
Another Catholic Church Blesses Same-Sex Couple After Pope Opens Pandora’s Box

Cracks continue to form in the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, with more and more priests blessing same-sex ‘marriages” following Pope Francis opening the floodgates with his demonic, schism-inducing Fiducia Supplican.

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, asking pagans to send him ‘good vibes’ and releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement.

And now this.

One such church taking advantage of their new freedom is the Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church in Lexington, KY. Following the news, they began advertising the service in their bulletins, resulting in a recent gay blessing. 

It’s only going to get worse.


Proof! SBC Megachurch First Baptist Orlando Knowingly Baptizes Homosexual Man Living in a Gay Marriage

First Baptist Church Orlando, the 14,000-member Southern Baptist megachurch led led by by David Uth, has knowingly baptized a gay man. Lest you think this is not a big deal because the baptizee may be celibate and non-practicing, he is nothing of the sort, recently having ‘married’ his ‘husband’ in a ceremony just last year.

You’ll recall that FBC Orlando is where Danny De Armas, the senior associate pastor, infamously offered a full-blown ecumenical statement devoid of any Gospel truth and antithetical to the teachings of Scripture by highlighting how many illegal immigrants, pro-choice democrats, and LGBTQ folk were ‘serving’ in his church.

We have transgender, LGBTQ, straight, single, married, divorced and cohabitating people. These same people attend listen, serve, grow and give…We have pro-life and pro-choice…And in the midst of all of this, we have one of the most beautiful worship experiences you can possibly imagine.

They meant it. The Gospel Gathering is a Bible study group led by Joe Mills. They have a Facebook group for the gathering, where the ‘About’ page reads “We are a group of Christian believers that want to worship God in a safe and nonjudgemental environment. Where all are welcome!” which should raise one’s discernment senses.

Mills also serves in the church, as can be seen by the nametag below:

And can frequently be seen in between Church services relaxing and socializing with other congregants:

Though not an official ministry of the church, pastor Danny De Armas knows about the Gospel Gatheirng Bible study, having taught it before:

In fact, that same pastor, senior associate pastor De Armas baptized Mills not too long ago, wearing the blue cap on the right while Lead student Pastor Chris Bacon helps in the backround.

This would all be well and good, if Joe Mills didn’t just marry a man last year, one he has spent the last 25 years with and living with.

So this SBC church is baptizing known homosexuals and allowing them to serve in the church, with the pastors there even help lead the studies. They know he’s married to a man, but apparently don’t care. This is a flagrant abuse of the scriptures, but at least we can’t say they never warned us.

To watch a video with more information about this, click below.

h/t to the Justin Peters Ministry for the story.


Free Speech and Free Press under Huge Assault in Montana by LGBT legal Network

(Mass Resistance) A conservative pastor who is the publisher of Montana’s largest and most influential conservative news site is being sued for “libel” by a bizarre transgender lobbyist. The leftist judge assigned to the case is also threatening the pastor with fines and a gag order even before the trial takes place.

This assault on free speech and free press is buttressed by the state’s far-left legal establishment and appears to be funded by the wealthy LGBT and Planned Parenthood lobby. The aggressive legal action, including an invasive “discovery” process of the pastor’s media operation, is clearly aimed to put the conservative news site and its subsidiary voices out of business. The radicals would even like to dictate what the pastor may say in his own church.


Montana Democrats are still reeling from the Republican blowout victory in the 2020 election. Republicans now have a super-majority in both houses of the Legislature, and hold the Governorship and all statewide offices (Attorney General, Secretary of State, Supervisor of Public Instruction, Auditor).

Paradoxically, the judiciary in Montana is dominated by leftists. The state’s only law school is at the very liberal University of Montana and the state’s lawyers – and thus the judges – are far more left-wing than the general population.

Just as in DC back in 2016, the Democrats’ response to the Republican sweep has been to lash out wildly. Leftist attorneys are using the liberal courts in Montana to challenge conservative bills passed in the 2021 legislative session (pro-life laws, the ban on transgender boys in girls’ sports, strengthening parents’ rights, reining in sex ed, strengthening election law, and banning discrimination on the basis of vaccination status). They are also contesting Attorney General Knudsen’s and Supervisor of Public Instruction Arntzen’s policies banning Critical Race Theory and declaring masks optional in schools.

One news site stands out

As in other conservative areas, the news media across the state is also horribly left-wing. The one prominent exception is the Montana Daily Gazette, published by Jordan (“JD”) Hall, who is also a Baptist minister. The Gazette is bold and straight-shooting, with a down-to-earth style – and is definitely not “PC.” It has caught the attention of Montanans tired of the other news outlets. On many days, the Gazette often claims the highest readership of any news source in Montana. Some say its fearless reporting contributed to the Republican sweep in the 2020 election.

