Charismatic Prophetess Says There is an ‘Ice Cream-land’ In Heaven

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lion-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, and how angels have pets in heaven that occasionally accompany them to earth, she’s explaining that along with Jello-land in heaven, where mansions are made of candy and waterfalls made of cholocate, there is also an “Ice cream land.”
Speaking to her enablers on Episode 108 and 109 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she explains::
Shultz: Mary’s asking ‘I’ve always loved the horse Pegasus. Is there one in heaven?’ I guess that’s a winged horse. I asked someone what’s Pegasus? Because I didn’t know. So Pegasus was a winged horse probably out of Greek mythology, but they want to know are there winged horses In heaven?”
Kerr: “Well, you know…Satan knew they were there. He would take everything and pervert it and twist it making anything else he could on the earth, which he did a lot. So a Pegasus, they do have flying horses in heaven, absolutely yes, they do. Why wouldn’t they?”
And another question:
Jeff Tharp: Question: “(unintelligible) she’s age 11. She asks, “Can anything we imagine be in heaven? I’m wondering if there’s anything like an Ice Cream-land in heaven.”
Kerr: “I’m pretty sure there was definitely an Ice Cream-land in heaven. If there’s Jello-land, why not ice cream? I’m telling you the ice cream scoops are huge, by the way, if you do go to an ice cream shop in heaven, which they do have.
But why wouldn’t there be Ice Cream-land? It is where things are created. It is. The spirit of creation is there. We do get to learn to create certain things, not people of course, but many things. We use our own imagination, we will be creating things, so why not Ice Cream-land?”
This woman belongs in an institution.
What’s the purpose for continuously regurgitating this woman’s statements? Alright, you’ve done it, you’ve established a paper trail of her teachings, can you now move on to something more newsworthy?
Well, the very faint hope of her repentance? That’s about all I could see.
Is it Baskin Robbins, Ben & Jerry’s, Norgen Vaaz, etc. or can you just get whatever you want?