Report: Christian Author Died from An Accidental Overdose of Fentany and Cocaine

Three months after Christian author Dave Hollis unexpectedly passed away, the Travis County, Texas, Medical Examiner’s Office revealed that the 47-year-old’s cause of death was due to the “toxic effects of cocaine, ethanol, and fentanyl.”
Hollis was the ex-husband of self-help influencer and professing Christian (but actually not) Rachel Hollis, author of “Girl, Wash Your Face.” They were married for 16 years and had 4 children together.
A former Disney executive, he was also the author of Built Through Courage, a self-help book of sorts that stressed: “There is, for every single one of us, a very intentional purpose that our Creator has placed us on this planet for, and our work in this life we have is to do everything we can, every single day, to honor the intention “of that Creator.”
In an interview two years ago with the Christian Post, Hollis was reflective of a year of hardship following his divorce but said he was hopeful for the future.
2020 was the hardest year of my life, outpacing any other year by a factor of 100, but it was also the best. As I look back, 18 months removed from the hardest things that I’ve ever been through — I don’t want to relive them, but I can sit here today with a wild amount of gratitude for having gone through them because of the way that it brought me to my knees and drew me closer to God.
…Telling people that you have faith is something that is easy until you go through really, really hard things,” he said. “I realized how much stronger my faith could be because it had been tested.”
He cited James 4:8, which reads, in part: “Come near to God, and He will come near to you.”
“I found myself, because of the conditions around me, closer to God than I’d ever been. And in that, I developed faith that the things that I would need in this journey would show up when I needed them. When you do that, you find God in unexpected places.
What a waste.