Charismatic Prophetess: ‘Grooming Demons’ Will Capture You With ‘Lassos’ to Keep you from Financial Prosperity


Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ‘a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ‘a church pastor.‘ Her website says of her:

Emma is a prophet who operates with authority and authenticity as she ministers and teaches around the world, giving clear and direct prophetic input to leaders, churches and ministries, equipping the body of Christ to better hear from God and to apply His revelation to transform lives, communities, cities and nations

From Fast Talk Episode 1, Stark describes how there are grooming demons out there whose goal is to use lassos to tie Christians down in order to prevent them from reaching their full potential, keep them from financial prosperity and promotion, and lead them in the ‘status quo.’

Yes, it’s as stupid as it sounds.

Is time to have a rebellious nature to the training of demons and to the words that they are bringing. And then this is shocking but I heard this word in the spirit: ‘grooming demons’

And of course the word ‘grooming’ is so unpalatable and unsavory in our culture because we have so associated grooming with a sense of exploitation, of manipulation, of abuse. And the concept of grooming is really linked into ‘how can I inappropriately establish a connection with you?’

And so when the Lord started to say ‘demonic grooming’ I believe there are demons who are trying to connect emotionally with you to set the trajectory of your emotions, who want to put their thoughts inside your head. And what those demonic groomers are saying right now is ‘don’t you dare be a fighting Joshua. Don’t you have a Joshua attitude that is authoritative that understands ownership of your space.’

No- these demonic groomers are saying ‘you better settle for the status quo.’ These demonic groomers are saying ‘you better settle right now for how you feel and just let those negative emotions just take your whole being. You better settle even for how you’ve been received in society. You better settle for what you own. You better settle for your level of promotion.

And these demonic groomers -uh I saw them actually like holding lassos where they would fly the lasso, right?- catch you where you are, so that you were emotionally stuck, you were physically stuck, you were geographically stuck.

And these demonic groomers, if there’s word that they’re shouting over your life right now it’s this: ‘Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! You must stay here and you must stay put, and we will groom you out of a Joshua mantle to settle.’

h/t to Jeff Maples at Reformation Charlotte. We hate you for introducing us to her and…whatever THIS is.

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8 thoughts on “Charismatic Prophetess: ‘Grooming Demons’ Will Capture You With ‘Lassos’ to Keep you from Financial Prosperity

  1. I really do not understand how anyone can fall with the nonsense that comes from these false Christians if it is anything other than 2 Timothy 4:3.

    It *has* to be that, because no one on earth can truly be so stupid as to believe that these heretics and blasphemers hear anything from the LORD God. Right?

    Right? I mean, people can’t *really* be that stupid…right?

    Oh goodness.

    1. Ron — Just look around on You Tube, or put “prophecy” in their search bar, and check out just how many of alllllll these women – AND men who are just like this clown spewing her demonic nonsense. Of course, these are also prophets/prophetesses, apostles, bishops, and even more titles they slap on themselves. Then take a look down at the comments sections. These fakes have 100,000, 200,000 or more subscribers, where a sound church pastor will have less than 2000. Add that a SOUND church pastor is also clearly a rarity in these last days. People eat this stuff up like candy, and from even the little I know of as far as what is Biblical, there is NO way these people can be the regenerated believers and followers of Jesus Christ that they claim to be. There is just NO WAY. “Strait is the gate” indeed, and VERY “narrow is the way that leads to life”, and I DO believe that very few of us will find it.

  2. James 4:77Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

    It isnt that difficult to understand is it? It is for those who prefer signs and wonders.gnosticism, and false prophets. 2Tim 4:3-4

    This reprobate woman is the judgement of those who follow her and not Holy God and the word of God!
    It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.

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