
State Sanctioned Kidnapping? CA Passes Trans Sanctuary Bill Giving Gov’t Emergency Jurisdiction Over Trans Out-of-State Minors

(CBN News) The California state Senate passed a bill Wednesday making it a sanctuary state for children seeking transgender medical treatment – even without their parents’ permission. The bill allows California courts to take “temporary emergency jurisdiction” over out-of-state minors if they are seeking transgender drugs, surgery, or mental healthcare. 

The bill would make California a legal destination for kids who want to make their sex changes permanent and according to the California Family Council (CFC) would become a gateway for children to receive hormones, puberty blockers, and irreversible gender surgery. 

This is a gut-and-amend bill that basically declares ‘open season’ to kids across the country when it comes to transgenderism,” said Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, a conservative group. “This is the mutilation and amputation of children’s bodies. This is really what is at stake here.”

Gut-and-amend” means SB 107 started in the Senate as a completely different bill but was changed before it got to the Assembly floor.

As CBN News reported, SB 107 was introduced by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-District 11) to fight against what he called “brutal attacks on transgender children” in states that have moved to protect minors from being sterilized by puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries.  Some states are labeling these irreversible treatments as child abuse when… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Talia Wise and published at CBN News


Woke ‘Crayola’ Features Trans Model Wearing Weird Bra for ‘Disability Pride Month’

As nearly every company goes woke and seeks to virtue-twerk their progressive and intersectional creds, Crayola figured they would join the fray in a big way. Celebrating “Disability Pride Month,” which apparently comes after the regular Pride Month in June, the art supply company featured trans model Julian Gavino (he/him) on Facebook, giving parents fed-up with the constant barrage of LGBTQ grooming yet another brand to avoid while shopping for school supplies.

Where parents would normally have their kids go to Crayola’s social media pages to get arts and craft ideas, they now can’t do this without their children seeing a woman looking like a man, replete with a link to her social media site. Not only that, but she is wearing some pretty garish outfits, such as a chain link bra over the clothes or those wild boots, presenting as a man when she is anything but.

Crayola explains “As someone who grew up not seeing anyone who looked like him in the media, Julian is determined to normalize disabled and trans bodies in the fashion world” while celebrating how she is “passionate about advocating for his respective communities.” and coped with her disability by “pushing the boundaries on what I would usually wear.”

Expectedly, many parents were not impressed by this and signaled their disappointment and outrage at yet another attempt by a company to get their children hitched to the trans ideology and the normalization of mental illness.


First Transgendered Bishop (A ‘They’) Asked to Step Down by Leader of the Denomination

One year ago Rev. Megan Rohrer was over the moon. She just made history after being appointed to California’s Sierra Pacific Synod by the spiritually decrepit Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), who elected her to rule over them as Bishop continued, making her the first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination.

Prior to this, the denomination’s official position was gay and lesbian pastors could serve in the pastorate but had to take vows of celibacy.

Megan quickly rose through the queer ranks, becoming Pastor of a church in San Franciso in 2014, becoming a chaplain to the San Franciso Police department in 2017, and now elected Bishop of a damned denomination, populated by a vast herd of goats and a few clusters of remnant sheep.

This is the same Woke Pastrix that recently taught that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Transgender Slaves

But if you live by the wokeness, you die by the wokeness, as the head the ELCA The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton has asked for her resignation over an incident that happened within her synod, claiming that Rohrer’s act of firing Nelson Rabell-González’of the Misión Latina Luterana community on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe after he was accused of abusing a fellow ‘pastor’ through ‘misogyny, disrespect, and threatening comments‘ and ’embezzling monies from the California Immigrant Relief Fund’ to be racist, and to stop his anti-racism work.

In regards to the controversery, Eaten issued a statement on the denomiation’s official page:

While I am not inaugurating formal disciplinary processes at this time, there remain enough serious concerns that influence Bishop Rohrer’s ability to remain impactful in their role that I have asked Bishop Rohrer for their resignation, which I believe to be in the best interest of all parties involved.

…”I believe that Bishop Rohrer has lost the trust and confidence of many constituents, both within and without the Sierra Pacific Synod. I have asked Bishop Rohrer to attend their assembly, speak and listen to their constituents, and give this the prayerful consideration it deserves after which I will expect their response.

Eaten says as a result of Rohrer’s actions, she will be implementing several recommendations, including:

Plan ongoing anti-racism training for the churchwide staff and the Conference of Bishops, as well as all rostered ministers within this church.

