
Pastor Greg Locke Asking FBI to Subpoena Him over Jan 6 Insurrection so he can ‘Rebuke the P-‘

During his recent church service “Pastor” Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, TN put out an open invitation to the FBI to come and collect him and question him for his role in the ‘January 6 insurrection’ on account of him being at the rally (yet consistently denying that he ever went into the capitol building) so that he can rebuke the demons and pedophiles that work in government.

Readers of Protestia will recognize Locke as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing-and-abandoning, Tennessee “pastor” who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” threatened a Dunkin’ Donuts worker with kicking his teeth down his throat, and put up signs telling potential visitors” If you Come to Church in a Mask, I’ll Kick you Out.”

He shared:

I got a message today. It said, ‘Hey pastor, they just sent out their second round of investigation subpoenas for Nancy Pelosi’s… whatever, ‘watch terror hitlist’ that I’m on… and somebody said, ‘are you okay? Did you get your subpoena yet?’

I said ‘Nope… But I hope I do.’ You hear me? I hope I do!

I can’t wait to sit up in the halls of justice, stand up to my feet, and, in the name of Jesus, rebuke that Jezebel demon baby-killing pedophile in the name of Jesus Christ on national TV. Don’t you think I won’t do it! Yes I will! I rebuke ’em all in the name of Jesus! Ain’t a bit scared. So FBI, I hope I get my subpoena soon. I been waiting.

The reference to the pedophiles is because Locke holds to a particularly nasty Qanon theory, telling congregants if they deny the existence of tunnels under the White House or Capitol Building that were uncovered by the military and used to house both live and dead children, they’re just as complicit in the abuse as “crack-smoking perverts.


The Business of Bethel: Church Charges $20/month to Access Sermons, Testimonies and Worship

Bethel TV has a lot on the go, and we’ve certainly written about it. We offered An Inside Peek into Bethel’s Demonic ‘Fountain of Youth Fire Tunnels’, expressed our disbelief after Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’, frowned upon the terrible theology after Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’, and then expressed our dismay that they are working towards a $100 million dollar Apostolic Training Center. In the latter, that money has to come from somewhere, and one avenue of mammon-making is access to their Premium Church Service offerings: Bethel TV

Bethel TV has the same function as Xfinity, Spectrum, Direct TV or Dish, whereas they do provide a free basic service, namely their church weekly services for that week. Anything else the church does, people need to pay for it. And not just outside consumers, but members of the church as well.

Whereas the free plan only offers:

  • Live access to Sunday services 
  • The previous week Sunday Service
  • Live access to Midweek service (When streamed)

The paid plans have more to offer, including:

  • Live Monthly Friday Night Services (When streamed)
  • Over a decade of Sermon Archives Library
  • Over a decade of Worship Archives Library
  • Library of Testimonies
  • Library of Interviews
  • Noteworthy 
  • Library of select BSSM classes

Pay an extra $10 and you get:

  • Everything included in Free and Basic
  • Some live and on demand main Bethel conferences
  • Over a decade of Bethel Conference & Events Library 
  • Library of classes 
  • Bethel TV Originals 
  • Group Enrollment option for Premium Monthly Subscribers – Once you sign up for the premium monthly account you can add users under your account settings for $10 a month

If you pay for the plan yearly, and something comes up and you need to cancel, then like a cell phone company “you will have access to your account until your next bill date” but sadly, the Christian Church does not “prorate or refund canceled annual subscriptions.”

For their part, Bethel explains why they charge money, noting in a FAQ:

“In the church bookstore, people might decide to pay for ten years worth of DVD sets, books, CDs, and other resources. Premium plans are charging for “on-demand access” to the archive, which is comparable to purchasing DVDs. Premium plans also include videos that have a cost associated with the offline-version the same content.

For example, conference tickets cost money offline, so the online version is contained within a premium subscription…The subscription costs cover the operating costs of Bethel TV or go directly to support the mission of Bethel Church to spread the message of the Kingdom and equip revivalists around the world.”

