SBC Disfellowships Four More Churches (Including One with 85% Of Ladies on Staff) While Liberals Cope and Seethe

The Southern Baptist Credentials Committee continues to carry out the people’s will at the slowest rate possible, deeming four SBC churches no longer in friendly cooperation with the convention, including tossing one out because they have a pastrix at the helm. 

Two days ago, the Executive Committee voted to disfellowship from Immanuel Baptist Church in Paducah, Kentucky, for having Katie McKown as the senior minister, a job she took less than a year ago. 

Not for nothing, but it’s probably not a coincidence that the church’s staff is suspiciously devoid of a Y chromosome. 

They also booted New Hope Baptist Church in Gastonia, North Carolina, over a “lack of reported financial participation for at least the last five years and its lack of intent to cooperate to resolve a question of faith and practice,” and they likewise punted Grove Road Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Grove Road averages around 12 congregants a week, and they were excised due to a “lack of intent to cooperate in resolving a concern regarding the pastor’s mishandling of an allegation of sexual abuse.”

Lastly, they aced West Hendersonville Baptist Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina, for their terrible handling of allegations of sexual abuse against pastor Pastor Jerry Mullinax. Mullinax was fired from his teaching job after he allegedly sent female students some very sexual emails more than 20 years ago. Despite this, he kept his pastoral role, thus earning him a disqualification based on the convention’s policy on sexual abuse.

Pro-choice egalitarian SBC pastor Dwight McKissic naturally took a passive aggressive jab at the news, writing:

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