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Denomination That Split from SBC Elects First Trans ‘Pastor’

Mere weeks after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected their first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination, a Baptist denomination has followed suit, welcoming Laura Bethany Buchleiter to become the trans man to be ordained within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF).

The CBF was formed nearly 30 years ago after a group of malcontent Southern Baptist Churches decided that they wanted to ordain women into ministry. They insisted that they were still conservative, but argued that the scriptures permitted the ladies to be ordained and therefore needed to follow their consciences. As a result, nearly 1400 churches and hundreds of thousands of members jumped ship, formally cutting ties with the SBC a decade later.

Since 1990, the years have not been kind to the denomination. The ordination of women was like being a dam that burst, carrying with it other deviant beliefs like approval of homosexuality and tolerance for abortion that soon became a mainstay within the denomination, with many churches having openly gay leaders. Consequently, the trans ordination is merely more proof of their unfaithfulness and a harbinger of further damnation and judgment.

To wit – the 49-year old Buchleiter divorced his wife in 2014 after coming out as trangendered, and then came out as a lesbian in 2016, much to the surprise of his three children. He spent several years at Christian Theological Seminary before ultimately joining the staff at University Baptist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, under the auspices of current pastrix Annet Hill Briggs. About Buchleiter’s ordination, she told the Hoosier Times:

Our church self identifies as a church that listens to the call of the people irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. It’s not relevant to us. We’re not ordaining Laura Beth because she is transgender.

If you hate your ears, have a sermon from him.


Arkansas Overrides Governor Veto, Passes Awesome Anti-Trans Children Bill

Despite the best efforts of Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson to veto a bill brought before him that would have banned puberty blockers and transgender surgeries for children, the General Assembly was having none of it, voting Tuesday to override his veto and making theirs the first state in the country to prohibit these sorts of child abuse.

The bill, HB 1570, also dubbed the excellent and accurate “Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act” (SAFE), was vetoed by Hitchinson because “if the bill becomes law, then we are creating new standards of legislative interference with physicians and parents as they deal with some of the most complex and sensitive matters involving young people.”

Naturally, he was roasted and called out by conservatives.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tuesday night, the host wasted no time tearing into him, asking the governor why he was “pro-choice on the chemical castration of children?” Hutchinson explained:

“If this had been a bill that simply prohibited chemical castration, I would have signed the bill…[But] this bill was overbroad, it was extreme, it went far beyond what you just said.

If this was about prohibiting procedures, sex reassignment surgery- absolutely I would have signed that bill. But this is the first law in the nation that invokes the state between medical decisions, parents who consent to that, and the decision of the patient. And so, this goes way too far. And in fact, it doesn’t even have a grandfather clause that those young people that are under hormonal treatment.

When pressed by Carlson on the logic of that, Hutchinson brought up a new line of defense, quoting his conservative creds and explaining that he supports ‘limited government’, arguing that governments shouldn’t get involved in medical decisions between parents and doctors.

I signed pro-life bills. I sign many bills that would be looked at as very conservative. But this is one that crosses the line. There is no need for it.

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Marvel Announces First Gay Captain America

(The Guardian) A teenager who “stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten” is to become the first LGBTQ+ character to take on the mantle of Captain America.

Marvel Comics is celebrating the 80th anniversary of the US hero with the launch of a new series, The United States of Captain America, in which the incumbent Steve Rogers will team up with former Captain Americas when his shield goes missing. The heroes will take a road trip across the US to find the shield, and will meet people from “all walks of life” who have taken on the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will be the first, in the new limited series, released in June.

Marvel described Fischer, who will be the “Captain America of the Railways”, as “a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused”, with his debut timed to coincide with Pride Month in the US.

“Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders, and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” said the series writer Josh Trujillo. “He stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers, and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”

Artist Jan Bazaldua said she had “really enjoyed” creating Fischer. “As a transgender person, I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil to help those who are almost invisible…

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Alison Flood and published at the Guardian.

cancel culture Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News Super Gay

User Kicked off Tik-Tok, Labeled Transphobic For Promoting ‘Super Straight’ Sexual Orientation

A Ticktock user has allegedly been banned from the platform, publicly doxed, had his parents harassed at their workplace by activists, and labeled as a super-duper transphobic hater for saying that some people are not attracted to transexuals and transgendered individuals.

