming together to set up their teacher’s gay wedding.

It never ever ends.


Netflix Show Aimed at Toddlers Ft. Boy Dancing in a Dress for Gay Dads

Everything is gay and getting gayer in the secular world, and kids shows continue to be no exception. Several recent offerings include when Blue’s Clues Reboot Featured Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade, the time when the Cartoon Network Promoted Abortion and Ze/Zir Pronouns and when Disney Introduced 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’. Also the cartoon Arthur had a Gay Wedding the most recently,  Rugrats reboot features a Lesbian Single Mom, the Scooby-Doo animated film Had ‘Velma’ Officially Coming Out as Lesbian, the PBS Kid’s Show ‘Odd Squad’ Featured a Same-Sex Wedding, and Blue’s Clues Reboot Features Drag Queen Sing-Along+ Ft, ‘Trans Beaver’ with ‘Top Scars’

Perhaps the biggest piece of propaganda that is emblematic of this whole affair is when Disney Junior pushed trans ideology on two-year-old’s using Muppet Babies.

Gonzo Goes Gay- ‘Muppet Babies Pushes Trans Agenda to 2-Year-Olds

There’s always more on the horizon, however, as a new episode of CoComelon Lane, which is a popular show for toddlers and two years olds, features a young boy dancing in a dress for his gay dads who regurgitate trans ideology.

Guard your children from ‘family-friendly’ Television.


Demon Deliverance ‘Apostle’ Says You Must Stop Being ‘Jesus-Centered’ And Instead Be ‘Holy-Spirit Centered’+ Other Bizzare Things

Alexander Pagani is the pastor and Apostle-in-residence at Amazing Church Global in NY and one of the main men in the modern “deliverance minister” pack that includes fellow travelers Isaiah Saldivar, Vladimir Savchuck, Daniel Adams, Mike Signorelli, and Kathryn Krick.

Speaking at the National Deliverance Training Conference, which took place at Greg Locke’s church, he offers this novel teaching, repeatedly referencing his own apostleship:

God starts changing your mind from being ‘Jesus-centered’ to ‘Holy-Spirit centered’. Let me finish this thought. It’s not called the ‘gifts of Jesus,’ it’s called the ‘gifts of the Holy Spirit.’ It’s not called the ‘fruit of Jesus,’ it’s called ‘the fruit of the Holy Spirit.’ You’re not even called the ‘Temple of Jesus,’ we are called the ‘Temple of the Holy Spirit.’

…Why am I saying this? Because you could get away with a lot in Jesus but you can’t get away with that in the Holy Ghost. Can I get you mad? I’m an apostle so I’m going to get you mad in a little bit. Watch this: this is why modern evangelicalism loves to stay in Jesus. Want to know why? Because Jesus won’t condemn you. You can be gay and be a Christian but you can’t be gay and be in the kingdom. You could blaspheme Jesus, he’ll forgive you, but you can’t blaspheme the Holy Ghost.”

Bonus: For more on Pagani, growing up as a troubled youth embroiled in a life of crime, he once stabbed two 17-year-olds while serving time in prison, resulting in a year in solitary confinement. Pagani claims that while in prison, he used to use bible pages as rolling papers and that when he smoked a substance in them, it caused him to understand the scriptures. He claims Jesus literally and bodily appeared to him in his jail cell and told him, “Follow me,” which resulted in him being saved. 

After serving a nearly nine-year sentence, he got out and started pastoring a “five-fold ministry” church. Plagued by a porn addiction since his youth, Pagani recounts that he only overcame it by having the demons of lust cast out of him during an exorcism, which was the catalyst for his new ministry focus of deliverance ministry. 

Built in the model of well-known deliverance ministers like Isaiah Saldivar, Vladimir Savchuck, Daniel Adams, Mike Signorelli, and Kathryn Krick, Pagani holds many of the typical views.

