
Peppa Pig Goes Gay: Introduces Same-Sex Polar Bear Couple

(Pink News) In an episode broadcast on Channel 5 Tuesday (6 September), Peppa is joined by classmates Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Penny Polar Bear as they start drawing pictures of their family. 

Penny draws two female Polar Bears in dresses before turning to Peppa and saying: “I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.”

The show has been running since 2004, but this is the first time in its 18-year history it has featured a same-sex couple.

The move comes two years on from a petition demanding a “same-sex parent family on Peppa Pig”. The petition… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by ASYIA IFTIKHAR and published at Pink News. Title changed by Protestia


A Timeline of Pope Francis Moving the Catholic Church Towards Homosexual Acceptance

A couple of days ago, we shard that Pope Francis reappointed a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to major 5-year post. The lucky man was Jesuit priest James Martin, a very prominent American Roman Catholic known for having an outreach ministry for proud and open LGBTQ Catholics. In fact, it was just two months ago that Martin was urging the Roman Catholic Church to start celebrating PRIDE month.

Last year he wrote a Twitter thread explaining that “Pope Francis has done more for #LGBTQ people than any pope. But he does so step by step. Two years ago today I met with him to speak about LGBT Catholics, and he asked me to continue my ministry. Often, however, people don’t notice these small steps, which add up to a sea change in the Catholic Church’s approach to LGBTQ people.”

Accordingly, he offers 12 important steps the decrepit pontiff has has made since his election in 2013, excitedly salivating in the ways that Francis is moving the church closer and closer into full inclusion and acceptance of LBGTQ folk into the flock.

1. When asked about gay priests in 2013, Pope Francis uttered perhaps the five most famous words of his papacy: “Who am I to judge?” With those words, he also became the first pope to use the word “gay” in such a public setting.

2. During his pastoral visit to the United States in 2015, Pope Francis met with his former student, Yayo Grassi, who is gay, and Mr. Grassi’s same-sex partner.

3. In his 2016 apostolic exhortation “Amoris Laetitia” (“The Joy of Love”), Francis wrote that when ministering to LGBT people, we should “before all else” affirm their human dignity as well as the church’s desire to oppose violence against them. 

4. In 2016, on an in-flight press conference returning from Azerbaijan, Pope Francis encouraged a ministry of “accompaniment” of LGBTQ people, saying that Jesus would never tell a gay person, “Go away from me because you are homosexual.”

5. On an in-flight press conference in 2018, returning from the World Meeting of Families in Ireland, the Holy Father said that LGBT children should never be kicked out of their families and encouraged families to love and accept them.

6. His 30-minute meeting with me in the Apostolic Palace in September 2019, was listed on his official public schedule and accompanied by photographs from the Vatican, a sign of his support for LGBTQ ministry overall.

7. In 2019, Vatican officials and rights group discussed decriminalizing homosexuality

8. In 2020, while defending traditional church teaching on marriage as between a man and woman, Pope Francis nonetheless signaled his support for legal protections for civil unions in a documentary film.

9. Also last year, he offered his support for Sister Mónica Astorga, an Argentine sister who had worked with transgender people for 14 years, saying, “God, who did not go to seminary or study theology, will repay you abundantly.”

10. This March, he appointed Juan Carlos Cruz, an openly gay man and a clergy abuse survivor and advocate, to a high-level Vatican commission. In 2018, Mr. Cruz had earlier reported that Francis had told him “God made you this way.”

11. In June, he wrote a warm letter on the occasion of the Outreach LGBTQ Catholic Ministry webinar, and also promised his prayers for this “flock” of LGBTQ people.

12. In a conversation with Jesuits in Slovakia last month, he encouraged them to reach out pastorally to “homosexual couples,” not just LGBTQ individuals.

Martin writes:

“Taken together, we can see how Francis’s approach to LGBTQ people is one of pastoral accompaniment, moving slowly, avoiding the dramatic statements that some people may want and setting limits. His focus is always on encouraging the pastoral care of LGBTQ individuals, defending them against violence and supporting those who minister with them, in new ways that would have not been countenanced by his predecessors.


