Steven Furtick Engages in Rank Heresy: ‘What God is; You Are’

Steven Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church. As head of a Southern Baptist-associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations, he is known for having the term “narcegesis” (narcissistic exegesis) named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him, as well as his penchant to wear outfits that cost more than most mortgages and buddying up to Trinity-Denier T.D Jakes.
Two years ago he replaced Kenneth Copeland at the always-heretical TBN, filling the role of the Innkeeper Monsieur Thénardier from the musical Les Miserables (TBN being the Inn), with these “Masters of the house” doing whatever is the theological equivalent of “Charge ’em for the lice/Extra for the mice/Two percent for looking in the mirror twice” in his efforts to promote his brand of prosperity preaching.
He also recently said that ‘God is a Molecular Structure’, laughed at the notion of ‘Twerking for the Lord?’, went on a Wild, Wild, Willllldd Rant about Betas and Blessings, went on another Rant About Angels that got Weird Quick and screamed ‘I Am God Almighty!’ in a sermon. All that while saying that God Doesn’t Make You into a New Creation.
In a recent Facebook post, Furtick made the following claim:

Far from merely suggesting that we share some attributes of our creator, Futrtick is engaging at best in some ‘little-god’ theology, at worst, directly comparing himself to God and seeking to co-opt all his attrbutes for himself.
“You are made in the image of God, so what He is; you are.”
God is perfect. God is sinless. God is omnipresent. God is omnipotent. God is omniscient. God is omnibenevolent. God is a million other things that we are not. God is ‘capable’ in a million other ways that we are not, and any suggestion to the contrary is rank heresy.
While Furtick is receiving a barrage of criticism for saying this, it doesn’t matter, as he famously tunes out his critics and repeatedly insists that he doesn’t listen to all the ‘haters.’ Besides, Furtick taught similar theology before. In his 2019 ‘My Maker is My Mirror’ sermon, he repeatedly referred to himself as I AM.
Furtick is the poster boy for everything that is putrid and unholy in much of the modern American church.