Why Christians Aren’t Keen on COVID-19 Vaccines

As authentic Christians, we must push back against fake believers using Jesus to demand that we inject ourselves with unproven, hastily-contrived drugs
And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage (Galatians 2:4)
David French, a left-of-center Republican who was chosen by Never-Trumpers in 2016 to run for U.S. President against Donald J. Trump (it didn’t pan out), recently wrote an article at his blog eviscerating “white evangelicals” who are hesitant to take the COVID-19 vaccine. The article has made its rounds in social media, with both cheers from evangelical statists and guffaws from legitimate Christians who are naturally skeptical of the largely unproven claims of the necessity of a vaccine designed to protect us from a virus that’s significantly less dangerous than the seasonal flu (once you throw out inflated death stats that are 1500% higher than reality, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have admitted).

As French argues in The Spiritual Problem at the Heart of Christian Vaccine Refusal, “white evangelicals” is the term used to describe those of us who are urging science and reason over superstition and statism. This makes sense if one closely follows French, who has adopted Critical Theory in recent years – along with his paramours in Big Evangelicalism – which views Dr. Martin Luther King’s “color-blindness” not as a virtue, but as a sin to be excommunicated from the church post haste. The “ethnicity is everything” mantra of Cultural Marxism is strong with French, who is – as Charles Spurgeon would say – “no more Christian than chalk is cheese.”
Although ad hominem is a poor way to craft a premise, understanding David French is essential to understanding his argument. For pro-vaxxers posting French’s Tet Offensive against evangelicals, it’s necessary to understand that French is not a Christian. He is a Commintern and subversive ideological who the Scripture speaks of in Galatians 2:4 who come into the church merely to spy it out and steal our liberty.
Like with the far-left pseudo-Christians who founded and now operate The Gospel Coalition and have turned it into the Democrat propaganda wing of evangelicalism, French writes as though he is one of us. But he is not. French is the same type of Republican as Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition’s founder, who was exposed several months ago as a registered Democrat. While waxing eloquent about why Christians can vote for Democrats, or even why “pro-life” evangelicals can support Joe Biden, these types of progressive infiltrators pose as conservatives while shotgunning leftist talking points into the blogosphere at a record pace.
The Bible gives us firm warning about this type of subversive teacher, those who are “certain men who crept in unnoticed” (Jude 1:4).
French, for example, argued that real Christians support drag queen story time at their local libraries because they are “one of the blessings of liberty.” This is the same man, David French, who applauded Barack Obama for his “character” only last November, apparently overlooking unlawful wiretaps on his political opponents, his targeted harassment of religious organizations and churches with the IRS, or his intentional gun-running to Mexican cartels in order to undermine America’s Second Amendment. Meanwhile, authentic Christians realize that support for unmitigated infanticide, sodomy-based “marriage,” and chopping off little boys’ penises in the name of gender expression are all character issues. David French is the type of man who signs up for “Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden,” who only yesterday discovered (surprise!) that Joe Biden is not pro-life. But don’t let them fool you…they knew all along.
French even argued that voting for Donald Trump was a sin because it’s unloving to our neighbors. David French’s golden rule, unlike Jesus’, is to vote Democrat. In other words, French is hardly an evangelical, and even more hardly still, a Christ-follower. Simply put, if your Jesus leads you to the DNC, you’ve got the wrong Jesus. French’s adeptness at throwing around evangelical jargon and theological codewords should not confuse you; he runs in evangelical circles and has picked upon our rhetoric only to use it against us.- Advertisement –
Evangelical language, for David French, is the sheep’s clothing he wears over his face like a mutton-killing Hanibal Lecter.
French employs numerous logical fallacies in his face-palming and brain-numbing arguments against evangelicals who double-check the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and who are rightly questioning their necessity.
The subtitle of French’s article is fallacious in its own right. It reads, “Why are so many white Evangelicals reluctant to consider the health of their community?”
So far from loving thy neighbor, French immediately begs the question in his article and presumes from the beginning that the reason for evangelical hesitancy to inject ourselves with drugs is due to our reluctance to consider the health of our community.
In French’s fallacious mind, this makes sense. The reason, French presumes from the beginning, evangelicals are lagging behind statists in their adoption of superstitious health directives is because they are reluctant to consider the health needs of the community. In other words, French presumes the absolute worst motives of Christians taking a watch-and-see approach to personal health decisions. The reason we are hesitant must be – in French’s thinking – that we don’t care about others.