He believes that demons can possess Christians without the believer ever knowing it, puts on schools where he teaches people how to become prophets for about a hudred bucks, believes that as an apostle, he has the power and authority to ordain other apostles, believes men and women can have the sex- demons of incubus and succubus inside of them, prompting to act out sexually against their spouse while they sleep, and wrote a book The Secrets to Deliverance, which contains revelations he claims the Holy Spirit gave him divine insight into. 

h/t Revealing Truth


Prominent Unrepentant Gay Man from SBC Church Plugs His Gay Bible Study’s Good Deeds

First Baptist Church Orlando is a 14,000-member Southern Baptist megachurch led by David Uth that continues its quest to brazenly and flagrantly violate scripture. Years ago they infamously offered a full-blown ecumenical statement devoid of any Gospel truth and antithetical to the teachings of scripture by highlighting how many illegal immigrants, pro-choice democrats, and LGBTQ folk were ‘serving’ in his church.

Last year they knowingly baptized Joe Mills, an out-and-out gay, unrepentant gay man, who is ‘married’ to his ‘husband’ and has been leading a small group of FBCO congregants in a bible study for the past few years, with the knowledge of Pastor Danny De Armas, who himself has conducted the study. 

Then, as an unrepentant gay man in good standing in the church, he was allowed to baptize others at the church.

Now, wearing official swag and a badge from First Baptist Church Orlando, Joe Mills announced on social media that his bible study group ‘The Gospel Gathering’ (which mainly comprises openly unrepentant LGBTQ men and women from FBCO) is sponsoring a kid to church camp.

The SBC credentials committee has a lot say regarding expelling churches that endorse and promote female pastors, but when it comes to gay-affirming denominational megachurches, they’ve been silent for years and have shown no inclination to speak up any time soon.

h/t The Dissenter


Leader of Saddleback Church Isn’t Sure If ‘Married’ Gay Folk Who Get Saved Should Divorce

In a newly unearthed clip, Andy Wood, the new pastor of the 25,000-member, 14-campus Saddleback Church that recently raised eyebrows after ordaining several women’ pastors’ and having a “Blacks Only Worship Service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” says some troubling things about homosexuality.

We discussed Saddleback Church a few days ago after revealing they have gay-affirming pastors on staff and that they promote and partner with the pro-LGBTQ+ ministry ‘Embracing the Journey” which seeks to counsel parents of children confused about their sexuality. 

In the snippet, which is several years old, Wood says that he doesn’t know if a homosexual couple should divorce if one of them becomes saved, and later says he’d attend a gay wedding/ marriage and even get the couple a gift. 

Q: I have gay friends who came to Jesus after they were married and adopted children. God hates divorce. How would you approach the situation?

Andy Wood: “I don’t know.”

Stacie Wood: “It’s really hard.”

Andy Wood:I don’t know if there’s a black and white answer. And I think I would sit with them in it. And I would pray with them. And I would try to wrestle through that decision. And I think it’s such a life- it is such a massive, massive decision that I would probably say, ‘read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, and I will journey with you with it, in it.’

And as you journey through it with them, I would have an ongoing conversation to ask them how the Holy Spirit is leading and guiding them, I think is how it would handle it. Because I don’t, I don’t know.

He continues:

Andy: “You know, Laurie and Jason, our friends are on the line. They were missionaries overseas, and they would see people come to faith who had in polygamous cultures, and they had five spouses. And so what do they do? Do they divorce four of the spouses and keep one of them? Or… I don’t, I don’t know.

So I think, read the bible, pray, ask the Holy Spirit to speak. That would be my encouragement, and then journey with them through it.”

Staci: “Yeah. I think that people that draw hard, strong lines, and it gets really difficult. It doesn’t take into account how complicated the individual situation can be. (Andy: “Yeah”) , it has to be navigated with nuance, and a lot of wisdom and grace.”

Andy: “Yeah. And I think that part of what the enemy does in our minds is that there are some situations that are black and white and there are some that are gray. And I think that the situations that are more black and white, call for a decision, and situations that are more gray call for more discernment, prayer and scripture, I mean, processing and talking through it.”

Reacting to the video, prominent scholar Robert Gagnon notes on Twitter: “The level of theological ignorance here is stunning. Do they honestly think that, had the incestuous man in 1 Cor 5 “married” his stepmother, Paul would have faced a conundrum about whether to insist on dissolution of this egregiously immoral union?”


Radical Pro-LGBTQ+ Activist is Running SBC Megachurch’s Family Ministry

We recently uncovered the fact that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has gay-affirming pastors and ministries, recommends pro-LGBTQ+ counseling for children, and that they’re poised to put on a conference where nearly all the speakers are pro-homosexuality, including one man who is “married” to a “husband” and runs a pro-LGBTQ+ organization.