This is strange reasoning when we consider that this applies to congregants too, of which Bethel has nearly 12,000. If one is a long-time church member who has faithfully given thousands of dollars of years to this church, and he wants to access a back catalog of sermons to hear one from a few months ago or to access a particularly poignant and powerful testimony from earlier in the week, he needs to cough up a coin. This is despite the fact that he has already supported these things with his tithes and offerings, making them possible in the first place with his faithful support. And more importantly, because this is supposedly a church.

That’s because Bethel is a business, with their annual report showing how much this is true. Theor merchandise store is massive, and has everything ‘Bethel branded’ you can imagine, from books, fleece hoodies, drinkware, posters. At bethel, the sermon is free, but if they can add the extras and upsell you a bit, as you head down to the cash-register altar, then why wouldn’t they?


Russell Moore Begins New Podcast Series Where he Lets his Critics Confront Him, But Only Not Really

Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist Conventions’ most famous tick that attached itself vigorously to its underbelly, sucked out its blood and then gave it a nasty case of Theological Lyme Disease for their trouble, has announced that he’s starting a new podcast series as part of his Russell Moore Show.

Moore reveals that he’s inviting guests that disagree with him on issues big or small, so that he may learn from them, restricting his ability to argue or debate, but only asks questions.

First up is Shane Clairborne, the progressive pacifist to talk about war and capital punishment, with others to follow. His friend Tish Harrison Warren is apparently next up on the list.

While this is certainly an interesting concept, don’t for a second think that Moore will have on anyone that will genuinely challenge him on half the garbage he’s pulled over the years, or some of his baser perspectives and actions. The beauty of this is that he doesn’t even have to defend his view, but can simply let others share theirs.

For this reason, this will be a long line of friendlies that he exchanges pleasantries within a safe environment, and not the brave venture into the lion’s den this is being heralded as.


Trump’s Former Director of National Intelligence Attacks Sister-site Reformation Charlotte Over Anti LGBTQ Statements

Yesterday Richard Grenell, President Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence who himself is an open and out sodomite that famously called his boss “the most pro-gay president in American history,” took a shot at Reformation Charlotte’s Jeff Maples, our sister-site which recently was the cause of breaking the Ed Litton Sermongate scandal wide open.

After Grenell tweeted against Wendy Rogers, Maples retorted “Richard Grenell is an example of what happens when you give an inch to an identity group playing identity politics. Purge them from our ranks,” which resulted in Grenell mocking the post and the fact that Grenell has over 600,000 followers compared to Reformation Charlottes 4000, and therefore illicit only a few responses.

Maples would later recount his reasons for writing, while displaying the uncompromising straightforwardness we’ve come to expect, writing over the course of several tweets.

(Grenell) wanted to demonstrate that few people agreed with me (I only have around four thousand followers compared to his 700 thousand). He singled out my tweet and called me “fringe… What’s “fringe” is men sodomizing each other and calling it “conservative.”

…The bottom line is that LGBTQ identity politics do not belong in the Republican party. Conservatism isn’t about celebrating minority groups, normalizing aberrant behaviors, or advancing causes. It’s about protecting the individual freedoms of all people and holding all people, individually, equal under the law. Do you think these people–who call themselves conservatives–are going to be okay with you when you speak out against LGBTQ indoctrination in your schools? No, they are not; this is why we can’t be okay with this. This is nothing more than leftists attempting to move the Republican party further to the left.

No conservative, and certainly no Christian, should ever be okay with this.


Company Releases First-Ever Worship Song Written, Recorded and Performed by AI Robot

In an act worthy of deep theological reflection with deep theological implications, a company has allegedly created the world’s first worship song generated completely by artificial intelligence, using a computational algorithm and machine learning to create a virtual artist who wrote, recorded, and performed the song.

As reported in Relevant Magazine, The ‘artist’ called ‘JC’, is the brainchild of Marquis Boone, an Atlanta-based pastor who founded Marquis Boone Enterprises, a “multifaceted and full service, entertainment and media company that holds, endeavors in publishing, music, television, management, and philanthropy.”

Though most of his website and social media looks defunct and outdated, making us highly suspicious that this song is even performed by AI, a press release from the company says that the song, titled “Biblical Love” is “about unquantifiable love beyond description or measure – a love of biblical proportions that transcends to everyone and everything!

