
Y It’s Time to Ditch the YMCA

With Pride Month well underway, now is a fitting time to talk to our fellow Christians about their association with the YMCA. Some of you may have nothing more than a gym membership, while some may even have the misfortune of attending church in a Y (yes there are churches), but no matter your yoking comfort level, make no mistake: you’re supporting an organization that professes Christianity but is operating contrary to your core Christian beliefs. 

Is the above a hyperbolic overstatement bordering on slander? 

Well I’m glad you asked! 

Did you know the YMCA marches in various pride parades all around the US?

Did you know the YMCA blazed the trail to provide “gender affirming care” for its employees before legally obligated?

Did you know the YMCA promotes Planned Parenthood as a resource for teenagers seeking “health” related services?

But most importantly, did you know that the “C” in Y.M.C.A stands for Christian?

The last one may be the hardest to believe for some, and to many reading this article, anathematizing the YMCA years ago seemed just as obvious a decision as not partnering with the First Universalist Unitarian Church of San Francisco.

Yet there are still many Bible believing Christians under the impression that the Young Men’s Christian Athletes, or “Y” for short, is a solid, local, benevolent Christian Ministry. After all, the ministry is 180 years old and just like most ministries of that age, it tends to get more solid with time (just ask the United Methodists).

To start this rainbow journey, all one has to do is visit the Facebook page of your neighborhood Y and look at their focus in the month of June. The pride graphics you see emblazoned all over their timeline are passed to the local Y by the national Y, but this is just the beginning. You’ll not only see a stand of solidarity to all things LGBTQ+, but you’ll see a call to action to march. Pick any city and the Y is probably marching as we speak.

The Y also offers a wide range of pride merch to wear when you march alongside them at your local pride event.

One shirt offered since 2019 titled “Where there’s a Y, There’s a Way” might cause you to ask, “What way?” The back of the shirt provides the answer– all ways and all religions.

Now, where the Christian would say there is only “One Way–Christ Jesus”– the Y.M.[insert all religions here]A., would beg to differ. 

Another expression of Christian virtue from the YMCA comes in the form of full throated support of Illinois codified gender affirming bathroom laws.

In 2023, you may have heard of a 16 year old swimmer Abbigail Wheeler, who participated in the YMCA Springfield youth female swim team. One day after practice she became the unfortunate witness to an unsettling visual: a discernibly male figure changing in the same bathroom as her.

When she and her family pressed the YMCA to take a stand for young women by petitioning the leadership and even organizing a protest over the bathroom policy, the YMCA offered no support to her. Instead, they went so far as to poke holes in her story and side with the state of Illinois to such a degree that she and her family felt they had no choice but to end their association to the YMCA.

This has happened on more than one occasion at various YMCAs; males changing around female minors in their facilities and the Y responding in the same way. Instead of aligning with Christian values and at the very least expressing a solidarity with the plight of these young women, the YMCA chooses not only to remain neutral by claiming their hands are tied, but in reality deciding to position themselves as the antagonist by their very own mission statement.

These types of horror stories go on and on. The American Life League has a great expose here.

The YMCA not only leans heavily into LGBTQ+ affirming causes, they’re also on mission to amalgamate Christian Churches into their organization. 

In many cities across the nation, the YMCA hosts a yearly event called “The Annual Good Friday Breakfast”. These events sometimes can host up to six hundred guests, many of them pastors, where the YMCA praises itself to establish credibility with its patrons and shares its current vision for the city, all in effect to unify itself to the listening Christians in the room.

Another way the YMCA is working to yoke itself to Christianity is through church planting within its many facilities. For instance, there are twelve YMCA branches in the greater Indianapolis area. Of those twelve locations, eight have quasi-independent churches paying rent within their facilities.

Now you may assume that those churches affirm LGBTQ by the very nature of yoking themselves to YMCA ministry, but you would be wrong. 

Of the eight churches researched, three were found to have a section in their statement of faith affirming the sanctity of marriage being between one man and one woman.

How can this be? Is it ignorance or just complacency? Who can know, but a church yoking itself proudly to a ministry that violates Christian doctrine so openly is definitely a product of our time. A virtue signal to the world to let them know you are enthusiastically welcoming but not quite fully affirming…yet.

In truth, the YMCA has long been a bizarre organization, even having a disco song written about the “goings on” within its many facilities, a hint as to Y the Y is the Y that it is today.

(Boy George was even commissioned by the YMCA to sing a remake of the song a few years ago.)

