Charismatic Prophetess Says Everyone New to Heaven Is Greeted by Talking, Singing, And Dancing….Squirrels?

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lion-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, that there’s a Jello-land in heaven where mansions are made of candy and waterfalls made of cholocate, she’s explaining that there are talking squirrels running around in heaven, and that they’re the ones who greet all the newly arrived people in the afterlife singing and dancing for the,

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 115 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she reveals:

Shultz: (Sanaorsina?)- age eight is asking ‘Kat are there singing squirrels and talking flowers in heaven?’ Now she’s eight years old, she wants to know if there’s seeing squirrels and talking flowers

Kerr: I have seen both while I was in heaven, so I can adamantly tell you absolutely, yes. The flowers have faces, yes they sing. Whole meadows sing sometimes. And yes, squirrels do. Not just squirrels, most of the creatures or most of the what you would call an animal, especially all your pets. They all talk.

They talk and then there’s a whole group of squirrels that I know and I don’t know why, and I have been laughed (unintelligible) there’s so many times I don’t care, people love it.

There are a group of squirrels that actually are called greeters, g r e et e r s, and when someone comes home to heaven, they will actually go in this group, and they will actually sing and dance for the people welcoming them to heaven.

I can imagine some, maybe some older type stuffy person, and here they are opening the door and here’s this group of squirrels ready to sing and dance. And I’m not kidding! The Holy Spirit makes sure it all happens, and so if there’s something you don’t like, you’ll change when you get there.

Sadly, her feed is full of people who believe this is absolutely real, and they love her for her insights.

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6 thoughts on “Charismatic Prophetess Says Everyone New to Heaven Is Greeted by Talking, Singing, And Dancing….Squirrels?

  1. Well, I guess there could be lots of squirrels there. Dead ones cover the roads here so I guess they went somewhere. /s
    I can just picture Alvin & The Chipmunks singing welcome songs to everyone 😉

  2. Test all things against Scripture. Where are squirrels in the Bible? Is a fifth animal next to the four horsemen in Revelation? Is there a talking squirrel sitting next to the talking OT donkey?

  3. I studied Metaphysics for over 45 years. I have Channeled and done some Remote Viewing and I can tell you that loon Kat Kerr is so full of crap as to be laughable. SHE IS DELUSIONAL !

    1. I have Channeled and done some Remote Viewing…

      Then you have been mindjacked. Nobody should ever trust a person who traffics in Satan’s world because once you have trafficked with demons and believed on doctrines of demons, you are thoroughly deceived.

      Your mind’s thinking has been taken over by demons, because you have yielded to them..

      You need to call on Jesus and get out of that dark place.

  4. While I’m sorry she’s mentally ill, I’m glad that’s all this is. Otherwise, heaven would be pretty scary considering all of those destructive tree rodents that I’ve banned from life. Do they carry .22s and snap traps, Kat Kerr? It might be a revenge tour. Oh, and as far as pets go– they shouldn’t be mistreated but don’t have souls. If they did, I’m positive my neighbor’s barking dog would be destroying yards, jumping on people’s clean clothes, leaving land mines, and trying to use it’s toilet paper tongue on faces in Hell. JS. Biblically, there’s not one single positive reference to dogs.

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