Breaking Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News Scandal

Leaked Audio! Hillsong Founder Brian Houston Rips Carl Lentz, Claims he Had Many Affairs

An audio recording between Hillsong founder Brian Houston and Church executives has leaked, revealing that disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz, who cheated on his wife with model Ranin Karim, had engaged in multiple sexual affairs and committed adultery with many women, and not just with the one that was known, with Brian Houston saying “It was more than one affair, they were significant. And at least some bad moral behavior had gone back historically”

The meeting, which was recorded around November 19, took place between founder Houston, church executives, and top donors. During the meeting, Houston rips Lentz six ways to Sunday, describing him as possessing:

general narcissistic behavior, manipulating, mistreating people, I think sometimes other hurtful things, the breaches of trust… constantly lying.

In fact, Houston describes how Lentz was spiraling and that he likely would have been terminated even before the adulterous affair came about.

[Carl was a] difficult man to have any kind of direct conversation with, because it was always defensive, it would always be put back on the other person, as though they’re the ones with the problem. And so they were not easy meetings, and I was already at the point at the end of summer that I felt like (unintelligible) Carl and Laura’s time in New York was coming to an end.

And then of course what actually happened was Tolu [Hillsong East Coast Chief Operating Officer Tolu Badders] had a conversation with one of the staff members, and that staff member had found a very compromising chain of text messages on Carl’s laptop or computer. And so that person went straight to Tolu. And Tolu, to her credit, the first thing she did was call me. I knew it was an urgent call because it was very late at night, and you know she needed to talk, and we did talk, and then the next day Tolu spoke to John.

In what would have been an extremely difficult thing to do, John and Tolu drove straight across town to talk to Carl and confronted him, and that was the beginning of the process where we’re at the point where we are now…

It was more than one affair, they were significant. And at least some bad moral behavior had gone back historically, but not necessarily those affairs. I can honestly say before God the first time I heard any moral complaint against Carl was when Tolu contacted me, and so if anyone’s wondering whether this was something we knew about, no it’s not.

In the meeting, members also discuss that Lentz will likely be getting a very hefty severance package, though it appears in part to help out Laura and the kids:

We’re working on a severance package which we’re negotiating with them on…

They haven’t accepted that at this point in time.

We are trying to care for them as far as they are letting us care for them. And certainly our heart is to look after the children, to look after [Lentz’s wife] Laura, and even Carl who needs a lot of help.

And the purpose of that is really to get them the help they need, and to help them through this difficult process, to work on their marriage.

We’re doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes, it’s not anything we’re going to promote publicly.

The Lentz’s, however, don’t seem to be hurting for money after recently their home for $1.5 million dollars and moving into a $16,000 a month beachfront home.

This is breaking news and we will update this post accordingly as we transcribe more of the audio to get the most clarity and context possible.

Church LGBTQQIP2SAA News Social Issues Super Gay

Christian Funeral Home who Fired Cross-Dressing Employee Ordered to Pay 250k

A Christian Funeral home who fired a male employee for dressing like a woman was ordered to pay 130k to his estate and 120k to ACLU lawyers who took the case. The forced payment of funds comes as the result of a landmark ruling in June where the Supreme Court ruled that federal nondiscrimination law on the basis of “sex” includes “transgenders,” a decision which dissenting justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas called a “brazen abuse of authority.” 

The gist of the case is simple. RG & GR Harris Funeral Homes Inc. hired Anthony Stephens and then fired him in 2014 when he informed his boss that he was transitioning to a woman and would be wearing dresses and skirts from now on, and wished to be called “Aimee.” The funeral home said that this revelation and it’s accompanying accommodation violated the company dress code based upon the owners sincerely held religious beliefs.

After making it’s way through the circuit and district court system, the supreme court ultimately sealed the deal.

Though Anthony Stephens passed away in 2016, the money will go to the beneficiaries of his estate, who wanted to proceed with the suit despite his death.

Naturally, Chase Strangio, deputy director for the ACLU LGBT & HIV Project, released a statement urging action from the incoming Democratic president:

“The Biden administration must make it clear that across all areas of federal law sex discrimination protections apply to LGBTQ people and Congress must pass the Equality Act to close critical gaps in our civil rights laws that leave so many LGBTQ people, women, and many people of color vulnerable to discrimination.”

This is likely only a small step on the way to continued national disgrace and sin, with Churches and religious institutions certainly on the short list of those who will be forced to abide by these laws,

It is a practical certainty that historic appeals to “religious liberty” will be prove wholly unpersuasive in curbing the appetites of the aggressive progressive fascists now steering the moral character of this once great nation.

abortion Featured News Politics Religion

Oklahoma Governor Declares ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ As COVID-19 Cases Rise

Oklahoman Governor Kevin Stitt declared today to be a day of prayer and fasting in light of the rising number of coronavirus cases to be hitting his state. Since March, the state of 4 million people have had a little over 200,000 cases and 1,800 death, and are one of the few states not to have a mask mandate for the general populace.

