Scandal-Riddled Daystar Television Loses Two More: Joyce Meyer and Jimmy Evans Announce Departure

Daystar Television Network continues to enjoy the fallout from their ongoing scandal, with two shows announcing their departure from the imploding megacorp.
In late November of 2024, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson announced she and her show Laura-Lynn Live at the Eagle’s Nest were parting ways, which was quickly followed by Baruch Korman, arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, prominent false teachers Hank and Brenda Kunneman, false prophet Lance Wallnau, and Jack Graham of Powerpoint Ministries.
Now, Joyce Meyer Ministries has announced that they are ‘pausing’ their relationship with Daystar, citing the scandal, in an email shared with The Dallas Morning News by Joyce Meyer Ministry CEO Dan Meyer:
“Daystar has been a long-standing broadcast partner, helping our ministry to share the life-changing message of Jesus around the world. However, in recent weeks, we have become troubled by allegations surrounding the Daystar Television Network.
Due to the nature of these allegations and my mom’s own story, we feel a profound responsibility to stand for truth and create space for its discovery. In addition, we must always be sensitive to the hearts of those walking on this journey with us. As many of you are aware, we have received a significant and growing amount of concern from our partners and viewers regarding the Daystar situation.
“The decision to suspend programming was not an easy one to make, but myself, my brother, our mom and dad, along with other ministry leadership believe it is necessary at this time. When and if this situation is satisfactorily resolved, we will potentially consider resuming programming on Daystar.”
In turn, Daystar wrote on X:

Last week, XO Marriage host Jimmy Evans also announced he was departing.
Even with some of those devils gone, Daystar’s list of remaining baddies runs long, with a who’s who of prosperity heretics and false teachers that includes Sid Roth, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Jim Bakker, Marcus Lamb, Bill Winston, Perry Stone, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, TD Jakes, Andrew Womack, and Paula White.
Daystar has been embroiled in a months-long controversy after Jonathan Lamb and his wife Suzy made a public allegation that Joni Lamb and Daystar tried covering up their daughter’s sexual abuse at the hands of a male relative. They say not only did Joni encourage them not to go to the police, but she even defended the perpetrator and made justifications of why he couldn’t possibly have done it, even going so far as to suggest that she prayed to God and that God told her the alleged molester was innocent.
Furthermore, Suzy has alleged that she was sexually assaulted in 2017 by a chiropractor who worked for the family in the Network’s green room. After telling Marcus and Joni, Marcus paid off the chiropractor, and Joni reportedly told her not to tell anyone about it because they needed to protect the company’s reputation.
Daystar has forcefully denied the allegations, declaring that the two are engaged in a “smear campaign against them” and that this is just retaliation from Jonathan for being passed over for the position of network president.