Sung from the perspective of Jesus ( Ohhh, we don’t like that one bit) and posted below, the song is actually about Jesus begging and pleading for humanity to give him their lives because the Lord “wants to have it all with you”- which is “biblical love.” The lyrics are trash, but about something we’d expect from a pastor who recently had famed anti-Trinitarian T.D Jakes speak at his church.

Biblical Love

You didn’t know you’d fall so hard
When you feed love the ground
Gravity don’t make no sense when I’m around
Don’t come up against yourself
When demons in your head get loud
I am here to help you and I’ll turn them down

You may be wondering where you’d be
If I never met you and you never found me
You’ll never see

So won’t you give me your life
For the rest of your life?
I want to have it all with you
I want to have it all with you
And when you open your eyes
I’ll be there by your side
I want to have it all with you
I want to Have it all with you
Because my love is biblical
It’s biblical
It’s biblical

If you ever go to pieces
Fall between the thunder clouds
I will put you back together
I won’t let you down

You may be wondering who’d you’d be
If I never met you and you never found me.
That’s why I died you see

So won’t you give me your life
For the rest of your life?
I want to have it all with you
I want to have it all with you
And when you open your eyes
I’ll be there by your side
I want to have it all with you
I want to Have it all with you
Because my love is biblical
It’s biblical
It’s biblical

Repeat x2

While AI songs may one day become mainstream within the church, this is one that needs to go offline.


Charismatic Paper Platforms Benny Hinn’s Loony End Time Prophecy. ‘Ezekial 38 has Begun…’

It’s no secret that Charisma News platforms every sort of freaky-deeky charismatic brain fart as if it came straight from the direct and audible voice of God, spinning their bizarre prophecies and ‘words from the Lord’ into gospel truths that ought to be shared with all. Couple this with their consistent promotion of modalist and famed trinity-denier T.D Jakes, and you have the makings of a ministry that ought to be avoided and repudiated at all cost.

Now, in a recent post, contributor Stephen Strang promoted ‘Dr. Michael Brown approved’ Benny Hinn and the prophecies that burbled up from his fleshly insides.

To say that Hinn is a false teacher and false Christian is beyond dispute- he’s been a famed arch-heretic for decades and even though the world thought he had a “come-to-Jesus” moment a few years ago when he allegedly repented for preaching the prosperity gospel, within weeks he was right back at the same old message. He was soon after doing more of the same while giving a Masterclass on how to devour widow’s houses.

Strang the Enabler reveals that “God has shown him three key truths about what is happening today that have a direct connection to end-time prophecies having to do with Israel, Iran and the U.S.”

“What is happening in Iran, Russia and Turkey reveals the beginning of Ezekiel 38...There will be a war in the Middle East; it’s no longer ‘if,’ it’s only ‘when.’ When that war happens, it will change the map, again, of the Arab world. … We all know from prophecy, God will intervene, and the Jewish people will be rescued, which will bring about changes in Jerusalem, and the Jews then will be able to build the temple.”

He further claims that “For 2,000 years, there was silence in Israel. … 1948 came, and the Jews were restored to their homeland, but nobody wanted to do the gospel. And nobody was preaching it in Israel.” Then, about five years ago, the clock started ticking again, putting the current world in end times prophecy.

He adds that American is likewise in decline- a prospect that will bring about the one-world order and government, and that artificial intelligence would determine that China is to be the best/ next superpower.

Strang concludes by pointing to a 3-part podcast he did with Hinn, where Hinn reveals “The Mysteries of the Annointing”- the subject of his latest book.


Greg Locke Regrets ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chant During Church Service-‘It’s an Embarrassment to the Body’

Well, that was unexpected, and yet a blessed relief. During last Sunday’s service, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, publicly rebuked his congregation for shouting ‘Let’s go Brandon’ during the service a few weeks ago, calling it an embarrassment to the body and explaining that they never should have said.