His prayer wasn’t geared just towards those whose God actually exists and is capable of answering prayer, but rather the professing Christian offered up a sickly sludge of unbiblical nonsense when he encouraged “Oklahomans of all faiths and religious backgrounds to join together” in prayer, which is essentially an invitation to drink more damnation upon themselves.

The proclamation read:

Whereas Oklahomans have always turned to prayer to guide us through trials and seasons of uncertainty, and

Whereas I ask Oklahomans of all faiths and religious backgrounds to join together with me in prayer and fasting to continue to ask God to heal those who are sick, comfort those who are hurting, and provide renewed strength and wisdom to all who are managing the effects of COVID-19

Unlike other more liberal Governors, Still has not made any effort to shut done churches where the majority of the praying people will be, but did note that they should use health and safety precautions:

Whereas churches and faith communities have an incredible opportunity during this season to provide hope to Oklahomans who are struggling as we close a year that has been mentally, emotionally and physically draining. It’s important that we continue to find safe ways to gather as we all do our part to protect our families, neighbors and communities from this virus.

Whereas, when we unit in prayer, we are reminded that there is no burden too heavy for God to lift or for this state to bear with His help. 2 Chronicles 7:14 proclaims that, ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

While the day of fasting and prayer may appeal to some Christians looking for a government that represents them, Kevin Stitt has been sharply criticized by Christians in the state for refusing to pass any meaningful anti-abortion legislation, such as Senate Bill 13, despite having supermajorities in the House and Senate.

Coronavirus Featured News Righteous Defiance Shutdown

Hypocrite! LA County Sup. who is Forbidding John MacArthur’s Church from Opening Breaks Own Rules

One of the LA County Health Supervisors who has been fighting to keep John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church closed, and whom the church is seeking to subpoena for a deposition for her role in levying fines, taking away their parking lot access after nearly 50 years of use, and levying massive fines against the California megachurch, showed herself to be the interminable hypocrite when she engaged in activities she voted to make illegal.

The tyrannical government pawn Sheila Kuehl voted 3-2 to close all outdoor dining in her county, saying that it was a “most dangerous situation” and that “the servers are not protected from us, and they’re not protected from their other tables that they’re serving at that particular time, plus all the hours in which they’re working,”

Yet mere hours before this new shutdown law went into effect, she was out on the town, eating at an outdoor restaurant Il Forno Trattoria and indulging in the same behavior she just made illegal because of how “unsafe” and “dangerous” it was.

According to her spokesperson Barbara Osborne, when asked about her hypocrisy, she acknowledged that Kuehl

…did dine al fresco at Il Forno on the very last day it was permissible. She loves Il Forno, has been saddened to see it, like so many restaurants, suffer from a decline in revenue. She ate there, taking appropriate precautions, and sadly will not dine there again until our Public Health Orders permit.

The LA County Supervisor is one of the women that Pastor John MacArthur asked his congregants to contact back in August, asking her for some form of reason and sanity and to relent from her wicked ways and say some variation of the following:

Dear Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. We respectfully request that you cease your attempt to enforce your order against Grace Community Church. We stand together as Christians in our constitutionally protected fundamental right that Church is essential. Our government is obligated to protect our liberties and freedoms, especially our free exercise of religion, and we ask you to fulfill that obligation to us.”

Sheila Kuehl
Phone: 213-974-3333

As far as the court case goes, Grace Community Church’s attorneys are seeking to get her deposed because they want to ask her about “any and all actions taken by the County of Los Angeles against Grace Community Church of the Valley, including evidence regarding the basis, motivation, and reasons for such actions.”

The County lawyers, however, are supremely opposed to the notion and so far it has not been ruled on.

Coronavirus In-person Church Righteous Defiance Scandal

California Megachurches Rebrand as ‘Family Friendly Strip Club’ to Avoid Shutdown Restrictions – Pastors Striptease to Prove it

In order to bypass harsh shutdown restrictions in their county which prohibits houses of worship from being open, a couple of California churches have taken to referring to themselves as a “family-friendly strip club” in order to qualify as a business allowed to stay open, with senior pastors even doing a little dance and throwing their ties into the crowd as members hold up dollar bills to a burlesque soundtrack. [Editor’s Note: These stripteases are disgusting and sinful and these pastors and congregations should be ashamed of themselves.]

Awaken Church and Godspeaks Calvary Church of San Diego had their pastors take the pulpit and do a “family-friendly” striptease before the service started, a tongue-in-cheek move done to satisfy details for an exemption after San Diego Superior Court ruled November 6 that strip clubs were allowed reopen while churches were not.