Kyle Royce got the ball rolling on Tiktok when he released a video defending himself against of accusations of being transphobic because he will not date another man who calls himself a woman.

Yo, guys, I made a new sexuality now, actually. It’s called ‘super straight,’ OK? Since straight people or straight men as myself I get called transphobic because I wouldn’t date a trans woman.

 “You know, they’re like, ‘Would you date a trans woman?’ I’m like ‘No.’ ‘Why? That’s a female.’ ‘Uh, no, like, that’s not a real woman to me. Like, I want a real woman.’ ‘No, you’re just transphobic.’”

“So now, I’m super straight. I only date the opposite gender — women — that are born women. So, you can’t say I’m transphobic now because that’s just my sexuality, you know?”

You would have thunk he’d kidnapped Jazz Jennings and beat him to death with a Bible containing a MAGA bookmark for all the vitriol he received online.

Naturally, this act of sane rationality brought out the “REEEEEEEEEEEEE” from transactivists, who alternated between rocking back in forth in the corner of their room and pounding out outraged vitriol on their keyboards, barely able to even process the possibility of a ‘cisgender person having an exclusive sexual interest in another cisgender person.”

With the transgendered movement having a renaissance of evil these past few years, activists have gone from asking for tolerance to be left alone and not discriminated against, to demanding under threat of public shaming and loss of employment that their sexual perversion and confusion must be celebrated by all. In today’s modern era, even suggesting for a moment that a transgendered woman isn’t exactly the same in every way possible as a cisgender woman, even if that transgendered individual has not taken any steps at all to transition, will get you lynched.

In Gayland, if you’re a man, and you see another man who looks like man but says they are a woman, then they are a woman. And if you point out that they still have a penis, they will say that it’s not a man’s penis, but it’s a women’s penis, and how dare you not love their beautiful womanly bits.

According to tEh ScIEnCe, the fact that they have a deep voice, scruffy faces, bulging biceps, and male genitalia is completely irrelevant to what your sexual attraction must be towards them. If you wouldn’t consider them in your dating pool, you’re transphobic and need to get re-educated. Case closed.

As a result of seeing #superstraight trending and the potential for a lot of overweight men and women with purple hair going ‘Super Saiyan’ with their wrath and offense, the ne’er-do-well’s at 4Chan had some mischief in mind, immediately jumping on the bandwagon to making posters, memes and art, all using the PornHub color pallet.

Naturally, with the campaign itself being labeled taboo by all the usual suspects, some have accused it of originating in the alt-right and Nazi-message boards, claiming that the Super Straight has the S.S. acronyms-which allegedly stands for Schutzstaffel, the military wing of the Nazi Party. There is, however, no evidence of this that we’ve seen.

Given that acknowledging a world where someone is indeed #superstraight would put a lie to their own worldview, it is expected that if this campaign picks up steam, the big tech companies will ban anyone promoting it.

Consequently, it is likely not long for this world.

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CNN Roasted for Calling Women ‘Individuals with a Cervix’ – They Double Down

Proving that the once formerly serious news organization is truly beyond parody, CNN gave the public more ammunition in showing how much they have truly devolved when they released an article referring to women as “individuals with a cervix.”

The article, which details the latest guidance from the American Cancer Society about how women between the ages of 25 and 65 should take part in cervical cancer screening every 5 years, had its narrative co-opted when it was discovered that CNN is apparently now so woke that they can’t even say the word “women” anymore. This prompted a flurry of responses and mockery, with the tweet getting ratioed (“ratioed” is when replies to a tweet vastly outnumber likes or retweets, indicating that people are objecting to the tweet and considering its content bad). and the collective world accusing CNN of erasing women, being anti-science, not knowing what the word “women” is, and wondering whether or not the news organization would start referring to men as “individuals with penises.”

The universal scorn resulted in Matt Dornic, the Head of Strategic Communication for CNN Worldwide, doubling down on the terminology and then further arguing that anyone with a problem with describing women as “individuals with a cervix” is simply “threatened with inclusivity.”

And they wonder why people don’t trust the news media.