Pope Francis Reappoints Notorious Pro-LGBTQ-Priest to Major 5-Year Post

James Martin is a Jesuit priest, the editor at large @Americamag and consultor to the Dicastery for Communication @VaticanNew. He’s a very prominent American Roman Catholic known for having an outreach ministry for proud and open LGBTQ Catholics, whom Martin is fighting for full inclusion in the life of the church. In fact, it was just two months ago that martin was urging the Roman Catholic Church to start celebrating PRIDE month.

He also recently took offense after a Sioux Falls Diocese told LGBTQ students they many “not advocate, celebrate, or express same-sex attraction in such a way as to cause confusion or distraction in the context of Catholic school classes, activities, or events…” arguing that ‘‘people should be able to, and encouraged to, celebrate who they are and, more importantly, how God made them, including LGBTQ people. 

Previously Pope Francis commended his work, saying that his ministry seeks to “imitate the style of God” and that “your pastoral zeal and your ability to be close to people, with the closeness that Jesus had, and which reflects the closeness of God.”

In a new post on social media, Martin announced that Francis has reappointed him to another five-year term as the consultor for the Vatican’sVatican’s Dicastery for Communication which is the office that helps to coordinate “the communications coming from the Holy Father, the Holy See and the Vatican in general.”

And people wonder why we don’t believe the Pope when it comes to same sex marriage. Actions speaker louder than words, and the decrepit Pontiff’s habit of doing one thing and saying another is all but shouting at this point.


PCA Pastor Says Your Marriage Should Be As Committed as Some Homosexual Marriages

A Presbyterian (PCA) pastor known for his promotion of the REVOICE conference is under fire for suggesting that to have the credibility to speak on the subject of the acceleration of LBGTQ ideology into the mainstream and how it affects society, one’s heterosexual marriage needs to be as committed as some homosexual ones are.

Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, in a conversation with Jeff Norris of Perimeter Church, explains:

“If you’re a Christian and you’re you’re distressed about the the acceleration of LBGTQ into the mainstream and how it affects society, how it affects your kids etc, and maybe you consider yourself kind of a culture warrior for biblical marriage, please realize that the very first responsibility that you have to have any right to speak into these things, is to have a biblical marriage.

Which means you’re not looking at porn, which means that you are not only not committing infidelity against your spouse, but you are actively pursuing your spouse and and leaning into a dynamic in your relationship with your spouse that pictures Christ and the church as it’s portrayed to us in Ephesians 5.

If you don’t have your own marriage and sexuality within your marriage in order, then you’ve got no business being a more moral bullhorn for culture or for anyone else. So let’s just make sure that we have the moral authority to be able to even talk about these things with any level of concern 

 So many of these conversations that actually could have gone really well were a reality of of moral inconsistency on the part of the one who’s doing the preaching about how other people need to look at their lives in this regard.

“Ask yourself: is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages. You know, some gay marriages are deeply committed, as as out of step with Scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least, you know, on the same level of commitment in your biblical marriage. You know, so that at least you have grounds from which to, you know, have some sort of credibility.”

The problem is that theologically speaking, gay marriage is no more a marriage than a man who kidnaps a 10-year-old girl and “marries” her in some hidden room in his basement. Saul’s error is making the compassion in the first place. ‘Gay marriage’ is not just a type of marriage that is merely “out of step with scripture,” but rather, it is a monstrously sick, grotesque aberration.

It is thoroughly blasphemous and is a representation of unrestrained defiance to the word of God. The scriptures say, ‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’ If marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be a picture of Christ’s headship and love for the church, then what does it say about that love and headship when there are two men or two women?

It is no less than a declaration that Christ does not love his church, did not give himself up for her to make her holy, did not cleanse her by the washing with water through the word, and did not present HER to HIM self as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

We close with these comments:


Exclusive: ‘Five Iron Frenzy’ is Pro-Gay +Pro-Choice

A few months ago, we broke the story that the ‘Christian‘ band Relient K came out as pro-LGBTQ after inviting open and unrepentantly gay musician Semler to join them on their upcoming tour. Semler is a queer artist and is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly held the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts.

Semler has openly advocated for LGBTQ allies to shout out “gay rights” during Christian concerts to force the bands to comment publicly and confront their views on the issue. She recently made news after doing this same thing at a Switchfoot concert, resulting in lead singer Jon Foreman Releasing a pro-LGBTQ TikTok video.