One of the speakers at this event is Chris Clark. He is a pastor at the 25,000-member, 14-campus Saddleback Church, where he leads Premarital Mentors and Church Counseling Training. Years ago, his daughter came out as transgendered, and in response, he co-founded an ‘Embracing the Journey’ chapter at Saddleback, along with Shauna and Doug Habel. 

Embracing the Journey is an openly “affirming” pro-LBGTQ+ ministry that routinely partners with aggressive pro-LBGTQ activist organizations like The Reformation Project, which seek to advance full LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church. In 2020 they entered into a partnership with Saddleback Church to be their go-to resource for parents with kids who are struggling with their sexuality, and Saddleback even cut a video endorsing the group. 

The Habels are longtime members of Saddleback Church, attending for over a decade. According to their ETJ bio, in 2016, Shauna attended The Reformation Project conference (a prominent pro-LGBTQ+ advocacy group). There “she saw gay Christians studying the Bible and worshipping God. She saw their vibrant faith, despite the pain they faced” and came to believe that homosexuality was not sinful. 

Shauna, in particular, became radicalized over the years, attending Fuller Seminary to receive a MA in Justice and Advocacy and coming to lead panels on behalf of ETJ for Reformation Project. She’s a leader in Saddleback and has grown the ministry. Saddleback Church now hosts four ongoing support groups and one small group for Embracing the Journey.

Shauna claims that “we are not in either the left or right lane, but in the moderate middle of unconditional love for our children,” but it’s evident that this is not the case, particularly when she reveals she works with conservative parents to help them become “affirming.”

Shauna requests a shoutout from Freed Hearts, the affirming ministry of Susan Cottrell. OutSmart magazine called Cottrell ‘The Mother of All MamaBears’ and the famed gay magazine The Advocate dubbed her “our favorite affirming matriarch.” She is a prominent voice for the LGBTQ+ community and has the statistically unlikely odds of having two children who are gay. 

When she’s not requesting shoutouts from gay-affirming organizations, she’s giving them, offering a flyer to Beloved Arise, “the first national organization dedicated primarily to empowering youth to proudly embrace both their faith and queer identity.” Beloved Arise in turn recommends Embracing the Journey, Along with Freed Hearts and PFLAG.

These are the people and personalities leading the care group for desperate parents who come to Saddleback seeking counsel and resources for their struggling children. Pro-LGBTQ+ Embracing the Journey, an affirming pastor, and a radical ministry leader who believes it is her mission to help people cast aside God’s good designs for biblical sexuality so that she might instead affirm them in their sin.


United Methodist Churches Loses 1831 Congregations After Affirming LBGTQ+

In the last three years, 1831 congregations have split from the United Methodist Church over its acceptance and celebration of homosexuality, according to a new report by their General Council on Finance and Administration. These numbers were far lower than most prognosticators anticipated, with some fearing they might lose half their churches.

The congregations that left represents a mere 6% of the 30,000 congregations worldwide.

With a schism seemingly averted, what remains in the UMC is truly a terrible sight to behold. The faithful are all gone, and the remaining 28000 denominations are populated by a bunch of woke pagans with Christian ideations that can’t agree on how badly they hate the bible and the best way to make molest it into affirming the doctrine of demons.

In 2019, conservatives (ish) signaled their intention to leave the denomination over their progressive views of homosexuality, acceptance of other deviant sexual theology, and support for abortion rights. After jumping through a bunch of hoops, they were able to leave while retaining their property and buildings, with most joining the newly minted, more conservative Global Methodist Church.


Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry (Part 1)

Days ago, audio from North Point Community Church (NPCC) pastor Andy Stanley was released, featuring him lauding the faith of gay Christians as exemplary over and above that of straight ones. The video was viewed over a million times and was enough to make the impastor trend, even though it’s hardly the worse thing he’s ever said.