Launch a similar program focused on cultural sensitivity training.

Promote the work of the churchwide organization related to racial justice, diversity and inclusion—including that of our Executive for People and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Rohrer for her part doesn’t seem keen on leaving and it is unclear whether she will comply, retweeting messages in support of her.


Woke Pastrix Teaches Kids that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Transgender Slaves

ELCA Bishop Megan Rohrer, a transgendered man (ie, a woman who refuses to use female pronouns and instead insists on identifying as “they/them” and even the occasional “he) who oversees California’s Sierra Pacific Synod, shared a video series she is doing for children where she retells Bible stories in illustrated fashion, as part of the Holy Saturday vigil. Here, she claims that the three young men who refused to bow down to the statue in Daniel 3 were in fact, transgender slaves.

She explains her foolish-heart-is-darkened logic:

Previously on the book of Daniel, four Jewish individuals who had been captured in war were sent to work with the lead eunuch in the court of the evil king Nebuchadnezzar. They worked as slaves and received new names which they all used except for Daniel. Because they were transgender, they wore fancy robes and served in the highest offices of the court overseeing finances and education of the region.

Daniel made a deal with his boss to get out of eating defiled food and instead only eat a vegetarian diet. By refusing to eat the food of the king, they were breaking the law but honoring their God. They were able to get away with it because their bodies continued to please the king and others in the court, who liked to look at them. And probably other stuff.

….these transgender slaves disobeyed the king’s command and yielded up their bodies rather than serve and worship any god other than their own.

h/t to Exposing the ELCA


Woke Church Releases ‘Transgendered’ Remix of ‘Be Thou My Vision’

St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Cottam has really upped its unholy cringiness to a whole new level. Not only is the progressive church “an affirming, inclusive community that seeks to ensure that all people know they are valid” that fly gay ‘coexist’ flags, but they have not one, but TWO separate “Land Acknowledgments’ on their website, explaining “We know that Land Acknowledgements are not enough. We must collectively work to advance reparations from the harms caused by colonialism, including its legacy and ongoing mechanisms. We must also work to return unceded lands and territories.”

Fitting, the church chose to bless curse us with a ‘Trans Day of Visibility” service, featuring a video of choir comprised of what are clearly LGBTQ pagans and paganettes, singing a transgendered remix of ‘Be Thou My Vison’ called ‘God of Many Faces’ written by Amy Cerniglia, a lesbian who is the music director at the PCUSA Church.

God of many faces, we offer our praise,
singing your glory through all of our days
Hear ever growing voices, once fragile, now strong,
carrying melodies in expansive new songs

God of many genders, our world reflects you
sunrise and sunset uniting our hues
woven into a city with jewels of all shades
houses of ruby and walls rowed with jade

God of many names, we invite you to show
us the new names that reflect our true souls

Breathe with your holy spirit to give us the word
That will in-dwell dry bones granting new life once heard

God of many bodies, abide within ours
Shifting more each day through time and through scars
Come sanctify our bodies, all fashioned by you
holier every day still becoming more true

Lest one is curious about the Ney/Nem/Nir pronouns by the pianist, those are called “neo-pronouns”, and we included a nifty little chart explaining how they are used. TGC author and contributor Rachel Gilson has previously suggested that not using them makes one a “weaker brother”. Other neo-pronouns include “bunnyself” “fairyself” and “kittenself”.

h/t to WokePreacherTV for the find.


Christian Band ‘Rend Collective’ Says NOT using Trans Pronouns is Hate Speech

Chris Llewellyn, frontman and lead singer of the well-known Christian Rock/ Worship Band The Rend Collective has shown himself to be thoroughly compromised on the question of whether or not we should bow to our culture’s confusion on transgendered pronouns, telling Kris Valloton on Instagram:

“However you feel about the implications for sports (a wider conversation for sure) Calling a trans woman a man is hateful. Unkind. Don’t participate in this kind of hate speech. History won’t be kind to you.”

Hate speech? To women, maybe.

In an article being released tomorrow, it’ll become evident that this is not the first time Llewellyn has made comments like this, which is the rotten fruit of the reconstruction he’s been doing of his faith for the last decade.