Seemingly on a quest to catch the eye of every Christian Band out there, she received a word of thanks from Reese Roper, frontman of the group Five Iron Frenzy and Brave Saint Saturn, after giving his music a shout-out on the EleventyLife Podcast. Roper let her know that he and the band were on her side and that they were good with the gays.

Five Iron Frenzy pioneered Christian Ska in the 1990’s, joining bands like the Insyderz and the OC Supertones as mainstays on every playlist. Formed in 1995 and breaking up 2003, they’ve grouped for a few shows here and there, even releasing new music in the last two decades. With albums such as Upbeats and BeatdownsOur Newest Album Ever!All the Hype That Money Can Buy, and Electric Boogaloo, they became known for their off-the-beat lyrics, frenetic energy, and eventual increasingly commitments to social justice causes and themes of society breakdown.

These causes have blossomed.

In a 2020 interview with IVM, Roper explains that he wrote ‘Fahrenheit’ in 2000 for and about gay people, but became angry at himself for chickening out and adding a line about hating the sin and loving the sinner, betraying his belief at that time that “love is love” whether it be straight or gay.

More importantly, it was time to write a song for LGBTQ people, and not care what the Christian Booksellers Association felt about it. I chose myself as the person to point the finger at, and Fahrenheit was born. At the time- this was far past the envelope for a band in our position. I tried. Where I was in my faith at that point, was coming to term with accepting and loving my friends and family members who had come out as Gay, Lesbian, and Trans.

I wanted to speak from love, and say I was sorry for my own sin of homophobia. Please don’t forgive me for this, because it was the most we could say at the time, or because I was still growing in my faith. I knew that it was wrong when I wrote that words “Love the sinner, hate the sin”, and I did it to slowly edge into the volatility of the Christian market.

It was cowardly, and I know this. But, I was working through it, and that song was born. I could have left that line out, but some failure of my moral compass sought to pacify both the Evangelical Church, and what I knew to be right. Love is love, people.”

Over the years his belief that homosexuality is perfectly normal and acceptable has not waned but only increased, tweeting out support for PRIDE on several occasions.

More than this, Five Iron Frenzy has several members who are no longer Christians, having renounced their faith a long time ago. Joined with Reese, they began to manifest the fruit of their deconstruction, releasing a song decrying those who would “vote to stop abortions” as rancorous and poisonous; a theme Roper would come back to repeatedly, particularly in light of the overturning of Roe v Wade, which has him frequently fired up.

Sadly, they are not the first band to apostatize like this, and they won’t be the last.


Bank Terminates Client’s Account After He Complains About Rainbow-Themed App

The third largest bank in Canada, Scotiabank, has shut down a customers account and told him to take his business elsewhere after he inquired* how he could remove the company’s rainbow-themed banking app.

As reported by Rebel News, Gary Duke of Grand Prairie banked with Scotiabank for over a decade and was otherwise happy with the service, even having his mortgage at one point with the multinational company. When Scotiabank updated their app for PRIDE month to reflect their love of all things gay, Duke spoke to assistant Branch Manager Mitchell Tofte via email to complain and request information on how to uninstall the app.

“I just tried to get online with an do some banking online and there was a rainbow app. So I said “is there any way to get this rainbow app off my phone?”

Rather than help him uninstall it, after some unspecified back-and-forth, he was ultimately greeted by this message:

According to Scotiabank, they’re been “recognized as one of the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality”. Scotiabank achieved a perfect 100 percent score on the HRC’s most recent Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a nationally-recognized benchmarking report on corporate policies and practices in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) workplace equality.”

*We’re not privy to the rest of their conversation. He may have said some un-PC things about their LGBTQ allyship which may have contributed to his boot, or it may have been straight up the way he described it. We’ve reached out to Duke for clarification.


Rare Gathering of Anglican Bishops Sees Spineless Archbishop of Canterbury Collapse to LGBTQ Lobby

The Anglican Church is led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is an all-around simpish and effete hireling. For decades the church has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, repeatedly proving that many within the 26-million-member denomination are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teaching in marriage, least of all their foremost leaders.

During their Lambeth Conference, a rare gathering of the bishops of the Anglican Communion that takes place approximately once every ten years (the last one was in 2008), Welby chastised bishops who wanted to discipline and expel pro-LGBTQ congregants and churches, saying that as Anglicans, they don’t expel other Christians just because they disagree on whether or not God is glorified in a man sticking his member in another man’s anus, is some grotesque bastardization of holy and true sex acts.