Senior Pastor of Awaken Church Jurgen Matthesius wrote on Instagram:

STRIP CLUBS (Not Churches) are exempt from the Covid lockdowns, and are deemed essential by our governor! Soooooo…we decided we are NOW AWAKEN FAMILY FRIENDLY STRIP CLUB! (Where we strip the devil of his hold, power & authority over people’s lives!) Enjoy the intro to the preach today! [sic]

In a similar move, Pastor Rob McCoy of God Speak Chapel did likewise, taking it up a notch in a manner that reeks of blasphemy in the house of the Lord.

Awaken Church received a cease-and-desist order last week that said if the state’s COVID-19 guidelines aren’t followed, which involves ceasing indoor services, the County would take further action, the least which would be a $1,000 fine for each citation violation.

While these two churches receive mild praise for defying the government and staying open: with behavior like this, they’d be better off closed.

Evangelical Stuff News Politics

Post Election Survey: 97% of Conservative Christians Voted for President Trump

A post-election survey released by Pollster George Barna, Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center, shows that 97% of SAGE Cons turned out to voted for President Trump to have a second term, demolishing the vaguer and more “evangelical” segment of the population who only voted for Trump at a 78% rate.

SAGE cons is a term invented by Barna to mean Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians and represents about 9% of the population.

It was the voting segment that had the highest turnout, beating 94% of Democrats who voted for Joe Biden, 94% of Republicans who voted for Donald Trump 90% of black women who voted for Joe Biden, and 80% of
“Liberals” who voted Democrat. Barna writes:

SAGE Cons represent 9% of the adult population but their extreme level of turnout enabled them to constitute slightly more than 14 percent of the voting population. In raw numbers, there were approximately 23 million SAGE Con votes cast. With 97% of those going to Donald Trump, the SAGE Con bloc provided the president with a net margin of more than 21 million votes.

As far as why they voted for him, Barna states it comes down to worldview, with SAGE Cons believing that the Republican platform and Trump’s policies more closely aligned with the scriptures, citing abortion views, court nominations and appointments, the economy, support for religious freedom, rule of law, and obeying the U.S. Constitution as top issues of influence.

Nobody is going to confuse Donald Trump with Jesus Christ, but SAGE Cons believe that the Trump portfolio of policy positions much better reflects the biblical worldview that SAGE Cons seek to implement in all walks of life than do those of Mr. Biden. With the American population moving away from the Bible as a source of truth and moral guidance, SAGE Cons have been pleasantly surprised at how the Trump agenda has coincided with many biblical principles on social and economic matters.

Evangelical Stuff In-person Church News Unrighteous Compliance

Andy Stanley Justifies Church Closing until 2021 with These Outlandish and Arrogant Claims

North Point Community Church pastor Andy Stanley decided to respond to critics and church members dogging him for his decision to close his Church until at least 2021, though at the rate things are going he’ll be well into 2022 by the time he opens the church doors and welcomes his little goatlings back into the pen.

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that Geroge Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s day.

During his November 29 service, however, Stanley expressed his gratitude for his flock, or at least the ones who haven’t gone feral from being away from the body for so long. Because of continued financial support, he stated that no staff jobs were lost and the bills are continuing to be paid.

He emphasized the generosity of spirit of the congregation proven by a record-breaking tally for their to their “Be Rich” campaign, no mean feat in the midst of a pandemic. The “Be Rich” campaign is an “initiative to partner with life-changing organizations in our communities and around the globe.”

Essentially, they raise money to give to primarily secular organizations, from The Drake House where “These funds will go toward creating a dedicated space for the students of The Drake House to either complete their homework or do virtual learning should the need arise” to Atlanta Habitat for Humanity.

Stanley, who oversees six churches with nearly 40,000 members all spread across the Atlanta Region, quoted Ephesians 1:15-16, as the text he built much of his sermon on . “For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” He says:

We have not met in the church building for nine months, and you gave more to ‘Be Rich’ than you have ever given before – over $7 million, and that is, well, I don’t even have words for that.

Stanley recounts how a “high-profile media person” who had been taking some potshots at him and his decision to close asked him how his megachurch was “doing spiritually’ given that they’ve been all-virtual for the better part of the year. Taking this to be a little dig at him and a backhanded way of suggesting that something was amiss in the congregation, he responded:

Well, they gave over $7 million in 39 days to support the local charities and our communities. And if Jesus was serious about that ‘where your treasure is there your heart is,’ then I think we’re doing pretty good.

