So this Trump (shirt) I’m wearing was made by Trump for me. 20 minutes before he was shot, he texted me from the platform, as one of the prophets he trusts:
Trump: “Is there anything else I need to know to share with the people?” He meant from God.
Kerr: “Well, God has something to say”
Trump: “What does he want to say?”
Kerr: “He said to you, no matter what happens this night, do not be afraid. Fear not, for I have your back. And you will not die.”
Kerr: continues:
These are the very words I gave him from God.
‘So never surrender. Never back up. Never quit going forward, because you will be successful for what you want to do because I’m the one who put you there, anointed you, appointed you, timed your birth on this, because you love America, you know who I am and you believe me. ‘
And that was the word he had me give him. Twenty minutes later, that’s why when he was shot on the platform, he gets up and he goes “fight, fight, fight.”
He isn’t fighting just for me, he’s fighting for everybody in this room and he is not afraid. Therefore, because I said “fear not,” he made this shirt for me right here. What does it say? It says, “fear not.”
All his texts, he started saying, he would say, “fear not, I am Donald J. Trump, and I will make America great again.”
Charismatic prophetess Kat Kerr, glomming on to some imaginary and demented parasocial relationship she thinks she has with Donald Trump, claims they were texting some strange things 20 minutes before he was shot.
While it’s easy to dismiss her as another wildin’ crazy as a rat in a coffee can charismatic, the reality is that she has an outsized audience hanging on every word, having 118k followers on Facebook and several large fan pages. She used to routinely get 150k-250k views on YouTube before she was de-platformed, but now still gets between 100k-150k view on Rumble, where she frequently gets messages like:
JD’s accurate summation of Kat cannot be improved: “Crazy as a rat in a coffee can.”
The Pink Prophetess needs to stop listening too all those voices howling in her head.