Charismatic Prophetess Claims She Battled ‘Underground’ Demons…LITERALLY ‘Under the Ground’

Like a younger version of Kat Kerr before she started smoking the electric lettuce or eating the devil’s jambalaya, Emma Stark is an up-and-coming prophetess from Ireland. She founded the Glasgow Prophetic Center with her husband in 2019 and describes herself as “a prophet who hears from God’, ’a traveling lecturer in spirituality’ and ’a church pastor.
We featured her in a post last year, after she stated there are grooming demons out there whose goal is to use lassos to tie Christians down in order to prevent them from reaching their full potential, and then after she claimed one time before a sermon she sat down on the toilet and was transported to heaven, against her will, because God the father wanted to spend time with her, walking with her through His garden revealing the mysteries of the universe, before sending her back to earth. Recently, she taught about the importance of casting demons out of yourself, which can be done by blowing them out.
In a recent conversation with the British Isles Council of Prophets, Stark claims she was literally transported under the ground, where she battled demons who then poisoned her.
Some years ago, many of you might remember that I had a very peculiar encounter in a hotel room in London and where I was under the ground fighting the enemy. And in I don’t often talk about this publicly, because it’s a little bit strange. But I thought I was in a dream, because I was in bed, I thought it was a dream I was having. And in that dream, which turned out not to be a dream, I was losing a fight under the ground.
And I was dealing with very weighty underground demons. And I knew that I had died in the dream and I was taking my last breath. I had been wounded here on the arm with a poisoned arrow. As I came out of what I thought was a dream, I discovered that God had moved me physically and spiritually, this is weird, just go with this. And I was standing upright in the hotel bedroom looking at my arm… where there was a physical cut from an arrow, a physical cut from a spiritual encounter, and blood and poison was dripping out of this arm.
That’s a crazy story. She continues:
So I had one of those crossover encounters, where I thought I was in the spirit, but I was also moved in the flesh, a little bit like Paul writes about in Corinthians, whether in the in the spirit or not in the spirit.
So I knew that under the ground there were difficult demons. And I knew that I wasn’t at that point strong enough to deal with them, because they had literally physically marked me. And for days after poison was dripping out of my arm, physically dripping out of my arm. Have I told you that story before? Very odd. It’s a very, very, very odd thing. And because I thought I was dreaming. And I was very shaken by it.
h/t Shawn at Revealing Truth.
Why don’t any of these people just look normal?
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This twit is yet just another narcissistic opportunist preying on naive and undiscerning believers for fame and fortune.
Judgment will not be good for this depraved liar.
Positively, “preying on naive and undiscerning believers for fame and fortune”. That’s the problem! Many of these are Christian in name only. I see this as a false or pretended kind of Christianity that is and will in the end embrace antichrist.
And thanks to Pulpit & Pen for sounding the alarm!
It’s odd that a professing ‘Christian’ would go out of her way to look like a lesbian? But, stay tuned because She’ll probably tell her followers God said it’s ok if she is😵
SMH (fka tekon, others) – August 1, 2023
“If I had married a trouble-making, pain-in-the-posterior, wicked-hearted woman with a mouth like yours, I might’ve just lost it one day and smashed her face in…I could’ve killed you with one punch…I’m showing you some of what those ramifications and consequences could be…As I said to you before, you’re like a poodle nipping at the heels of a pitbull”
If you’re experiencing abuse, you can get help with just a call or chat. Our trained advocates offer free, confidential support 24/7.
M, apparently you have no idea how abusive you are yourself.
Everything you have done to me here at this website has been abusive.
You are always the initiator. You are always the aggressor. You are always the abuser.
Those who go back and read the posts will see that you doctored that quote you posted here in the comment to which I’m now responding, pasted several quotes from different comments together, as if they were from the same comment, took them out of sequence (days out of sequence, I might add), and took them out of context.. Being the wicked-hearted, deceitful, reprobate you are, as everybody here knows you to be, it is no surprise that you would yet again lie and falsely accuse.