Well damn that idea.
Ordinarily, it’s the devil who accuses the brethren, but in this case it’s David French who does it in Jesus’ name, a special dash of blasphemy on top of his intellectual naivety. While it may delight liberals to presume out of the chute that Christians are motivated by hatred for our neighbors, we might point out that nearly 20% of the hospitals in this nation forming the front line of medical defense against the Wuhan Flu are religiously affiliated. If “selfish Christians” took our ball and went home, America’s medical infrastructure would collapse in a heap.
For French, it suffices to argue that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says we should take the COVID-19 vaccine. This is, ultimately, the only authority David French needs to make his point that Christians are anti-medicine, anti-reason, and anti-science and on top of that, hateful toward our neighbors.
French writes, “…unless you are in the impossibly tiny minority of people who fully understand the science of the vaccine, we’re all trusting somebody.”
This canard has been overcooked in the last year. The thought process goes, for those in the Intelligentsia, that to not accept the advice of the CDC is a mix of pride, ignorance, and hatred. And should you have an opinion on vaccinations – no matter the amount of medical research you appeal to – it is illegitimate because you haven’t a medical degree.
Here, the smarmy arrogance of French and the Intelligentsia with whom he associates is on full display. To put it another way, if you don’t have a medical degree, you aren’t entitled to an opinion.
The irony, of course, is that David French has an opinion. And David French is holding his opinion so strongly that he’s willing to impugn the character and spiritual health of someone who holds a different opinion. And most ironically, David French does not have a medical degree. He most certainly is not of the “tiny minority of people who fully understand the science of vaccine.”
I might also add, as a trained theologian with a degree in the Bible and twenty years of pastoral ministry, that David French is not of the tiny minority of people who fully understand Christian doctrine, and by his logic he’s not entitled to an opinion on Christian ethics. If I were equally as horrible, I might argue that David French should just trust me on this. I’m an expert and he isn’t. But thankfully, I recognize this is a logical fallacy known as an appeal to authority.
The fact is, the vast majority of medical doctors are not experts in epidemiology. And almost all of us have seen our family physician stop in the middle of a consultation to use Google as a cheat-sheet, reviewing symptoms and treatments that they themselves are personally unsure of. This is neither a condemnation nor commendation of the practice, but merely an observation anyone who regularly visits their doctor can attest to.
Christians, or for that matter anyone who researches what is in vaccines before we take them, can almost universally tell the tale of addressing our concerns with family doctors who are largely unfamiliar what’s in the vaccines, how they are developed, or their potential side effects even while they are preparing the needle.
We might also add that the bulk of COVID-19 mitigation efforts in the United States have been carried by county health boards which, more times than not, are comprised of appointed bureaucrats without medical degrees. In my state of Montana, some of the largest counties have health boards overseen by those without degrees in medicine. Health board members, who largely do not have health degrees, are appointed by county commissioners, who also do not have health degrees. And so when we are told by county health officials to “trust the experts” we’re not totally sure of whom they speak.
Do they speak of Dr. Fauci, who told us not to wear masks because they don’t work as late as last May? Do they speak of the CDC, which has repeatedly overstated the mortality rate of COVID-19? Is it the CDC who told us finally that COVID-19 does not spread by surface contact, after having us put our Amazon packages in quarantine for 48 hours and take whore’s baths in hand sanitizer? Or do they refer to the World Health Organization (WHO) that told us COVID-19 cannot be spread through the air between humans, even long after the virus had already made its way around the world? Or is it the same WHO that told us officially that there’s little evidence that asymptomatic individuals spead COVID-19, undermining the entire purpose of mask-wearing? Is it the same Dr. Fauci who told us not to go to church, but we can swap sex-fluids with Tinder dates so long as we wear face condoms?
Any sentient human might logically and rightly wonder who the experts are exactly. The only consistent message from the CDC and WHO is they regularly (A) admit they’re only capable of guesses and (B) make policies based upon what they admit are guesses. Those of us who don’t have to fetch our recollections from Orwell’s Memory Hole have a difficult time considering someone an expert when they have been so fantastically wrong for such a fantastic period of time.
So heck yes, consider us skeptical.