During the morning service two weeks ago, guest speaker Mark Burns of Harvest Praise & Worship Center lead the congregation in a spirited chant of “Let’s Go Brandon”- a phrase designed to be a stand-in for the coarser and profane “Fu– Joe Biden’- in the middle of his sermon. (Video Here)

Though Locke was seen laughing and cheering for the other comments about Biden and taking back the country, there is no video of his reaction while that chat was being led and apparently, it didn’t sit well with him. Explaining that he has no issue with the phrase or even being associated with it, he told his congregation (rightly) that it should never have been shouted in church, and cautioned his church from even cheering when he mentions it.

I have people mail me ‘Let’s go Brandon’ shirts. Don’t talk Don’t talk. Don’t talk.

I’m cool with it. I’ll wear it. I’m going to do a ‘Let’s go Brandon’ rally. I get it. But that nonsense should have never been shouted under this tent a few weeks ago. It didn’t matter who started it, didn’t matter who did it. It was an embarrassment to the body.

Oh listen, I’m all for the sentiment ‘Let’s go Brandon’. Absolutely. I could care less what that demonic-possessed pedophile thinks about me in and church. Not ‘Brandon’. I know what it stands for. I’m cool. I can handle it. I can wear the shirt it doesn’t bother me. I go preach in these rallies, doesn’t (bother me) In this tent: leave it alone. Let’s go Jesus! Let’s go Jesus! Let’s go Jesus! That’s what I talking about in his house. Yes, let’s go Jesus.

I know what he means and I’m cool with what he means. I’m cool with what he means. I want him out too. And it wasn’t Mark’s fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault because we were all caught up in the moment, right? It’s just fun. It’s new I’m just saying let’s be careful.

So we can go around town- I’ve heard kids say it at the Japanese steakhouse and (almost) choked on my chicken I laughed so hard. But in the house we gotta guard what we say. Okay, this ain’t a Trump rally- this a local church. This ain’t a Republican National Convention. Far as I’m concerned two heads of the same snake. I have no loyalty to none of them devils; Republican or Democratic. I will be an equal opportunist employer, I’ll call them all out no matter who they are. I’m just saying we’ve got to guard what God’s doing here.


Plot Twist! Newest ‘SBC Pastrix Scandal’ Reveals Far More Pastors at Vista Community Church, But are they Even SBC?

Another ‘SBC Church’ is in the news for ordaining women. This time it is Vista Community Church in Temple, Texas, led by Austin Fischer- a man whose Twitter feed is populated by quotes from Miroslav Volf, Barak Obama, and the usual band of suspects for of someone who clearly is moving in a progressive way. Last week he announced that the church ordained their first female pastor-Sydney Pfleeger- a move that stirred up the usual fracas between defenders of the SBC (Tom Buck) and destroyers of it ( Dwight McKissic) as if the presence of a preacher with two X chromosomes was something new for the congregation.

That the SBC is rife with female pastors is nothing new. We did a big expose on this too last year, when we discovered that 10% of the biggest churches in the Southern Baptist Convention have women pastors on staff, and another 15% have women functioning in the role of pastor, just without the title. Here is just one example where we dissected a BFAM2k-defying church.

It is a fact. It has been a fact for years. It has been a fact for years that you can throw a rock into any random Baptist potluck and hit a pastrixes right in her Beth Moore Study Bible for the amount of them there are scurrying around unrebuked and un-kicked-out-of-convention. Want a list? Here is a list, courtesy of Thom Rainer and the SBC500.

Yet one thing that is strange indeed is the timeline being given by Austin Fisher. Not only do they have one new pastrix, but they also have at least three others on staff.

In fact, if we take a trip down the Wayback Machine to January 28, 2021, we see that even a year ago, there were two pastrixes on staff, with Sarah Hammond already functioning in that role, along with Sydney Pfleeger- both whom had been with the Church for years. Stroup at the time was still a Student Associate, meaning she obtained her role as pastor sometime between then and now. For Pfleeger, she took on the role of pastor back in December of 2020.

It’s a bizarre ecclesiology that says you can have the title of pastor for a year, and be functioning in the role of pastor for a year within a church, and have the congregation recognize you as such, but not be ordained as a pastor. Does this mean that the other pastrixes at Vista Community Church are not ordained yet, or are they PINO’s (Pastors in Name Only) until they get commissioned via official ceremony?