Hall is also very influential in Montana through his other conservative Christian media. He runs the well-respected religious blog Protestia, the podcast Pulpit & Pen, and a radio station. He shares Christian truth without reservation.

While many conservatives are becoming reluctant to speak out publicly on hot-button issues, Pastor Hall is fearless – and has definitely become a thorn in the side of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at Mass Resistance.

Breaking Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA World Headlines

It’s Official! Pope Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions

In a move everyone paying attention could see coming, Pope Francis threw off further restraint and gave his hearty endorsement to same-sex civil unions in comments while being interviewed for the new feature-length documentary Francesco, which premiered at the Rome Film Festival this morning.

The film, directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, covers the last 7 and a half years of the Pope’s reign and comes across suspiciously like a hagiography that illuminates the Pontiff in adulatory and flowery language. It features discussion on his deep concern for injustice, illegal immigration, and environmental concerns, and includes the spicy scene in question midway through where while sitting down for an interview, he says:

Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. What we have to have is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

It’s not the first time that he has made controversial statements regarding Gay Marriage and the morality of homosexuality. He told a reproter in 2013, “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has goodwill, who am I to judge?”

One of the people that features prominently in the film is Juan Carlos Cruz, a sex-abuse victim of the Roman Catholic church who is also a homosexual. He is the chief whistleblower in the Chilean Romanist sex abuse scandal and spent 3 days in 2018 with Pope Francis, at the Vatican, telling CNN that in a private conversation with him Francis said:

You know Juan Carlos, that does not matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this. The Pope loves you like this and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say.

We also wrote about how last month, Pope Francis continued his trend of making off-the-cuff gay-affirming statements to those pushing him on the issue, telling a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.” 

Defenders of the Pope who are uncomfortable with these comments have already begun to regurgitate the same old defenses, saying that the pope is not speaking “ex-cathedra” and therefore is simply giving his opinion, flawed that it is.

The film has no release date yet.

Featured The Pen

PSA. Our Editorial Use of the Label ‘Homosexual/ Lesbian’

Given some of the commentary we received from our recent post on Jackie Hill Perry, we here at Protestia wanted to clear up any confusion or misapprehension about or use of the label ‘homosexual’ or ‘lesbian’ to describe different professing Christians, so that everyone has absolute clarity.

This has been our longstanding practice in Protestia articles: we will refer to any person who claims the Holy Spirit will not mortify their homosexuality and must continue to live with those passions as a homosexual.

We do not refer to Rosaria Butterfield, as much as we find her problematic, as a lesbian, because she professes to be free of the passions of her former ignorance. But we will continue to refer to Sam Allberry and his Gospel Coalition lesbian-harem as homosexuals.

This is how we deal with other kinds of sin regularly.

The person who still struggles with desires to get drunk is an alcoholic, regardless of whether or not they, in fact, get drunk. In addiction counseling (former L.A.C. here), they teach you there is no such thing as a “recovering alcoholic.” You are an alcoholic or you are not. There are alcoholics, and there are *former alcoholics* but there are no “recovering” ones.

We believe in the Holy Ghost and affirm that when the Lord saves you, he will sanctify your heart to no longer want the sins of your former life. Many thousands of former homosexuals have been completely freed of their passions by the Holy Ghost; but they are not featured at the Gospel Coalition (they are persona non grata).

We do not think it coincidental that those gay eunuch-class homosexuals at TGC who are regularly trotted out to refer to homosexuality as their “cross to bear” (sin is not a cross; the cross mortifies sin) are by-and-large ungodly subversive hominterns. I can’t think of a single exception to this rule.

You might disagree with his, but that is the editorial policy of Protestia. If we were not under attack by hominterns in the church, our decision might be different and the wording include some kind of caveat (but we can’t think of a short caveat). It would have to be phrased as something like, “former actively practicing homosexual who refuses to admit the sinfulness of homosexual desire and still desires to take part in the sin but is yoked by the law to avoid it rather than sanctified by the spirit to be set free of it.”

But that’s a lot of words, so we’re just going to use the word “homosexual” to refer to them. Thanks for listening.


We could put it in a much more simple way, now that we think about it:

“We make no distinction between being a homosexual and being Same-Sex Attracted (SSA), because that distinction is derived from the devil.”

Sincerely, the team at
Adapter from a FB Post.