It’s clear the YMCA plays both sides of the fence by presenting itself as a Christian ministry to those who would consider it Christian and as an ally to those geared toward progressive ideologies. 

You cannot have both bitter water and sweet come from the same fountain, and what fellowship does light have with darkness?

With all that being said Christian, this June, the choice is clear:

You Must Cease Associating with the YMCA.


The YMCA also has a goal called “Vision 2030” That they state closely aligns UN Sustainable Development Goals aka Agenda 2030

Yes, that Agenda 2030.

Note: This guest article was written by Ian Franklin and published with permission in its entirety.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News Op-Ed

LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching “Gay Christianity”

CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) has been subjecting its staff to nearly seven hours of video materials promoting  SSA (Same-sex attraction) “Side B Christianity” – promoting patently unbiblical and damaging views on gender, sex, sin, and marriage – as evidenced by CRU curriculum that recently leaked online.

CRU’s LGBTQ-accepting training materials feature Revoice heretic Preston Sprinkle and “mixed-orientation marriage” Rachel Gilson telling CRU staffers that God is powerless over homosexual attraction, comparisons between the church’s supposed bad treatment of the LGBTQ “community” and Nazi treatment of gays, and full acceptance of “homosexual” and “transgender” as cultures needing gospel contextualization like any other ethnicity.

Within the various training videos, CRU staff are encouraged to “agree with and to live out our theological teachings, both Side A (open homosexuality in Christianity) and Side B (“celibate” homosexuality) theology, and accept the unbiblical presuppositions that God creates people as “homosexuals” and “transgender.”  Trainees are encouraged to change “how they believe” instead of “what they believe” in order to be sensitive to the LGBTQ “community.”

The training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]” without “affirming behaviors and beliefs,” and a bevy of self-described “transgenders,” “cisgenders,” and “whatevergenders” encouraging CRU members to deliberately avoid confrontation regarding behavior the Bible clearly attributes to those who are lost and dead in trespasses and sin, given over to shameful lusts (Romans 1:26-27).

CRU has been exposed for years as falling down the social justice and cultural Marxism rabbit hole (famously evident in their 2015, 2107, and 2019 conferences), for being funded by George Soros going as far back as 2012, and for recently ignoring their own staff, who documented multitudinous problems with the organization in a comprehensive expose. The organization’s Christ-dishonoring compromises have been chronicled by Jon Harris, Allie Beth Stuckey, the Dissenter, World Magazine, and right here at Protestia. Yet this recent leak is perhaps the most comprehensive evidence since last year at Liberty University when Rosaria Butterfield infamously called out “Revoice, Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference sponsored by his heretical Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender and CRU” as organizations subversively pushing “Side B” theology on unsuspecting Christian college students. In response to the “oohs” from the crowd, Butterfield reminded them, “I got the receipts, people”:

Now, the receipts include CRU’s indoctrination video training, which is sure to expose what the organization would much rather keep hidden from donors who still believe it is promoting biblical Christianity on college campuses. Watch a small but indefensible sampling of their training below:


Christian Adoption Agency Sues Biden Admin For Right To Deny Babies to Gay Couples

Last year, a major so-called’ Christian’ organization revealed itself to be a treacherous two-fold son of hell after Bethany Christian Services, the largest Christian adoption and foster agency in the United States announced they would be offering their adoption services to homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered couples, with President and Chief executive Chris Palusky telling 1500 staff members in an email message, “We will now offer services with the love and compassion of Jesus to the many types of families who exist in our world today….”

6 months later, they surprised no one after explaining how they had all received training to become “anti-racists,” they released an annual report that Warned White Parents Against Adopting Black Children.

With those cowards and traitors marked and avoided, we’re glad to say that there’s at least one Christian Adoption Agency that hasn’t bowed the knee to satan and the gay agenda.

The Holston United Methodist Home for Children, (HUMHC) a foster agency in Tennesee, is taking the Biden Administration to courts, filing a federal lawsuit and rightly claiming that their religious freedoms are being trampled and violated on account of their refusal to place children in homosexual homes or give prospective children to Shirley and Sandra to abuse by raising them with two mommies.

According to LGBTQ Nation, HUMHC is “alleging that the Department’s rules that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in foster programs that get federal money violate their rights.” They explain in their lawsuit:

“It would substantially burden Holston Home’s exercise of its religious beliefs to knowingly engage in child placing activities in connection with couples who may be romantically cohabitating but not married, or who are couples of the same biological sex,”

Yea and Amen! A surprising move by an organization that has “United Methodist” in their title, but one that is greatly admired.