In fact, a month ago he attacked Skillet’s John Cooper for his war on deconstruction, with Chris saying that he supports anyone who wants to deconstruct their faith, having done it himself, describing the process as something that can “illuminating, rich and necessary


Baptist News Global Publisher Says Supporting LGBTQ Kids ‘Transitioning’ is a ‘Pro-Life’ Issue

Some things in life can’t be taken at face value, Christian Science, Grape-Nuts, and Buffalo Chicken Wings being among them. In a similar vein, The Baptist News Global (BNG) shouldn’t be taken at face value either, being neither of those three things. An unobservant reader of religious news might be surprised to know that while BNG reports on many issues related to the Southern Baptist Convention, the independent organization is not affiliated with the SBC. Further examination of the BNG reveals that what passes as “news” from BNG is really just leftist propaganda with a thin candy-coating of religiosity, like an almond bark-coated turd. Thirdly, BNG is not global. While BNG speaks to global issues on occasion, their 3-member operating team and 18-member board of directors consist of 20 members in the United States and 1 member in Romania, meaning that the leftist rag is not representative of Global Christianity or Global Baptists by any stretch of the imagination.

Much of what BNG publishes would be rejected outright by the overwhelmingly conservative Christians of Africa and Southeast Asia who recognize a downgrade when they see one. Of course, a move to broaden the diversity of the organization to include such conservative Global voices would detract from BNG’s mission as a water-carrier for the political left.

Mark Wingfield, Executive Director and Publisher of BNG takes a hard-leftist line to all news. For Wingfield, problems in the church have their roots in the evils of conservatism, “Christian Nationalism”, anti-LGBT bigotry, efforts to influence government with Christian values, and many other so-called evils of conservative Christianity. In a recent series of articles, Wingfield took aim at Christians who refuse to bow to the demonic idea that gender is fluid and children or their guardians should be able to choose their gender and alter their bodies. A “Pastoral Letter to Transgender Children” that was previously published on BNG by Pastrix Ashley Robinson and referenced in Wingfield’s article serves as a window into the demented mind of those at BNG who believe that transgenderism is God-ordained:

While I can’t pretend to understand your trans experience, I do know something about being in a body that doesn’t always fit into a box. Many people, and even some churches, think there is something wrong with my round body with lots of soft edges. But here is something I know about us in my deepest inner knowing: We were created in the image and likeness of God, even when we don’t fit into a box or a given gender.

Robinson goes on to explain her false teaching on gender also extends to the nature of God, who she believes has multiple genders:

Speaking of gender, did you know that God has many genders? Sometimes we read stories in the Bible with God’s name as King or Father. We also read about God as Wisdom, who is a fabulous shero. When we were still getting to know God, we used the name YHWH, which is just like the breath within us. Seems like God is too big for one gender, right? I hope whenever you hear things that might make you think something is wrong with you, you will be able to wrap yourself in the wideness of God’s gender expression and great love for you.

Wingfield cites recent moves by the administration of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his Attorney General Ken Paxton, as a sign of persecution of transgender children and their parents. Abbott instructed Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to “conduct a prompt and thorough investigation” of credible reports of children receiving “abusive gender-transitioning procedures”, after the state’s attorney general issued a statement deeming the procedures as abusive under state law. Wingfield decries these moves as harmful persecution against the LGBTQ community. Like his leftist counterparts in secular media, Wingfield fails to explain exactly what kind of “abusive gender-transitioning procedures” Texas conservatives are attempting to outlaw.

Children that are deemed “transgender” are given puberty blockers. These puberty blockers typically lead to cross-sex hormone treatments, which cause sterilization, and are frequently followed by sex-change surgeries that mutilate or remove genitalia and breasts. Studies by the American Psychiatric Association show that 98 percent of boys and 88 percent of girls who are diagnosed with gender dysphoria will grow out of the disorder by adulthood, if they are not subjected to abusive puberty blockers. Those who are subjected to puberty blockers are much more likely to receive permanent psychological damage.

Wingfield calls moves to ban gender transitioning procedures “extreme” and “really scary”, ignoring the fact that giving children hormones and chopping off their genitals is one thousand times more extreme and scarry than simply listening to God’s prescription for sexuality in the scriptures. Wingfield even goes so far as to claim that advocating for trans-ideology is part of being truly pro-life:

“Why should you care about transgender children and their families? Because doing so is a truly pro-life position.”