I’ve known some evil women in my time, and you, M, are are among the worst of them …
Always the extreme irony with you M.
Doctoring up that fake quote is abusive!
You truly are a reprobate …
Everybody reading the posts here, who is aware of your abusive behavior, M, completely understands why and how someone could easily lose their cool with a person like you …
And everybody here knows you do it on purpose. You will push and provoke and mess with someone until you push them over the edge and past the limit, because that is EXACTLY YOUR INTENT
The adults here, M, who have raised children, nieces, nephews, etc., know exactly what you’re doing here. We’re all too familiar with it, especially when dealing with spoiled brats.
You are purposefully trying to push, provoke, and mess with me until I lose my cool … you are intentionally trying to push me past my limit …
And again, I am responding for the benefit of young men and women who may read these posts …
I’m sure you will read into what I say, yet again, whatever you want to read rather than what was written, but M what I’m telling you is the truth.
If you keep messing with people, one of these days you might discover that there are people in this world who you actually can push over the edge. You keep trying to push people past their limits, and you might accidentally find out, when it comes to some people, you actually can do so …
That’s not a threat. It’s reality. It’s caution.
And of course, you completely omit the fact that I did not marry such a woman, and did not marry at all. Even then I did not want to put myself in situations where I might be pushed to the edge.
I don’t know how that makes me a bad guy, but whatever …
Did I have a temper? Yes. Was I aggressive? Yes. Was I a sinner? Yes
So are you, M. You’re aggressive. You’re a sinner. Your extreme stubbornness and arrogance indicates you probably have a temper. And when it comes to being abusive, you are 1000x more abusive than I ever was, even at my worst.
M the Troll
aka Jethro Roys Jr. – Double Naught “Journalist”
Couldn’t post an actual accurate and honest quote or account of events to save her life …
But by golly, she has perfect grammar …
It’s no wonder you rejected Jesus and disregard scripture, M. By the time you’re done “interpreting” and reading what you want to read rather than what it says, it’s probably something like …
“For God so …. hated … the world … that He … gave not … His son … so that … all would be condemned”
Reprobate …
I have no doubt someone with your “skills”, M, could take one sentence here, another there, half a sentence here, word or two there, jumping all over the place between books and chapters, scraping what you want out of the red text of God’s word, everything out of sequence, out of context, ignoring the points being made, doctor up some quotes, and you could make Jesus Himself appear to be the worst person ever to walk the face of the planet …
It truly is stupid, M
I find it odd that you would choose a Christian website comments section to tirelessly attack someone who you obviously had a relationship with. I suggest you privately email this individual instead of burdening others with your vindictive rhetoric.
I am referring, of course, to “M”
Sure, just let me know your email address and we can settle this.
Settle what? You’re apparent butt-hurt falling out with ‘SMH’? I and everyone else using this comments forum have already been forced to participate in your childish public feud – pretty sure you’re the last person I wish to personally communicate with.
It’s possible RoP, but not likely, considering it’s been over 20 years since I went on a date, and none of the women I dated would do what M is doing even back then at a younger age. They were all Christians, and I didn’t date girls who weren’t.
I don’t know who she is. And if she knows who I am, I don’t know how she could’ve possibly found out.
About 30 years since the last girlfriend …
If she’s a former girlfriend, she’s been holding a grudge for a very long time, and is behaving very immaturely for her age.
Could be wrong, but I suspect she’s the typical young white liberal woke female, who’s decided she’s got it all figured out, and she’s going to “fix” all of us terrible old Bible-believing Christians …
You’re keeping us very entertained.
I know you are at least partly doing this to entertain yourself … that’s obvious … you entertain yourself by sinful and wicked means … you do wrong, both to the Lord and to others, and you laugh about it …
Which makes one wonder whether or not there are any sins at all that you wouldn’t commit in order to entertain yourself …
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if you and your pals are the sort who could murder someone in cold blood and laugh about it …
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” – Luke 16:10
It’s like a virtual knock-out game …
You are your little band of reprobates are the only people on the planet who think it’s funny …
Nobody else can stand you …