Alliance Defending Freedom will be defending the foster agency.

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA

Lesbian Evangelical Superstar: God told me ‘Don’t Even Worry About Being Straight’

Jackie Hill Perry, fresh from saying that all white people are Racists, that White People Only Care about Black Folk in the Womb , continues to serve as one of the worst authorities on the theology of same-sex, giving in interview after interview the sort of advice that denies the power of the gospel while relegating sodomy as the one sin Christ cannot sanctify.

We’ve previously explained that the resident gaytheist is just one of a whole gaggle of lesbians trotted out by the Gospel Coalition and its shell company, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (they share board members, writers, and contributors, including Jackie Hill Perry). By and large she is accompanied by a whole host of other lesbian gals, all of whom give a semblance of mumbling, self-unassured and unenthusiastic affirmation of the sin of actual sodomy, but none of whom believe the desire is sinful and none of whom believe sanctification can change their sinful passions.

This is seen no more clearly than in an interview with Hold My Mule, where same-sex attraction is functionally removed from God’s reach and ability to affect, even as she claims that she felt God tell her that being straight is something that she should not even worry about.

I feel the need to make that make that a point (that her same-sex thoughts have not been removed) Because another problematic assumption that people bring into all their conversations with those who are same-sex attracted, is that to come to Jesus means that you will be straight, that you will not experience the temptations that come with being whoever it is, that you call yourself to be. But that implies that to be a Christian is to not have temptation, yet, we serve a God who is tempted in all respects, yet without sin. And so how are you telling me that to be like Christ means that I won’t struggle, that’s nowhere in the Bible.

No one is saying it won’t be a struggle, but Perry routinely conflates never struggling with never having those feelings and inclinations lessened. She almost always will address the former but never the latter. For her, it’s a given both that God will practically never turn the gay man or woman straight, but also that he will never progressively conform them to him in a way that the temptations are lessened, and the desire for the opposite sex is increased.

And so I say all that to say, when I first came, when I felt the Lord calling me to himself, I was just like, ‘all right, I don’t really want to be straight, though’. This is what I told God in my conversation with him in my room. And I felt like God was saying, like, ‘don’t even worry about all that, like, Come, I’m calling you to me, I want you to love me, I want you to serve me. And we’ll work all of that out’.

Yeah…God didn’t tell you that. Someone needs to ask where why in her worldview, sodomy is the one unsanctifiable sin.

And so, initially, it was very hard because I was in a relationship with my girlfriend at the time. And I loved her, and I enjoyed her. And there was a real intimacy and a real love that we have for one another, that I then had to let go, in an effort to honor God as best as I could.

That was not ‘real love’ in the same way that a pedophile does not have ‘real love’ for the child chained up in his basement. Homosexuals are not capable of experiencing ‘real love’ but rather only selfish, sinful, self-serving and perverse affections.

But that didn’t mean that the attractions went away, it just meant that I had to find somewhere to put them, you know? I had to really believe God when He said that he is a great high priest- that I could come to his throne of grace, for help in my time of need, and I’m just one of those kinds of people that I’ve come to recognize that my time of need is always. And so I’m always needing to go to his throne of grace. Um, so I think that’s one of the things that I’ve just come to see is that man, temptation, as it is expressed, and being same-sex attracted, may not ever change for me.

I am a woman who was married to a man functionally heterosexual, love him, I like him, I enjoy him yet at the same time, I’m still very much attracted to women. Yet, I love God more than what I am tempted by. And so because of that, I am willing to disregard and suppress which the Bible tells me to do not suppress the truth, but suppress my sinful nature.

If a thief is saved and the Holy Spirit sanctifies him, is it unreasonable to suppose that his covetousness and his desire to take what does not belong to him will lessen over time, to the point that he no longer is a thief? Or do we take Perry’s perspective that he will always desire to steal, and that despite having a new heart of flesh, the most he can hope for is the power to not engage in thievery, despite the continued, unabated, overwhelming need to?

If a wife beater is saved and the Holy Spirit sanctifies him, is it unreasonable to suppose that his wrath and desire to throw his wife’s head into the fridge will lessen to the point that he is no longer a spouse abuser? Or do we take Perry’s perspective that he will always have a short fuse and will always view his wife with rage and feel the desire to hurt her? That despite having a new heart of flesh, the most he can hope for is the power to resist the temptation to paint her black and blue, despite the continued, unyielding, unabated, overwhelming need to?

