Lecrae Says Same-Sex Attraction is Not ‘Condemnable’

In a recent video on his channel, Christian rapper and producer Lecrae defended Lil’ Nas-X entering his ‘Christian era’ and castigated Christians for “mistreating” the “gay community,” along with insisting that same-sex attractions are not ‘condemnable.’
We’ve spoken at length about how by every measurable standard, Lecrae’s much lauded deconstruction is not healthy, but rather is the picture of unhealth leading to death, revealing:
- He regularly watches pornographic TV shows that are filled with graphic sex and nudity.
- He has stopped going to church.
- He rebuked a street preacher for preaching the gospel at a rap concert.
- He has claimed hanging out on a bus ‘chopping it up’ is ‘church’ and that a recent album release party where people hang out, eat food, and get free tattoos is ‘church.’
- He sputtered, “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know,” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.
- He says he “doesn’t endorse” abortion but HATES classism, took more time out of his day to dismiss the need for a local church body, and said after Joe Biden won the election and was inaugurated that it “feels good to be on the right side of history” with the party that is “pro-life from womb to tomb”.
Now, he offers:
The Christian community does not treat the gay community well, has not historically, right? That’s just not, you know, anything to hide. And that’s because there are varying degrees of perspectives and objectives as it pertains to Christians engaging culture. Because here’s a caveat. I didn’t even know I was going to go here, but here’s a caveat before we get in to Little Nas X specifically.
I’m a firm believer that same-sex attraction is not a choice for everybody. And if you are born with a propensity or an attraction toward the same sex, that in and of itself is not condemnable. Like, that’s not something you condemn someone for. And I think that’s what’s consistently happened in the churches.
People have said, ‘Hey, I’m attracted to the same sex.’ ‘OH, YOU’RE GOING TO HELL!’
That’s not OK. On top of that, people outside the church have said, ‘Hey, not only am I same-sex- attracted, I’m acting on it.’ And the Christian community is pointing fingers again. But what about all the people outside the church who do all kinds of things that we would consider sin?
Like, where’s the uproar for, I don’t know, gluttony, you know what I’m saying? Like, and here’s my my biggest issue. When we come back to Little Nas X, it’s not even about his sexuality. It’s about his lifestyle choices in general, right? Like, people are upset about his lifestyle choices. People are upset about rappers lifestyle choices in general. People are upset about non-Christian lifestyle choices in general.
Why does John Cooper call this beta male Lecrae a Christian?
Good question
By Lecrae’s own mouth, this word salad he has uttered, here he clearly demonstrates that he has no idea about what the Christian faith is. You cannot deconstruct that which you never had. Clearly Lecrae has never possessed a true, born again saving faith, therefore you cannot deconstruct from it.
This should surprise no one considering the trajectory Lecrae has been on for quite some time.
Sadly more will follow this path…..
1John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.
By Lecrae’s own mouth, this word salad he has uttered, here he clearly demonstrates that he has no idea about what the Christian faith is. You cannot deconstruct that which you never had. Clearly Lecrae has never possessed a true, born again saving faith, therefore you cannot deconstruct from it.
This should surprise no one considering the trajectory Lecrae has been on for quite some time.
Sadly more will follow this path…..
1John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.
God sifts His Church