But those of us who are skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccines, the efficacy of masking measures, or the practicality of house arrests, usually and often cite medical experts who have degrees we do not. I have, for example, cited regularly my good friend and awarding-winning physician, Dr. Annie Bukacek of Kalispel, Montana. She was among the first to point out that death figures were being highly inflated by the CDC, which they eventually admitted. Dr. Tammu Parry, another dear friend of mine and Montana and Seattle phsyician, also has informed medical views that differ from the CDC talking points.
In addition to Dr. Bukacek and Dr. Parry, there have been many thousands of physicians – many with advanced degrees and respected portfolios in epidemiology – who have differed with Dr. Fauci and the CDC on masking, lockdowns, and vaccines. But these are not the “experts” that David French and the statists have in mind. Because they disagree with the CDC, which statists refer to ubiquitously as “science,” their opinions simply do not count.
Our Intelligentsia overlords are largely funded off of the teat of government money in the form of grants, creating a brain-drain and chilling effect for those physicians not quick to tow the party line on COVID-19 mitigation efforts. It’s necessary to impugn them for being anti-science if, for no other reason, they believe that scientific facts are determined by group-think and consensus. Some of us, however, still believe in the Scientific Method, built upon the premise that consensus doesn’t determine truth.
It appears that French himself has been inoculated against reason and is immune to irony, as he says to his mother who doesn’t trust the CDC, “Mom, I love you. Trust me. Here’s why I’m getting the vaccine. Here’s why my wife is getting the vaccine.”
So much for trusting experts, apparently. French literally argues that his mother should trust him because he trusts the CDC. I presume the argument for trusting county health officials works the same; they are not experts at epidemiology, but we should trust them because they trust the CDC.
Rejecting the expert advice that doesn’t conform to his statist tendencies, French moves on to an argumentum ad passiones, or an appeal to emotions.
This type of argumentation should be mocked, if not downright derided, as superstition. Trust can’t cure COVID-19. And trusting those who have been so unbelievably wrong seems foolish on its face. Like with most “intellectuals,” French presumes the rest of us are simply too stupid to be left to our own opinions.
I have my share of diplomas on the wall, including post-grad degrees, but refuse to treat the rest of the world with derision because they have the common sense to recognize when the Emperor is naked. I’m also thankful for a mother, with her post-grad degrees of her own and a lifelong career in education, who would look at me like a drunken fool if I ever tried to persuade her medical decisions by telling her to just trust me.
Throughout French’s assault on independent-thinking evangelicals, he refuses to properly distinguish between anti-vax arguments in general and hesitancy to embrace COVID-19 vaccines in particular. This is a category distinction error that delegitimizes his argument.
Likening us to cavemen Neanderthals, just as Joe Biden did last week, French lumps us all in together, both COVID-19 vaccine suspicionists and anti-vax truthers. A more savvy argumentician would have caught the logical fallacy.
Many, if not most, evangelicals reject the COVID-19 vaccines not because we are against vaccines in general. I, for example, vaccinate my children although – admittedly – not for everything. My wife and I look at each vaccine, research it fully, and make decisions based upon a cost-benefit analysis and cross-referenced ethical considerations.
We ask such questions as (1) is this vaccine necessary, (2) is my child really at risk for this ailment, (3) have the vaccines been thoroughly tested, and (4) was this vaccine ethically obtained (as in, by not using aborted babies to produce it)?
Granted, this leaves us not taking certain vaccines, but taking others. My youngest son, Augustine, suffers from a speech ailment that we suspect is a side-effect of a physician accidentally giving him two doses of a vaccine for an already-eradicated illness, which should not have solicited a single dose of vaccine. Speech problems are a known consequence of this vaccine. David French doesn’t have to pay for my child’s speech therapy, but I do.
The real reason most evangelicals are skeptical of the vaccine is because we believe in science.
Any vaccine that is produced by something called “Operation Lightspeed” induces skepticism. Because of the lack of testing in the rush for this vaccine, those taking it are literally serving as guinea pigs and lab rats. The only animals the vaccines were tested on, monkeys, showed no immunability to the virus after receiving it. Phizer and the Oxford Vaccine Group (the same one that was so wildly off in their death predictions and royally botched their research by giving wrong doses to their test subjects), likewise admitted that animal test subjects – however limited they were – were not immune to the virus after receiving the vaccine.