If a habitual adulterer is saved and the Holy Spirit sanctifies her, is unreasonable to suppose that her lust and unfaithfulness will lessen and cease altogether, to the point that she will become faithful and loyal? Or do we take Perry’s perspective that she will always have a desire for her neighbor’s husband and a disregard for her own? That the most she can hope for is the power to resist the temptation to act on her sinful desires, despite the continual, unyielding desire to cheat on her husband and shame him and bring sexual sin into the bedroom?

If a habitual liar is saved and the Holy Spirit sanctifies her, is it unreasonable to suppose that her propensity to deceive will lessen, to the point that she will be known for her honesty and integrity? Or do we take Perry’s perspective that she will always have the overwhelming need to lie to everyone around her? That despite having a new heart of flesh, the most she can hope for is the power to tell the truth more, despite the continued, unchanging, overwhelming need to spread untruths?

Christ sanctifies every area of those he justifies. Unnatural affections are not the one exception or the one thing in this life that is beyond the reach of the omniscient, omnipotent Lord of glory.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

Rachel Held Evans Releases Heretical Book Posthumously from Hell

Rachel Held Evans, the progressive gadfly that was on the wrong side of every controversial issue and point of doctrine plaguing the western church today and who passed away in 2019, is set to have her final book be released next week, giving her one more chance to spread false doctrine from beyond the grave.

The book, titled Wholehearted Faith, is the last adult book to be published by Evans, who made her name by publicly chronicling her departure from anything that could be considered the historical Christian faith. She was openly pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, and a functioning universalist. Evans completed around 12,000 pages of the manuscript, which serves as a memoir of sorts for those wrestling with doubts and questions but don’t wish to leave the faith altogether.

Fittingly, her husband, who is an agnostic, brought in Jeff Chu, an openly gay family friend to finish the document. Chu cobbled together her notes, blog articles, speeches, tweets, and the rest of her body of work to form a cohesive document comprised of a series of essays explaining how one can trudge a path toward progressive Christianity and all the doubt that will entail, without the constraints of conservative evangelicals to cloud the way.

As such, the book brings us such gems as:

I am not afraid to say that many in the church have been agents of death for many women, for queer and trans people, for people of color, for immigrants and refugees, for disabled people, for all manner of minority. Many in the church have not proclaimed good news. They have not declared hope and possibility, justice and welcome.


I affirm LGBTQ people because they are human beings, created in the image of God. I affirm their sexual orientations and gender identities because they reflect the diversity of God’s good creation.

The book will likely be lauded by the evangelical intelligentsia as eye-opening, powerful, and magnetic, but for faithful believers, it will serve as a somber reminder that absent a deathbed confession and conversion, one we hope and pray the Lord gave her, it stands as a testament to how far she had fallen and how lost she had become.


DC Comics Confirms: Superman is a Sodomite

The rumors are true: superman has gone gay and has become a social justice warrior, according to Tom Taylor, who proudly writes the series. It will not be Clark Kent who begins to ‘explore’ his sexuality, given that his commitment to Lois Lane has long been canon, but rather will be their superhero offspring, Jon Kent, who will become the token gay hero.

It is not surprising, as since his new series began, Superman: Son of Kal-El, Jon Kent’s storylines have been ripped from the headlines, including stopping a school shooting, protesting FOR illegal immigrants and against the deportation of refugees, and battling against wildfires caused by global warming and disrespecting the environment.

Taylor explains that with this new superhero to mold, things will not be business as usual.

“The idea of replacing Clark Kent with another straight white savior felt like a missed opportunity,new Superman had to have new fights — real world problems — that he could stand up to as one of the most powerful people in the world

In 2015 Batman’s on/off-again love interest Catwoman was written into being bisexual. Batwoman was shown to be a lesbian in 2006. Characters like Bluebird, Barbara Kean, and Tabitha Galavan have been written as bisexual, and several Batman villains like the Riddler, The Penguin, Poison Ivy, Joker, and Harley Quinn have also been in LGBTQ storylines and depicted as bisexual.

Basically, everyone is a flaming sodomite because that’s the way the world is now.

bad theology Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA

‘Fastest Growing Megachurch’ that Became ‘Gay-affirming’ Goes from 8K members to 150 ‘New Agers’ Meeting Online

Ryan Meeks, the “impastor” of EastLake Church in Bothell, WA announced that he has stepped down from the church he founded nearly 16 years ago, a fitting end for a heretic hellbent on leading his flock of goats astray.