They don’t kick out other Christians from fellowship just because they’re openly defying church teachings. Not at all! Instead, Welby says that the church must be united, not understating that you can’t be united over a lie.

We’re not at liberty to choose our brothers and sisters, our siblings. Of course, we have groups with different views. Of course, they are God’s gift to us because the different view will often challenge us and changes our minds; it can be prophetic. But we do not, as I said earlier, go down the road of expelling other Christians.” 

He went on:

“I am very conscious that the Archbishop of Canterbury is to be a focus of unity and is an Instrument of Communion. That is a priority. I neither have, nor do I seek, the authority to discipline or exclude a church of the Anglican Communion. I will not do so. I may comment in public on occasions, but that is all.”

Where Anglicanism is growing, such as in African countries, the conservative bishops there have been vocal that homosexuality is a sin and church teaching on the subject ought to be enforced. The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) keeps publicly wailin’ on other Anglicans that don’t uphold The Call on Human Dignity, which is a 1998 resolution “upholding marriage between a man and a woman and renouncing homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” much to the chagrin and embarrassment of Welby.

Welby conceded during the conference that the church does indeed teach that homosexuality is a sin but still refuses to separate from or discipline those who believe otherwise. This caused South Sudanese Primate Rev. Justin Badi to tell Church Times:

Today, in Canterbury, we may be ‘gathered together’, but we most certainly cannot ‘walk together’ until Provinces which have gone against scripture — and the will of the consensus of the bishops — repent and return to orthodoxy. The Communion is not in a healthy condition at present, and only major surgery will put that right.”


Church Holds ‘Pride Worship Service’ Featuring all LGBTQ Songs

A progressive church recently held a “Pride Worship” service- honoring Pride Month by ensuring nearly all the songs they sang for worship were inclusive and contained pro-sodomite propaganda in some way.

The horrid service was held June 2, 2022, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI. Several gay and trans speakers spoke about the need for queer inclusion interspaced with pro-LGBTQ hymns, using the story of Ruth and the way she and Naomi clung to each other after the death of Elimelek as a model of queerness.

One speaker claimed “there’s nothing quite so queer as having to forge deep love and devotion in the wake of sudden death….” and later “(Naomi tells Ruuth) ‘I’m gonna help you figure out how to hook up with that rich man. Make sure you wear this perfume because he likes this perfume. Shimmy a little bit, because this is also queer love and this is also queer empowerment.”

Naturally, the church is part of the ELCA, the thoroughly pagan denomination perpetually in a fistfight with the United Church of Christ and the PCUSA to see who can hate and blaspheme Christ the hardest. Songs brought forward by the damned and dying ‘church’ included:

Build a Longer Table by David Bjorlin, a hymnist who advocates for LGBTQ inclusion and who has written songs for the Queer Hymnody.

Build a broader doorway, not a longer fence.
Love protects all people, sparing no expense.
When we embrace compassion more than fear,
Christ tears down our fences: all are welcome here

Unnamed song. Half these queer hymns are so obscure they’re not even searchable. Who knows who wrote this one.

“God gave this world a gift
The day that you were born
And though life can be hard
Because of who you love
No matter what you do
No matter who you are
God’s always by your side
You’re God’s beloved child

As we Gather at your Table. Carl P. Daw/ Some Pagan. They bastardized this wonderful hymn and added a fourth pro-queer verse not found in the original.

In Jesus Christ we all are siblings
Gathered in God’s love divine
All genders, races, orientations
All are equal in God’s great design

Like nails on a chalkboard.

h/t Exposing the ERLC


As UMC Denomination Splits, Woke Pastor Laments ‘Orthodoxy has been Weaponized Against Us’

n recent a development related to the split of the United Methodist Church denomination, that rapscallion Christ-hating denomination who we recently wrote about in Woke Church Invites Congregants To Help Pay for Abortions and Abortion Pills and United Methodist University Declares God is a ‘Drag Queen’ and the ‘Transman’, 106 Florida conference churches have sued the Florida Annual Conference in response to the demand that each congregation pony up a large exit payment, arguing it is necessary to maintain possession of their church buildings after their departure from the denomination.

