Charismatic Leader Has Video of Jesus Appearing On Stage With Him- We Review the Evidence

Charismatic leader Hank Kunneman, the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and founder of One Voice Ministries, had an encounter last week where Jesus appeared on stage with him while he was preaching. According to his bio, this minister has a “strong prophetic anointing as he preaches” and “his ministry has been marked with an incredible accuracy in the word of knowledge and prophecy concerning nations and world events” who is “used of God in demonstrations of the Spirit with many testifying of healing and miracles” was surprisingly casual and blasé about the whole affair.

Kunneman last made an appearance after this website after prophetess Kat Kerr testified about a vision he had, and took a picture of the hand of God in the sky used to confirm his creds, which ended up being less than impressive. In this case, he recounts on Sunday night what occurred just days earlier on Friday.

THE RECOUNTING: Hear what the spirit of God is saying: In fact, there was such an anointing that came on Friday night, and as I was praying that afternoon, I said, ‘Lord, I just want you to do something that you validate what you’ve given to me.’

And all of a sudden, as I was standing there on Friday night, I literally saw, out of the corner of my eye, a human figure wearing a robe walk right around me. And I knew it wasn’t an angel. And I could see a beard and a mustache as it went fast, and it was Jesus. And I stopped, and I said, “Jesus, you’re here!” And you could feel the atmosphere immediately shifted…

THE INCIDENT: So the anointing of preservation is upon you. Now how do we know when the glory shows up that God- man, there’s something moving around me… that’s… Wow! I don’t care if you saw that. I just saw somebody standing right here. Maybe it’s the Lord Himself. Come on, Jesus! …I’m telling you, I felt Him right here. I’m serious! My whole being started shaking. I could feel it on my left side. Well, Jesus, You’re welcome here.”

That’s about what we figured the minute we heard about it.

Editor’s Note. h/t to that hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link.

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14 thoughts on “Charismatic Leader Has Video of Jesus Appearing On Stage With Him- We Review the Evidence

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  4. This is the same mouth-breathing huckster who endlessly ‘prophesized’ that Trump would be declared the rightful president within weeks, then months of the election.

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  6. Catholics and charismatics are the same in this regard. Once a group rejects sola scriptura, the sufficiency of scripture, and promotes continuationism, ongoing revelation, it’s an open invitation to hucksters and goofballery. Catholics have insisted they’ve seen “Mary” and angels, demons, etc that reveal things to them for over 1000 years and the Catholic Church just accepts this as potentially possible. Due to Catholic theology they don’t often claim to see Jesus, as he’s not a “friend” but dwells remote in inaccessible light. A made-up characterization of mary fills that role for them.

  7. If Jesus, God incarnate, were there wouldn’t it be in physical, bodily form that all could see?

    And if that were the case that would be the second advent, correct?

    So, I’m going to go on a limb and say this might just possibly be rubbish. Correction, we all know this is rubbish.

  8. So was whatever/whoever he saw one foot tall or twenty? It’s hard to tell, since he was alternating between looking down at the floor and up at the ceiling.

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