Prominent Unrepentant Gay Man from SBC Church Plugs His Gay Bible Study’s Good Deeds

First Baptist Church Orlando is a 14,000-member Southern Baptist megachurch led by David Uth that continues its quest to brazenly and flagrantly violate scripture. Years ago they infamously offered a full-blown ecumenical statement devoid of any Gospel truth and antithetical to the teachings of scripture by highlighting how many illegal immigrants, pro-choice democrats, and LGBTQ folk were ‘serving’ in his church.

Last year they knowingly baptized Joe Mills, an out-and-out gay, unrepentant gay man, who is ‘married’ to his ‘husband’ and has been leading a small group of FBCO congregants in a bible study for the past few years, with the knowledge of Pastor Danny De Armas, who himself has conducted the study. 

Then, as an unrepentant gay man in good standing in the church, he was allowed to baptize others at the church.

Now, wearing official swag and a badge from First Baptist Church Orlando, Joe Mills announced on social media that his bible study group ‘The Gospel Gathering’ (which mainly comprises openly unrepentant LGBTQ men and women from FBCO) is sponsoring a kid to church camp.

The SBC credentials committee has a lot say regarding expelling churches that endorse and promote female pastors, but when it comes to gay-affirming denominational megachurches, they’ve been silent for years and have shown no inclination to speak up any time soon.

h/t The Dissenter

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5 thoughts on “Prominent Unrepentant Gay Man from SBC Church Plugs His Gay Bible Study’s Good Deeds

  1. Nothing shocks me at this point – much of the American church has unashamedly embraced the sin and perversion of a fallen world.

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  2. Whatever happened to repentance? Must be unpopular. I know a gay guy who turned to Christ. He chose a life of celibacy rather than continue to sin against God and his fellow man.
    Why would any believer attend such a church? Where is the needed schism? Best thing to do nowadays is simply get a degree in Bible and quit listening to megalomaniac mega-church pastors. Take control of your own faith! Time for Christians to wake up and leave these apostate churches. Why listen to these wolves and pay them??

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