In 2015, Meeks famously announced that his 8000-member multi-site campus would be gay-affirming, making it the biggest church in North America to do so and garnering international headlines and acclaim from progressives and mainstream media. At the time he claimed that nothing would change and that this was their only shift in theology.

With the announcement, thousands left and the church lost millions of dollars. They laid off staff and closed campuses. Within two years, he stopped pretending to be a Christian altogether as he began to openly repudiate the bible, exclaiming “I don’t care if the Bible says, ‘Gay people suck.’ The Bible is pro-slavery, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. It doesn’t have a very great view of women leading and teaching. I have lots of things I disagree with about the Bible.”

Four years later, he now describes himself as a “washed-up ex-mega church pastor-turned-mystic humanist psychonaut.” The church is a new age-secular humanist repository, and there is nothing Christian about it.

In his farewell message, Weeks explains that his church “is an idea. It’s an incendiary idea. And in many ways, it was a laboratory for unorthodox and heretical ideas, which was really fun for me.” For the 150 or so people that have remained, they stay because he has been “reimagining the boundaries of what God means” while revealing that the congregation has has “re-democratized love” and deconstructed God so that he became “a unitive loving awareness that sometimes hits you at a sunrise or a sunset or at a concert or in lovemaking.”

Looking back on his journey, he acknowledges that “the slippery slope is real” and that his gay-affirming stance was the floodgate to his heresy.

There have been many, many iterations of what EastLake has been. I mean you think about any point in time. At one point you could have called us a tiny fledgling church plant and then we were a purpose-driven church health award winner in 2006. [Purpose-driven church? Isn’t that another fellow of questionable theology named Rick Warren? You know it is… -Ed.] And we were one of Outreach Magazines fastest-growing churches in America and we were a multi-site evangelical megachurch and we’re a hologram church – that didn’t work, that’s one of the funny ones.

At one point we became an open the largest evangelical open and affirming church and from there we really made a lot of shifts and all of a sudden I think we were something like a progressive Christian church and then we were a rapidly declining church and I don’t know what we ended up, you know a not church or some sort of ‘interfaith spiritual goulash.’

It’s been wild and when I think back through all of that I’m just amazed but I also learned that the slippery slope is real, and I don’t mean that in a negative sense I know that phrase is used negatively, but sometimes if I write a book I may have a chapter called ‘my fantastic ride down the slippery slope’ because it’s true. It’s been wild and it’s certainly come with pain.

The church has been meeting online only and is down to a little over 150 people.

bad theology LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Gay ‘Pastor’ Says There Isn’t a Single Verse That Condemns Homosexual Relationships

(Reformation Charlotte) Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate for sexual immorality and teaches that premarital sex is “good” and “healthy.” Of course, conservative Bible-believing Christians would never consider Robertson’s claims to Christianity valid, but the world sees things like this and brings reproach upon Christ.

Robertson made the news earlier this year when he claimed that Jesus used a “racial slur” in Mark chapter 7 during the account of the Syrophoenician woman. Robertson said that the woman essentially bucked up to Jesus causing Jesus to “repent” of his racism and then “do the work” he was supposed to do. Obviously absurd.

He’s also claimed that Jesus doesn’t desire our worship because “only the Gospel of John” says he does.

Now, in one of the most absurd claims…

To continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte

Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Switchfoot’s Jon Foreman Releases Pro-LGBTQ+ Tiktok Video

Switchfoot’s Jon Foreman has responded to the coaxing of a queer “Christian” artist questioning his pro-LGBTQ+ creds, telling her that LGBTQ+ people are always welcome at his concerts and that he supports gay rights and freedoms.

This was all kicked started after musician Semler shouted “Gay rights!” at a Switchfoot concert, something she advocates doing.

Semler is a queer artist and is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. Her real name is Grace Semler Baldridge, she’s a butch lesbian who’s married to a woman while purposefully altering her appearance to look like a man—giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgendered.

Explaining that “Christians are disproportionately harmful to LGBTQ people, her goal was to wear her Pride shirt and shout out “Gay rights!” in between songs and then tagging the band on TikTok, hoping that he’ll respond to her in an affirming message and not do some bait and switch like “I love you too.” (By “gay rights” she means the right to marry, the right to be free from discrimination, the right to access any bathroom they or transgendered allies choose, and a host of other ones.) According to Semler, because Christians have been specific in their hurt, they need to be specific in their affirmation.

