Worship Leader Gives Most Specific, Passive-Aggressive Prayer Ever

Holy Cross Catholic Church in Vero Beach, Florida, had a cantor give an oddly specific, passive aggressive prayer during mass, highlighting what seemed were his own personal irritants and pet peeves, as part of the time of corporate read and response, taking the congregation to task for stealing xerox paper, using tax loopholes to get disability benefits, cheating at golf and hoarding toilet paper.
From the sense of blind entitlement some people seem to have, Lord have mercy.
From a blind judgmental attitude over other people’s appearance or dress, Christ have mercy.
For the times our sharp political divide blinded our call to care for each other, Christ have mercy.
When people use loopholes to take advantage of disability benefits, Christ have mercy.
From a blind attitude over the theft of work Xerox paper for personal use, Lord have mercy.
When we attempted to jump the line or skirt the rules to get a vaccine, Lord have mercy.
From a lack of courtesy, especially for the elderly, Lord have mercy.
From a lack of humility or lack of patience, Christ have mercy.
From a temptation to cheat at golf tournaments by not reporting strokes or by a foot wedge, Christ have mercy.
From a blind attitude during COVID of not wearing masks or hoarding toilet paper, Christ have mercy.
For the times we lacked respect for God in church with distracted talking, Lord have mercy.
We are tempted to gossip or be engaged in incessant griping, Lord have mercy.
When we are blind to racism in all its colors, Lord have mercy.
For the times we blame the church as an excuse for not participating, Christ have mercy.
From the attitude that it is okay to double bill or not show up for doctor appointments, Christ have mercy.
When we become annoyed that someone is sitting in my pew or think the homily is too long, Christ have mercy.
And now for *the* most passive aggressive and oddly specific prayer intentions you have ever heard in church pic.twitter.com/3Ifu8uAfLI
— Fr. Tom Bombadil (@calix517) June 26, 2022
Seems OK to me.
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He’s asking for mercy for people who incessantly gripe while he…incessantly gripes haha!
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