Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest

Prominent SBC pastor Dwight McKissic, a progressive denominational gadfly who continually advocates for female pastors, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, and has repeated supported the practice and implementation of Critical Race Theory, threatening to leave the Southern Baptist Convention if they make a formal resolution denouncing it from the convention floor, has come out as functionally pro-choice by stating that legally speaking, women should be able to murder their babies in the womb in cases of rape or incest.

Of course McKissic would likely quibble with that designation, saying something along the lines that he is personally pro-life and doesn’t want women to abort in those cases, only that they should legally be allowed. That sounds nice until you realize that what he want to be legally allowed is using chemicals and curettes to slice up babies and turn their bodies into little pink slurries of blood and bone, scraped into the trash or incinerator.

In the same way that he would never accept carved out exceptions for plantation owners to keep slaves- such as the slaver insisting he must have them in order to stave off crushing poverty and economic collapse, so too much we reject his reasons. These exceptions are abhorrent and should be roundly condemned, along with McKissic, who has gotten more honest and outed himself for what he truly believes.

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11 thoughts on “Prominent SBC Pastor Advocates For Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest

  1. McKissic is in agreement with Jewish law. Apparently y’all don’t stand with the Jewish people. You rather be Christian Taliban. Will have to be dealt with just like the Taliban and ISIS were dealt with (I know because I’m a veteran).

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    2. You have only made an assertion without providing support. Cite your source regarding Jewish law and abortion.
      The Old Testament I read demonstrates ALL children are a gift from God and HE is against child sacrifice (abortion= worshipping Molech).

      1. Jews don’t follow the OT. They follow the Talmud. The same oral tradition of the scribes and elders condemned by Christ and Paul.

        See here:

        “ In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.”

        Nasty stuff.
        Now you now why our Lord called them out for serving a liar and murderer from the beginning.

      2. “[If] a woman who was having trouble giving birth…her life comes before its life.” (Mishneh Ohalot 7:6).

  2. This is on the SBC for letting this low IQ lead people astray. How many other topics has this moron twisted for his own political purposes and preached lies from the pulpit? Shame on McKissic and shame on the SBC.

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