You’ll recall that Stanley previously said that it doesn’t matter if the bible is true, so long as it’s ‘mostly reliable, and that the “foundation of our faith is not the whole bible. In 2018, he got shellacked from all sides for saying that Christians needed to unhitch themselves from the Old Testament and in a recent sermon told Christians not to follow Jesus through the Old Testament, but only through the Gospels. In the last year, he also said he preached in a way that gave pagans permission not to believe, went all in on Critical Race Theory by saying ‘it’s not enough to be ‘not racist.’ you must be ‘anti-Racist’+ you’re all racists, and then argued that white people fear black men.

Worse than Stanley’s troubling views on the faith of gay Christians, however, are the entanglements his church has with two pro-LBGTQ+ ministries. 

These are organizations that don’t have a biblical view of homosexuality and the way the gospel relates to it, but rather are utterly and completely heretical.

The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin that Christ died for, and through the power of the Holy Spirit those who struggle with it can mortify their flesh. The work of the Spirit is not kneecapped by the presence of homosexual desires, where God can transform every part of a man or woman’s life except for their orientation. Far from it. The Bible teaches that both homosexual actions AND attractions are sinful and must be repented of, and as a result of the process of sanctification, one’s orientation and attractions will necessarily be reordered and conformed to the image of Christ. 

This is a far cry from what is being taught at North Point Community Church.

Debbie Causey is a pastrix at NPCC, where she’s been employed for over two decades. She spent the first twelve years as the megachurch’s ‘Mentoring Director’ and then another ten as the ‘Care Director’, tasked with overseeing several programs and subordinates within her role. 

Years ago, after her son came out as gay, she wrote the book The Big Reveal: Loving Your LGBTQ+ Child While Strengthening Your Faith, which details her experiences handling her son’s revelations. Prominent LBGTQ activist Justin Lee wrote the forward of her book, and she has his endorsement on her website. 

With her experience and position within the church, Causey has championed and partnered with Embracing the Journey ministry, making it an integral part of her curriculum at NPCC. The church recommends it as a trusted resource for congregants wishing to find answers and advice when their child comes out as LBGTQ+, along with navigating the emotional and spiritual complexeties that the news brings. North Point Community Church has hosted Embracing the Journey conferences in the past, and currently has planned future events with the organization. 

Embracing the Journey ministry is run by Greg and Lynn McDonald. They are a husband and wife team who are both long-term members and leaders in North Point Community Church. Similar to Causey, after their child came out as gay, they wrote the book Embracing the Journey: A Christian Parents’ Blueprint to Loving Your LGBTQ Child and created a ministry with the same name. Their mission is to “build bridges between LGBTQ+ individuals, their families, and the church, not in spite of the bible but because of the bible…” and Stanley has personally endorsed them and their ministry.

In her role as Director of Care, Causey leads Parent Connect, a key ministry at NPCC whose mission statement explains that the groups are not “about theology, but about parents loving their LGBTQ+ loved ones well.” Greg and Lynn are leaders in Parent Connect who lead groups of LBGTQ+ kids’ parents on a regular basis, and the couple has NPCC’s unreserved support. Causey explains in an endorsement video:

“We partner with them, (Embracing the Journey) by sending many couples that cannot attend locally a Parent Connect group. And I trust them completely what they teach these parents, and how they care for these parents, and it has become a ministry that is crucial to supporting parents of LBGTQ folks like myself

….Greg and Lynn are fantastic, empathic, safe people that will lead you towards a better relationship with God…They are a support, and their ministry is life-saving and life-changing. So just wanted to let you know that we are big fans of Greg and Lynn and Embracing the Journey and we hope that you will experience that as well. 

Here’s the problem;

Embracing the Journey ministries is an openly “affirming” pro-LBGTQ+ ministry and Pastrix Debbie Causey is a board member of another openly-affirming ministry. 

On ETJ’s Recommended Reading page, they give the disclaimer that “These are curated resources that we believe will help you on your journey. Please know that we only endorse the works listed below.

What is endorsed by them? Along with listing Debbie Causey’s book, three others stand out.

There are no books that present homosexuality as a sin to be repented of, but rather all them point to it as a blessing to be celebrated for.

If this weren’t enough, Embracing the Journey has also repeatedly partnered with The Reformation Project, an organization overseen by activist Matthew Vines that is dedicated to advancing LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church. Greg and Lynn McDonald have been keynote speakers at Reformation Project conferences and have acted as facilitators for their gatherings. 

It only gets worse, much worse, and we’ll tell you why tomorrow.

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