Charismatic Prophetess Explains the Importance of Casting Demons Out of Yourself ‘You Just Blow Them Out’

Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ’a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ’a church pastor. ‘Her website says of her:
Emma is a prophet who operates with authority and authenticity as she ministers and teaches around the world, giving clear and direct prophetic input to leaders, churches and ministries, equipping the body of Christ to better hear from God and to apply His revelation to transform lives, communities, cities and nations.
We featured her in a post last year, after she stated there are grooming demons out there whose goal is to use lassos to tie Christians down in order to prevent them from reaching their full potential, and then after she claimed one time before a sermon she sat down on the toilet and was transported to heaven, against her will, because God the father wanted to spend time with her, walking with her through His garden revealing the mysteries of the universe, before sending her back to earth.
In a 2019 conversation with ‘Seer’ Ana Werner, Stark talks about the importance of casting demons out of herself on a regular basis, something that Isaiah Saldivar has also recommended doing, and that these spirits will leave you when you breathe them out.
So for us, rather than just coming to the place of repentance, which please do and we all do that, we’ve got to add on to our concept of repentance, which is the saved bit, the concept of deliverance. So I repent, I am sorry God for this thing that I did, this lie that I told, because most of us do that on a weekly basis, we wish we didnt. So I repent of this lie that I told.
What do I then do? I then renounce it, if I’m partnering with personal deliverance and freedom. So (by) renouncing it I break agreement with a lying spirit. I say I don’t want that lying spirit in my life. I say it’s not welcome to come and shout at me again. I bind the life of that lying spirit; ‘you may not talk to me. You may not sit my shoulder.’ And I’ve repented, I’ve renounced, and then I cast it out.
“You get out of me right now lying spirit. If you’re living in me and you got a foothold, and my sin has allowed a foothold to become a stronghold. And I have a stronghold of a lying spirit because I do it all of the time. Well, right now I’m casting you out.”
So, repent, renounce, and then cast it out. And because, of course, the spirit is spirit. It’s wind, it’s breath. You just blow out. Out on the breath.”
h/t Revealing Truth
Well, there you go.
Another self-empowered narcissist cashing in via undiscerning, naive Christians.
She seems biblically sound and accurate on all matters of christian theology. But she is considerably overweight and yes i do know you Americans would consider her slim.
Emma Stark could be described as many things but ‘biblically sound and accurate on all matters of christian theology’ is certainly not one of them as my article on this link explains –
Funny she talks about grooming spirits. She’s probably a groomer herself. Just look at her. probably a practicing lesbian.
I place as much blame on the people who hire her, support her, and give her a platform, as I place on this deluded soul herself. There is really no excuse for this.
Definitely living in the end times. Kat Kerr and now Emma Stark. Look for more nut jobs to come. Have read the book of Acts. Can’t find one verse where they blew on demons to come out of a person. Most definitely they need prayer and counseling, and a real understanding of the Bible. How very sad both have been deceived.