Rare Gathering of Anglican Bishops Sees Spineless Archbishop of Canterbury Collapse to LGBTQ Lobby

The Anglican Church is led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is an all-around simpish and effete hireling. For decades the church has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, repeatedly proving that many within the 26-million-member denomination are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teaching in marriage, least of all their foremost leaders.

During their Lambeth Conference, a rare gathering of the bishops of the Anglican Communion that takes place approximately once every ten years (the last one was in 2008), Welby chastised bishops who wanted to discipline and expel pro-LGBTQ congregants and churches, saying that as Anglicans, they don’t expel other Christians just because they disagree on whether or not God is glorified in a man sticking his member in another man’s anus, is some grotesque bastardization of holy and true sex acts.

They don’t kick out other Christians from fellowship just because they’re openly defying church teachings. Not at all! Instead, Welby says that the church must be united, not understating that you can’t be united over a lie.

β€œWe’re not at liberty to choose our brothers and sisters, our siblings. Of course, we have groups with different views. Of course,Β they are God’s gift to us because the different view will often challenge us and changes our minds; it can be prophetic. But we do not, as I said earlier, go down the road of expelling other Christians.” 

He went on:

β€œI am very conscious that theΒ Archbishop of Canterbury is to be a focus of unity and is an Instrument of Communion. That is a priority.Β I neither have, nor do I seek, the authority to discipline or exclude a church of the Anglican Communion. I will not do so. I may comment in public on occasions, but that is all.”

Where Anglicanism is growing, such as in African countries, the conservative bishops there have been vocal that homosexuality is a sin and church teaching on the subject ought to be enforced. The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) keeps publicly wailin’ on other Anglicans that don’t uphold The Call on Human Dignity, which is aΒ 1998 resolutionΒ β€œupholding marriage between a man and a woman and renouncing homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” much to the chagrin and embarrassment of Welby.

Welby conceded during the conference that the church does indeed teach that homosexuality is a sin but still refuses to separate from or discipline those who believe otherwise. This caused South Sudanese Primate Rev. Justin Badi to tell Church Times:

Today, in Canterbury, we may be β€˜gathered together’, but we most certainly cannot β€˜walk together’ until Provinces which have gone against scripture β€” and the will of the consensus of the bishops β€” repent and return to orthodoxy. The Communion is not in a healthy condition at present, and only major surgery will put that right.”

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9 thoughts on “Rare Gathering of Anglican Bishops Sees Spineless Archbishop of Canterbury Collapse to LGBTQ Lobby

  1. “we’re not at liberty to choose our brothers and sisters … ”

    That’s right, it’s God’s decision, not yours. And His Word clearly says to kick out the sexually immoral, and not to associate with them. (1 Cor. 5, 2 Tim. 3, etc.).

  2. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth;” – Rom 1:16

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