…When someone takes a shot at us on social media for not being ‘open’ [Editor’s note: he uses finger quotes on the word open] I’ve been sending them the four minutes video of our ‘Be Rich’ celebration. And I’m always tempted to add ‘hey, our closed church just did a thousand times more for other people in 39 days than your open church has done in the past 10 years. So shut up with all that, right?’ But I restrain myself and do my best to walk in the way of love. But when people who don’t know you take a shot at you, it is difficult to restain my evil thoughts.

During the rest of the sermon, Stanley also thanked his congregation for allowing him to remain apolitical during the election, and showing grace for his decision not to bring up political topics, but rather remain focused on other things.

It’s not the first time Stanley has been outspoken at critics who questioned his decision to cease in-person services. Several months ago he said during a broadcast that there was no command to actually meet in person as a body, saying:

People on the other end of this argument, I keep hearing them say over and over ‘the Lord commanded us to meet. The Lord commands us to meet.

He does not. 

Studies and surveys have shown that the rate of which people congregants actually tune in live church service broadcasts has dropped precipitously, with only around 25% participating.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Op-Ed

The Gospel Coalition 2020 Best Book Awards Are a Hot Mess

The Gospel Coalition continues to bear rotting and putrid fruit, this time in the form of their 2020 best book awards. According to the site:

Each year our editors, along with dozens of key contributors, review the nominations from Christian publishers using the following fourfold criteria:

-offers gospel-centered argument and application;
-includes faithful and foundational use of Scripture, both Old Testament and New Testament.
-fosters spiritual discernment of contemporary trials and trends; _encourages efforts to unite and renew the church.

To be fair, we haven’t read half the books we’re sharing, and so far from being a commentary on the contents (with a few exceptions) we’re more interested in what and who the super sketchy Gospel Coalition is promoting when they’re not doing all these bad things. Some of the winners and runner ups may be fine books and authors, but our purpose is to point out a few winners and runner ups and ask “what were they thinking?’ and whether or not the theology being promoted is being faithful to scripture and fosters spiritual discernment.

Public Theology & Current Events.

Carl Trueman. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution

Runner Up:
Russell Moore, The Courage to Stand: Facing Your Fear without Losing Your Soul (B&H)
Rachel Gilson, Born Again This Way: Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next (The Good Book Co.)

We’ve never read Truemans’ book, but the fact that the cowardly and dishonest Russell Moore almost won, or the SSA theologanette gets a nod is hilarious, given that it certainly violates all 4 of that critera. See why here and here.

Popular Theology

Runner up:
Esau McCaulley, Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope (InterVarsity Press)

Jared Wilson, The Gospel According to Satan: Eight Lies about God that Sound Like the Truth (Thomas Nelson)

Esau McCalley is a progressive, race-baiting proponent of Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory. See why here. Jared Wilson is a member of the evangelical Intelligensia who has a wretched theology and doesn’t even know if George Whitfield was a Christian. His theological chops leave much to be desired. See why here and here.


Paul David Tripp, Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church (Crossway)

Trip, whose full-time job was helping hucksters like Mark Driscoll and Tullian Tchivdijian prove they were fit for ministry amidst various controversies (he’s virtually the Grim Reaper for pastoral integrity) took a side-gig with the Gospel Coalition as a professional personality. Maybe his book is good, but his leadership chops are not. See why here and here.

True to form, the list is the bad fruit of the cursed tree- quintessential Gospel Coalition claptrap which amounts to a purifying, liquidated, flies-buzzing-around fermented mass.

Go dump that sludge into the composter or somewhere in the back forty.

It’s stinking to high heaven.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News World Headlines

He’s a She..He-She’s a He.. She-she, She’s a He? Oscar-Nominated Ellen Page becomes ‘Elliot Page’

The Oscar-nominated star of “Juno” and Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy,” Ellen Page, has announced he she is transgender and that her new name is Elliot. She took to social media explaining how this all came about, writing “Hi friends, I want to share with you that I am trans, my pronouns are he/they and my name is Elliot.”

The 33-year-old actress, who previously came out as gay in 2014, describes herself as transgender and non-binary, believing her gender identity is neither man nor woman. By all accounts, she has not transitioned and still retains her feminine features.

The Star of Juno, Inception, and the Umbrella Academy has been an emotional, aggressive activist for LGBT issues for years, famously calling out Actor Chris Pratt for going to a church that is anti-gay and generally harping anyone who she views as anti-gay or “homophobic.”

Polemics Report Polemics Terms Social Justice Wars

Podcast: Seat Belts are RAciSt to Fat People

On today’s program, JD discusses the racial unity lessons learned from Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, then gets to the news topics of the day from Protestia. Afterward, he discusses Russell Moore getting a religious freedom award and why seat belts are RaCIsT against fat people (and why Critical Theory leads to such conclusions). Then, he talks gluttony.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:35 — 65.3MB) | Embed

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