The churches leaving the conference cite the denomination’s insistence on the ordination of sodomite clergy in defiance of a ban on the blessing of sodomite unions and clergy in the denomination’s book of discipline. These churches are suing because they have a right to secede from the denomination and not forfeit their buildings, as the denomination has failed to apply established discipline procedures in the administration of the denomination. While the UMC is one of the most progressive denominations in the United States today, less progressive churches within the denomination reject sodomy, especially those in rural areas, even though they have acquiesced to worldly pressures on the issues of the ordination of women and the adoption of woke church theology.

In response to the impending break-up within the Florida Conference, UMC Pastor Michael Adam Beck published a piece entitled “The Weaponization of ‘Orthodoxy’”, in which he claims that the concept of orthodoxy is being weaponized against the United Methodist Denomination. 

So, when groups break off of Methodism in the name of preserving “orthodox theology”, I always find this intriguing. There has never been a single “orthodox theology” in history…

In reality, the term “orthodoxy” has been weaponized by various extremist camps to discredit groups that don’t agree with them. This is not dissimilar to the conflict Jesus experienced with some of the religious leaders.

To be clear, Beck, a far-left figure in the Florida United Methodist Conference, defends religious pluralism and homosexuality because “orthodox theology” doesn’t exist, because he believes that there has never been a uniformly accepted Christian Theology. Therefore, according to Beck, all Christian theologies must be accepted as equally valid choices. Beck’s interfaith views on evangelism mirror his views on “orthodox theology”. 

Beck’s position seems to be in line with the limp-wristed UMC mantra “Open hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors”, a position that has led to the acceptance of nearly every form of sexual perversion and an eagerness for interfaith dialogue that eclipsed and subverted the denomination’s missions and evangelism efforts. What point is there to evangelism if cultural relativism is true and every religion and culture has its own holy ground? The downgrade turned the once powerful denomination into one that is in perpetual decline in the United States. 

Ironically, Beck appeals to the theology of Irenaeus in his defense of what is Biblically indefensible.

Irenaeus gave us a grace-centred, holistic, and inclusive vision of human flourishing that has been core to the people called Methodists. The seeds of these ideas were taken up by liberation theologians who recognized how the physical embodiment of God’s justice could free the marginalized and the oppressed while simultaneously threatening the powerful and the comfortable.

Irenaeus’ most prominent work was entitled “Against Heresies” and most certainly doesn’t support the heresies of religious pluralism and liberation theology, as one might surmise from a short glance at the title. 


PBS Kid’s Show ‘Odd Squad’ Features Same-Sex Wedding, Much Indoctrination

Everything is gay and getting gayer in the secular world, and kids shows continue to be no exception. Several recent offerings include when Blue’s Clues Reboot Featured Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade, the time when the Cartoon Network Promoted Abortion and Ze/Zir Pronouns and when Disney Introduced 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’. Also the cartoon Arthur had a gay wedding and the most recent Rugrats reboot features a lesbian single mom.

Perhaps the biggest piece of propaganda that is emblematic of this whole affair is when Disney Junior pushed trans ideology on two-year-old’s using Muppet Babies.

PBS Kids has gotten into the action, with a recent episode of Odd Squad (Season 3, Episode 30) featuring a same-sex marriage officiated by one the main characters in an LGBQT storyline. This is puzzling plot, given then show is designed to teach 5-8 year children mathematics.

They’ve managed to do it however, when the main characters- superhero children- help put on a wedding between lesbians and then later on attend the wedding reception. According to Mombian:

The child agents of the Odd Squad, who use math to solve problems and save people, are hot on his trail. While in Paris to rescue the Eiffel Tower, the agents encounter two women in white wedding dresses, preparing for their ceremony. One agent tells everyone to clear the area because of the villain.

“But we’ve been waiting for this day for years,” one of the women responds. The other adds, “There’s no villain stronger than our love for each other.”

Another agent tries to problem solve, asking, “Could you get married fast?”

They could—except that their officiant, flower girl, and musicians aren’t there yet. The agents then swing into action, helping the brides with their outfits, tossing flower petals as they walk down the aisle, playing the harp, and even officiating.

An emergency phone call during the ceremony brings the news that the villain has struck again, but the brides ask the agent officiating to finish marrying them first. “I now declare you married. Have a wonderful life! Goodbye!” he says, before rushing off.

h/t Christian Post