While all that is interesting, there is one giant matter complicating the story. Despite being listed as an SBC Church, Lead Pastor Austin Fisher denies they are part of the Southern Baptist Convention, making the whole point moot and giving them the freedom (sinful as it may be) to ordain whomever they want.

While that ought to settle things, it still raises at least one curious question.

Did the church leave the SBC so that they could start ordaining women? Or are those records false too? We have reached out to the church asking for clarification and will update this post accordingly.

World News

‘At Least Some’ of the 17 Kidnapped Missionaries are Alive

At least some of the 17 missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti last month are alive according to a senior Biden administration official, who says that the US Government has seen proof of life for a few of the souls.

The group, which includes five children, was abducted after visiting an orphanage in Haiti. According to Children Aid Ministries (CAM), who sent them out and suffered the loss, “The ages of the adults being held captive range from 18 to 48. The ages of the children are 8 months, 3 years, 6 years, 13 years, and 15 years.’

The notorious 400 Mawozo gang is demanding a $1,000,000 ransom per person. Wilson Jospeh, believed to be the leader of the gang, released a video that was uploaded on YouTube where he publicly vowed “I swear by thunder that if I don’t get what I’m asking for, I will put a bullet in the heads of these Americans.”

It is not known at this time how many are alive, or which people have confirmed been shown proof of life for. A statement released by CAM on their website reads:

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). On the 25th day since the kidnapping, we cling to God’s precious promises. As our loved ones endure another day in captivity, we again commit them to God and His care. 

We continue to welcome notes of encouragement, written prayers, and stories of God’s faithfulness that we can share with the families of the hostages. You may send your messages to We sincerely hope that someday the hostages will have the privilege of reading the messages and prayers that were kindly sent during their time of trouble. Even now, we trust they are being lifted and encouraged through the power of your prayers.  

Christian Aid Ministries | November 9, 2021 2:45 p.m.”


Liberty University Files Restraining Order to Keep Fired Whistleblower Quiet

Liberty University has filed a restraining order against a former employee to prevent him from disclosing any more confidential information and documents that he’s been sharing with the public, an act the employee said he had permission to do.

Scott Lamb, the school’s former Senior Vice President of Communications, was terminated earlier this year. He says it’s because he expressed concerns over the way Liberty was handling sex abuse cases and the fact that they were covering them up and not taking them seriously. The school says he was given the ax for poor performance, insubordination and mismanaging his expenses, and that his concerns about handling sexual abuse had nothing to do with it.

Furthermore, they say Lamb signed a confidentiality agreement in 2018, one which he has shown a willful disregard for.

The motion is demanding that Lamb give up ‘all documents or other information, including all privileged, confidential, and/or trade secret information” and to disclose everyone he’s sent this information to. A memorandum added to the suit explains:

“Although many of these materials were likely protected trade secrets, privileged communications or attorney work product protected information, Lamb has admitted that he disclosed them to the media, general public and commercial enemies of Liberty without privilege or prior permission as contractually required.

Perhaps most shockingly, Lamb has demonstrated no regard for the attorney-client privilege, freely discussing privileged advice regarding litigation strategy and other matters on national media.”

Lamb, for his part, has remained defiant. While he has not addressed discussing the privileged advice and litigation strategy, he says that he had permission to share the information he alleges got him fired. Chiefly, he says that when the firm Baker Tilly interviewed him in 2021 about the whole Jerry Falwell Jr. affair, he gave over 20 hours of testimony, explaining in a response on Twitter:

“Before my first minute of testimony, I was given a 2-page letter of ‘whistleblower protection,’ signed by interim president Jerry Prevo, instructing me to speak honestly, forthrightly, thoroughly, and without any regard to the reputation of the school, its leadership, or its board. And Prevo promised that there would be no retaliation for my honest testimony…

“I indicted the former president, the Board of Trustees for negligence and Jerry Prevo as the chairman of the trustees during the entire presidency of Jerry Falwell Jr. Baker Tilly presented their report to Jerry Prevo and the Board of Trustees on September 29. Seven days later, Jerry Prevo fired me.”

Liberty is currently under fire after 12 women launched a class-action against them, suing the University for the way they have failed to properly investigate sexual assault and sexual abuse claims on campus.