Charismatic Prophetess Kidnapped By God to Heaven After…Sitting Down on the Toilet?

Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ‘a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ‘a church pastor.‘ Her website says of her:
Emma is a prophet who operates with authority and authenticity as she ministers and teaches around the world, giving clear and direct prophetic input to leaders, churches and ministries, equipping the body of Christ to better hear from God and to apply His revelation to transform lives, communities, cities and nations
We featured her in a post last year, after she stated there are grooming demons out there whose goal is to use lassos to tie Christians down in order to prevent them from reaching their full potential, keep them from financial prosperity and promotion, and lead them in the ‘status quo.’
Now, in an interview with Ivan Barber, she describes a recent encounter where she briefly visited the ladies restroom prior to going out on stage to preach. Suddenly as she sat down on the toilet, she was transported to heaven, against her will, because God the father wanted to spend time with her, walking with her through His garden revealing the mysteries of the universe, before sending her back to earth.
We steward a place, you and I, of leadership, and we steward a place of being national prophets. So very much that being caught up in the Spirit, God and I are discussing, you know, what he’s doing in the nations, and then that forms, you know, national words.
I was ministering in Africa… and I looked at my watch, I thought it was about two minutes before I’ve got to preach. I’ll just (go) to the bathroom before I’m on the platform. I’m sorry if this is too straight talking, but this is how I am.
So I’m in the lady’s restrooms, and being as polite as I can about it, I literally, I lock myself in the cubicle, I go to sit down on the toilet, I don’t know how else to say it politely, and the Spirit of God just said, ‘Come up here.’
And I am literally putting my hands against either cubicle wall going, “Ahhhhhh, I’m going to preach God, what are you doing?!” Like Paul says, whether in the spirit or out the spirit, I don’t really know at that point.
So I fly through the spirit realm and I find myself in one of God’s gardens. And he’s sitting quite peacefully in one of his benches in his garden, and I’m sitting there, and I’m saying to God, “I’m preaching, I’m not ready to preach, what are you doing? This is not good timing, you know?”
So… of course, you look in his eyes, and you’re like, “oh, they can just wait, I’m staying here forever”, you know? And you see him, and suddenly, your entire being is whole in a different way. And we lock eyes, and all that jadedness and all that frustration, and he doesn’t even need to say anything. It’s just the look. And of course, because he is peace, because he is joy, because he is life. You know, you sit in his shadow, and you just sit and suddenly it’s all okay.
Emma Stark is not a fringe charismatic, but rather run-of-the mill, and these wild claims are routinely offered by many like her,
h/t Shawn at revealing Truth on YT
Something similar happened to me on a Taco Tuesday a few years ago. It was the same only different.
Maybe you’ve had enough tacos, glutton.