Lead singer Jon Foeman did not disappoint, responding to her in a way that left her feeling completely affirmed.

Hey Grace. How are you doing? I’m so honored you came to your show last night. I saw your story and wanted to respond and tell you ‘Yes, I support your rights and freedoms.’

I want you to feel loved and supported. I want you to feel treasured and valued and seen. I want all love and joy and beauty and truth for you. Love and embrace have always been central to our story and our song. We need our differences. I’m so glad that you were there last night. In fact, it breaks my heart to think that you would not be accepted.

Let me correct that. You and your journey and your story are welcome at a Switchfoot show.

I said something like this last night and I TRULY meant it: if you look different than me, if you vote different than me, if you believe different than me, if you love different than me: you are beloved. You are my sister. You are my brother. I need you, like you need me, like I need you, like you need me.

Our music has always been for anyone whose open-minded enough to jump into the dialogue. Agnostic. Atheist, Consumerist. Jewish. Muslim. Doubters. Believers. Haters. Lovers. LGBTQ+ and everyone else brave enough to look for meaning and truly jump into that.

No one else is an expert on someone else’s experience. And I can’t pretend to know your pain, I can only know my own, but I know what’s like to feel like you don’t fit in…I don’t know your pain, but I know what it’s like to wrestle with depression and anxiety. I know what it’s like to feel voiceless in a hypocritical culture that feels deeply flawed. I know what that feels like.

And I’m sure you’ve received all sorts of pain and hardship along the way. I’m so sorry. May these wounds heal, may you transcend them, that these wounds would not define you but that you would define them. May you find peace and truth and love on your journey. Keep writing songs, keep creating beauty, keep reaching out, and keep being honest, chasing beauty and truth and light and love. Keep choosing to see the good in people, even folks who might be different than you.

With all love and respect, I hope to see you around sometime.

Semler took his words to heart, explaining that her takeaway is that they are affirming, a comment he later would like and give a little heart to.

I don’t know if you know how meaningful that affirmation was. I am interpreting what you said as being affirming. If I’m incorrect in that, then I really hope you would clarify. Because I think for many queer people of faith, the bait and switch of hearing such encouraging words like yours and then finding out it means something else is heartbreaking.

We have reached out to Switchfoot for comment and will update accordingly.

Coronavirus LGBTQQIP2SAA

Big Eva Favorite ‘Christian’ Scientist Lauds Pride Month, Promises be a Good ‘Ally’

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins, the acclaimed scientist, geneticist, and professing Christian, released a statement several months ago for PRIDE month, where he publically revealed himself to be thoroughly compromised on the Christian’s view of LGBTQ issues and the scriptures, offering them his personal support as an “ally” and regurgitating all the progressive talking points while using progressive language that those interested in tearing down the biblical view of family have.

The (NIH) is the primary agency of the United States government and is responsible for biomedical and public health research, compromised of nearly 20,000 employees and having an annual budget of 42 billion dollars. For this reason, it is no surprise that the organization might issue a woke statement, using “we” language to represent everyone as a matter of policy. They certainly have a media relations team that would put out such a statement.

Yet Collins’s letter is personal. We don’t know why he felt he had to release a statement in the first place, but even if he as the Director was being pressured to and he was forced to under penalty of losing his job, he personalizes it using “I” rather than “we,” saying among other things:

  •  I applaud the courage and resilience it takes for individuals to live openly and authentically
  •  As a White cisgender and heterosexual man, I have not had the same experiences, but I am committed to listening, respecting, and supporting those individuals as an ally and advocate.
  • I know that developing allyship is critical as we continue to make NIH, and the world, a more inclusive place for all.
  • For that reason, I am excited to share this year’s Pride theme, Allyship in Action
  •  To address this need, I am proud to announce that NIH recently funded a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine consensus study to review current measures and methodological issues related to measuring sex as a non-binary construct.
  • I hope that you join me this Pride Month in exemplifying allyship and celebrating the broad diversity of SGM communities.

There is one thing about working for an organization that puts out statements in support of so-called “sexual minorities” that celebrates sexual perversions of God’s design for men and women. It’s another thing to personally go out of your way to ensure that your public statements are as far as a view from Romans 1 as possible, all the while crowing about how proud you are of them.

This is disgusting and terrible. Coupled with his low view of church and refusing to condemn “pregnant people” language, we have no reason to suppose that this man is a brother.