Christianity has always been the thinking man’s religion, with an emphasis in the Bible on being intellectually renewed by the Holy Spirit, and so we have a nasty habit of being literate. And being literate, we read the news. And the news has shown beyond a doubt that the vaccines – if they work at all – are only marginal in their efficacy. The CDC has warned the public that side-effects from the vaccine are possibly worse than COVID-19. Many nations, like Norway, have strongly cautioned the public against vaccination because the Phizer/BioNTech vaccine is killing the elderly. Accounts of people dropping dead mysteriously within hours or days of taking the vaccine abound, including famed baseball hero, Hank Aaron, who took the vaccine on camera to prove that it was harmless. Cases, such as a New York nursing home with zero deaths pre-vaccine and several dozen immediately post-vaccine, are hard to discount.
We recognize that Big Tech’s army of “fact-checkers” can explain away the connection between the COVID-19 vaccines and deaths, but considering the CDC warned us that people could die of COVID right after being vaccinated should inform our opinion. The fact that the CDC is warning of a fourth “surge” of COVID-19 after our monumental vaccination efforts should also demonstrate that vaccines have little if any positive benefit to community health.
Suspicion of the COVID-19 vaccines’ health benefits and their possible costs does not mean that enlightened people oppose vaccination in general. Nonetheless, lumping us all in together serves French’s purpose, which is ostracizing those of us who – with scientific mindfulness – want to see the hard evidence and not take “the experts” advice when they have been so wrong so frequently.
French is right on at least one point, and that’s that evangelicals are more hesitant than other groups to take the COVID-19 vaccine. But French poses his argument with the wrong foot forward.
The question should not be, “Why are evangelicals hesitant to take the vaccine?” but “Why is everyone else so eager to take the COVID-19 vaccine?” The impetus should be on those making a positive action to explain themselves, not those abstaining.
As an evangelical (so much as a confessional Reformed Baptist can be considered one), I recognize the clash between religions in the COVID-19 vaccination debate. It’s indeed real. But why?
At the heart of the left-right political divide is a religious debate. Christians remain convinced that the Triune God is the ruling authority over all the Earth. Leftists, on the other hand, make little room for a Creator and certainly no room for the God of the Holy Bible. For them, the government is god.
The reason for the religious emphasis of America’s left is plain enough when compared against Scripture. There are no real atheists in the world (Romans 1:18), although there are certainly many who would self-identify as such. But if the Scripture is true – and it is – everyone is in their heart religiously-oriented. Those who claim atheism (as French points out, 90% of this demographic is eager to be vaccinated against the chest cold) have installed man as god. Humanism is their religion, and it purports that mankind is our own savior.
To statists – those who submit to the state and look to it for their sustenance, protection, and care – the government is god (because it is comprised of men, who are deified in their superstitious views). And like any good theist, statists want their god to have the attributes of Yahweh, including omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. This is why statists want the government to have all the money, power, and presence in people’s lives. Who wants a deity who is broke, or who lacks power, or who lacks presence?
The frustration of statists towards the government during the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ has been palpable. They are visibly perplexed that the government has proven itself incapable of curing disease. Their messiah (the federal government) can’t heal the blind, let alone prevent the spread of a communicable virus. This is frustrating them as much as the prophets of Ba’al and Ashera on Mt. Carmel. And so instead of admitting the limited power of the government over pestilence, they blame Christians for publicly gathering for church or not wearing masks.
Yes, yes that’s it. It’s not that the government lacks the power of God to heal, but it’s those pesky Christians who are defying the edicts of Babylon! Blame them!
The insistence of men like David French to blame Christians for the failure of the government to raise the dead is self-evident. Governor Cuomo of New York, for example, blames Christians for the state’s COVID-19 surge despite it being his own policies that have done the most damage to public health (he later officially announced that God should not get credit for the COVID-19 surge abating). This is because statists like French and Cuomo cannot just admit that their god is an impotent, dumb, deaf, blind little wooden deity. Someone must be to blame, and these abominably wicked men blame the salt of the earth who worship on Sunday.
Christians understand from both a survey of the medical data and by the Holy Bible that some things are outside the control of men. Viruses, whether the common cold or COVID-19 (but I repeat myself), are one of those things outside the scope of human intervention.
