Podcast: Churches Cancelling Services on Christmas, Amy Grant Gay Wedding, and is a Grown Man Playing Video Games Equivalent to a Grown Woman Playing Barbie Dolls?

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for December 20th, 2022, we discuss the sorry reasons some churches are using to not gather on the Lord’s Day this weekend, and touch on Amy Grant’s hatred for her niece. In the PT VIP portion, we answer sincere questions about Prestonwood’s Christmas show and rebranding Christian Nationalism.
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison answer whether or not video games acceptable in the eyes of God, if they the same as spending time watching a show, if the same rules for other forms of entertainment should be applied to video games or should they be in a separate category, and basically, are adult men playing video games akin to adult women playing with Barbie dolls.
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