
‘Down Syndrome Drag Show’ is about as Corrupt And Uncomfortable As Things Get

No words, other than to say this is abusive, abhorrent, grooming behavior. Progressives actually wish those with down syndrome would be aborted in the womb, but if not, this is the next best thing. (warning, viewer discretion)
abortion Featured World Headlines

94% of Doctors in Belgium Favor Killing Disabled Babies After Birth

(Life News) A “disturbing” new research paper has revealed how 94 percent of Belgian doctors support the killing of new-born babies after birth if they are diagnosed with a disability.

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications said: “It is deeply disturbing that medical professionals who should protect and value each human life hold these shocking beliefs.”

The research article surveyed the attitudes of healthcare professionals in Belgium towards the ‘termination of pregnancy at viable stage.’

93.6% of physicians in Flanders region, Belgium, surveyed “agree that in the event of a serious (non-lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable.”

The research article also states that: “Physicians more often prefer foeticide over neonatal palliative care in case of non‐lethal foetal conditions…Almost nine out of ten respondents (89.1%) agree that in the event of a serious (non‐lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable.”

Is the concept of ‘after birth abortion’ becoming acceptable?

In January 2019, the Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, defended a state bill which would have allowed babies to be killed during labour.

Northam, who is a paediatric doctor, described how a baby with disabilities could be left to die after birth.

The Governor said that if a woman who was about to give birth desired an abortion, the baby could be delivered and then “resuscitated if that’s what the mother and family desired and then a discussion would ensue” between doctors and the mother…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by a SPUC correspondent and published at Life News.