Charismatic Preacher Claims Reptile Alien Pretended to Be her Husband in Attempt to Seduce Her

A charismatic preacher appeared on the Jim Bakker show- that fount of witchcraft and woo-woo- to discuss all the way the dark forces of this world deceive the body, including the seductive powers of the lizard people who are seeking to cause us to sin sexually with them. This is the day after he had Dr. Michael Brown on, so you know he’s keeping it all in the family.
During the show, his guests Sharon and Derek Gilbert, both authors, podcasters and creators of Christian content with a sci-fi and/or end times theme , recounted the bizarre incident.
One stark difference between cessationists and continuationists that is quickly noticed and easily observed is that a continuationist can recount the following story and no one on the panel blinks an eye or asks any follow-up questions and clarification. They accept it as gospel truth, on account of these sorts of activities being an everyday part of their faith and experiences. Gilbert is not some fringe charismatic, but rather is planted firmly in the mainstream as she discusses the range of supernatural activity that an unsuspecting Christian may might themselves facing- lizard people imitating their spouses trying to sex them up, whereas cessationists would at the very least have questions. Many, many, maaaaany questions. She explains:
After Derek and I got married… one night, this other Derek appears in our bed. The real Derek is
lying down next to me. Other Derek sits right up out of it. It startled me. I knew that was not Derek. And
so I asked this critter, “Who are you?” Because he clearly wanted to have sexual relations.
And he said, “Come on, I’m your husband.” I said, “Who are you?” And he had the nerve to claim to be
Ahasuerus — Xerxes….Well, Other Derek seriously wanted to invite me to use my free will to do something that was going to pull me away from God.
…So this last time, I knew he was really desperate. And I asked him again, “Who are you?” He told me the
same answer, and I said, “I am not going with you.” This was an internal dialogue. Finally, I said, “I’ve
had enough” – in my mind. I reached up. I grabbed his face, and I said, “You are a liar. And Jesus is real.”
And I pulled that face off. And beneath it was a reptile!
And he had little creatures with him this time. He brought these little halfling creatures, and they looked like, I don’t know, gargoyles. They were very reptilian as well. So beneath that the face of Derek was a reptilian serpentine creature, probably similar to what was visiting the Anasazi…
Editor’s note. h/t to those reprobates at the Friendly Atheist for the story.
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I wish I had a nickel for every time this has happened to my poor wife. I hate looking like a lizard.
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Please don’t paint all charismatics with the same brush, This woman is a nutter. and would be recognized as such by anyone with half a brain. I really appreciate your ministry and the good you do but when you take cheap shots at Christian brother and sisters by comparing all continuationists with flakes and loons like Jim Baker et al it is nothing short of libel and certainly doesn’t demonstrate the love of Christ . Please continue exposing the wolves in sheep’s clothing that plague so much of the Church today, just don’t malign a whole segment of the Church that you have doctrinal differences with by unfairly lumping us all together with charlatans and conmen.
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