SBC Seminary Sells Off $11M in Assets Following Adam Greenway’s Botched Presidency

Screenshot Jason Harrell

Six months ago, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Adam Greenway was effectively canned for being terrible at his job. Marked by a desire to reshape the seminary’s ethos in his image, at least 45 faculty left under Greenways’ watch, either retiring, resigning, or plain out being fired, such as the canning of the much-loved top professors David Allen and Robert Lopez.

With morale at an all-time low, Greenway dragged the seminary into massive debt, ensuring his vocational coil was swiftly snuffed out. The fact that he recently challenged the biblical definition of a pastor and claimed the Baptist Faith and Message 2000’s restriction of the pastorate to men likely applied only to the (biblically non-existent) office of “senior pastors” and not other ‘pastoral roles’ likely didn’t help matters either.

With full-time equivalent enrollment at SWBTS down nearly 30% from the last two years before (1126 then vs. 793 now) and the seminary desperate for cash, the city of Fort Worth has purchased 140 dorm units on 15 acres of land from them for 11 million dollars. 

According to a press release by the city, there are 16 one-bedroom units and 124 two-bedroom units, and they will be used for families struggling with homelessness and domestic abuse. 

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