Plainly put, if men like David French believe in March of 2021 that the government response to COVID-19 has done anything substantial to stop the spread of COVID-19, their beliefs are more irrationally detached from scientific data than the Dianetics of the Church of Scientology. Rather, the scientific data shows no significant difference in infection rates or deaths between states or provinces not following CDC guidelines and those who do. In fact, it appears from the data that states with the most stringent protocols are the most infected and suffer the highest casualties (data that I’ll happily admit may be more correlational than causal).
Whether or not Christians gathering for worship without masks or social distancing are a cause of the public health crisis should be put to bed for its lack of empirical data. Despite nations like Canada locking up ministers or states like California trying to shut down a Bible-teaching megachurch, there is not an iota of data that suggests worship presents a public health risk. To presume so without evidence is statist superstition.
Statists look at evangelicals like myself, who believe God made the world in six days, the account of Noah’s flood, and that David killed a giant, and assert that we are fundamentalist rubes who believe tall tales. In reality, there is far less scientific data that Christians are exacerbating our current health crisis by not wearing masks. Believing so is pure statist superstition, a facts-free religious belief driven by faith in the federal government as god.
Ultimately, French’s diabtribe against evangelicals is fueled by desperation and bigotry. From the beginning, French and other subversive idealogues playing pretend with Christianity have insisted that COVID-19 is as deadly as the CDC claimed. They were wrong.
French and other subversive idealogues playing pretend with Christianity have insisted that COVID-19 is mitigated by mask-wearing, but the facts are still forthcoming and until proven otherwise, should be presumed wrong.
French and other subversive idealogues playing pretend with Christianity have insisted that social distancing and lockdowns were the key to stopping COVID-19 until a vaccine was produced. But now, they insist that these measures should be continued (contradicting their previous opinions) despite the vulnerable having full access to the vaccines. In other words, they have been proven wrong.
So-called “Christians” like David French have instead turned their sights on followers of Christ who remain committed both to their faith and also to science, which does not concur with their wide-eyed, fanatical doomsday preaching. Thanks to them, Christians are being blamed for the sky falling for not believing that the sky is falling.
Far from denying the necessity of western medicine, evangelical Christians are the very ones often times serving as doctors, nurses, and care providers. And even as health care providers, many still deny the necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines and are refusing to take them. In fact, 15% of physicians and nurses around the country are refusing the vaccine, Christian or not, and it’s not because they’re anti-science. It’s because the science simply does not conform to David French’s statist superstitions.
Ultimately, the reason why evangelicals aren’t taking the COVID-19 vaccines is that we are rational, scientific-minded, and literate people who are less prone to the group-think common among state religionists. We do not see Dr. Fauci as Lord and Savior and do not view the CDC as God’s school of prophets.
Instead, those of us refusing the vaccine are simply convinced that injecting ourselves with untested chemical concoctions to protect ourselves against a chest cold with a .04% death rate is insanely unnecessary.
In the end, Christians around the world are being blamed for COVID-19 the same way that Nero blamed Christians after he set fire to Rome. The only difference is, men like David French aren’t fiddling. They’re blogging.
This is a well thought out and lucid article. My only problem is I don’t see an author listed. I would very much like to know your name. It is rare these days to come across a Bible believing Christian and I would very much like to read more of your work.
Whenever it says ‘Publisher’ it is by JD Hall 🙂
I love that Mr. Hall is willing to say what almost no one else will, even in the visible/professing Church.
We follow the One who is Truth (John 14:6) and as a result are not willing to follow what we know to be a lie. I only wish that more people knew Scripture well enough to be able to tell the difference. (Sometimes, myself included.)
If the vaccine were like any other annual flu vaccine, then the discussion would simply be ‘my body – my choice’.
The fact that this is irreversible and forced, invokes the Revelations 13:17 clause. Which leads to asking: has 2 Thessalonians 2:11 kicked in?
For many Christians it is the ubiquitous forced/required vaccinating, Covid passes, travel restrictions, etc. that wave the red flag.
Fake Christians shaming real Christians who have a valid concern (be it their health or theology), is distasteful. To accuse of racism is utterly disgusting.
Thank you! What a breath of fresh air! I will add that being reluctant to get the Covid 19 ‘vaccine’ for the exact reasons stated by the author of this article. I am also in the camp of being against vaccines of all stripes thanks to having been informed of some of the dangers back in the late ’70’s when my children were toddlers. Since then with all my extensive reading I have come to the conclusion that there are never positives to outweigh the negatives in taking any vaccine. God bless all who take a stand!