The Gospel Coalition Urges Not to Celebrate, But to Empathize With Pro-Abortion Mothers Amid SCOTUS Decision
(The Dissenter) If you want to find the kind of luke-warm Christianity God detests—like the church in Sardis that God...
(The Dissenter) If you want to find the kind of luke-warm Christianity God detests—like the church in Sardis that God...
(Operation Rescue) Washington D.C. – After nearly 50 long years, the U.S. Supreme Court finally overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that...
SBC Elites faced several resolutions condemning the sin of plagiarism; however, Bart Barber’s Resolutions Committee rejected each. (Capstone Report) SBC...
(NewSonyX) YouTuber Tasha K claimed that Pastor John Gray allegedly cheated on his wife again. She spilled the tea on...
(Juicy Ecumenism) Membership Guidelines in place for 20 years that prohibited Mennonite Church USA pastors from officiating same-sex marriages have been...
(TrinityFi) After reviewing recently published Form 990s, Trinity Foundation has reported two of three non-profit organizations affiliated with Bill Johnson’s...
(CNBC) Mastercard is piloting new technology that lets shoppers make payments with just their face or hand at the checkout point....
(WokePreacherTV) Duke Kwon and Greg Thompson are still promoting their book "Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair." In...
Jonathan Howe: ‘Online survivor folks just want to burn things to the ground. They just have to be ignored.’ (Capstone...
(Capstone Report) Gavin Ortlund attacks Tucker Carlson as leftists attempt to censor the Fox News phenomena. Earlier, Gavin Ortlund insulted the...