Following its promotion of Transgender propaganda, Baptist News Global published an opinion piece that attempted to flip the script on conservative Baptists, by accusing pastor and potential SBC Presidential candidate Voddie Baucham of being a threat to women, children, and daughters. Author Rick Pidcock argues that Baucham’s defense of Biblical manhood and womanhood is a threat to the liberation of women and children. In defending his argument, Pidcock draws heavily on Critical Theory and accuses Baucham of promoting violence through the promotion of Biblical values:

Voddie Baucham is indeed a peddler of violent male power. But beneath that thick, hardened shell of male power is a frightened child and someone who has lost touch with the divine feminine within himself. And that’s why he promotes the abuse of children, women and daughters.

When a news publication that claims to be Christian begins to peddle critical theory, advocates for the abuse of children through puberty blockers, and publishes pieces that call for Godly men to get in touch with “the divine feminine”, that publication abandons Biblical worldview and should be considered apostate. Getting your news from Baptist News Global is equivalent to getting your scripture from the mouth of the serpent.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown for Protestia. Sources referenced below.

Texas officials’ new attack on transgender care called a ‘political ploy’ at the expense of children – Baptist News Global

Please pay attention to the plight of transgender children and their families – Baptist News Global

A pastoral letter to transgender children – Baptist News Global

Plagiarism is the least thing to worry about with Voddie Baucham, who is a threat to children, women and daughters – Baptist News Global

Texas investigates parents for subjecting their kids to ‘gender transition’ procedures – LifeSite (


TGC Christmas Song Features Trans Art in Background

In a strange twist that continues to demonstrate that the Gospel Coalition has little discernment and little vetting when it comes to the sort of content and people they will promote, a woke rendition of ‘Away in the Manger‘ they featured on their main channel last year just so happened to have some pro-transexual art on the wall of one of the musician’s homes, calling into question the standards they employ when finding artists to platform.

The song was written by Liz Vice, a musician associated with the Porter’s Gate, a band frequently promoted by the Gospel Coalition that has done, among other things, created a Song Worshipping George Floyd, creating a Worship Album About Illegal Immigration, Reparations, Police Brutality, and BLM , and recently seeking to create the ‘World’s First Worship Album Focused on Climate Crisis’.

Vice was joined by Madison Cunningham, also a Porter’s Gate collaborator, on guitar and backing vocals, and at this point, it is unsure whose house they are singing in, and which of the musicians the art belongs to.

The song “Refugee King” alone has some questionable lyrics, considering Joseph had a place in Egypt, and Jesus was not a refugee or illegal immigrant, no matter how badly the wokefolk want to co-opt the narrative to say that he was.

Away from the manger they ran for their lives
The crying boy Jesus, a son they must hide
A dream came to Joseph, they fled in the night
And they ran and they ran and they ran

No stars in the sky but the Spirit of God
Led down into egypt from Herod to hide
No place for his parents no country or tribe
And they ran and they ran and they ran

Stay near me LORD Jesus when danger is nigh
And keep us from herods and all of their lies
I love the LORD Jesus, the Refugee King

And we sing and we sing and we sing


The art is an image taken by Zach Oren, a gay photographer featuring transgendered men and women as part of his Ides of Gender project, designed to give them more visibility and to celebrate them.

The fact that one of these two feels comfortable with such a gross image on their wall is highly disturbing, but should not surprise us. The fact that the Gospel Coalition didn’t see it coming as a possibility, given their pedigree, should not surprise us either.

Editor’s Note. h/t To @WokepreacherTV for catching the initial woke rendition of the song and the for Jon Harris for pointing out the trans pic featured front and center.

News Social Issues

Elementary Teacher ‘Misplaces’ American Flag, Has Kids Pledge Allegiance to Trans Pride Flag Instead

In a further sign of the times demonstrating that faithful believers need to pull their children out of the indoctrination machines that are (most, but not all) government-run public schools ASAP, a teacher has posted to TikTok a story of how she lied to her students about misplacing an American flag, on accounts of it making her feel “uncomfortable,” and instead had children pledge to the LGBTQQIP2SAA flag instead. The teacher, who has not been identified yet, explains:

Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the Pledge of Allegiance. I always tell my class ‘stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words’. So my class decided to stand, but not say the words. Totally fine, except for the fact that my room does not have a flag.

It used to be there, but I took it down during COVID because it made me uncomfortable. And I packed it away, and I don’t know where, and I haven’t found it yet.

But my kid today goes “hey it’s kind of weird that we just stand and then you know, we say it to nothing.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh, well, you know, I gotta find it. Like I’m working on it. I got you.’

In the meantime, I tell this kid, we do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to, and he like looks around. He goes. Oh, that one? (Insert Laughter here)

Brainwashing at its finest.


Embittered Jen Hatmaker Reveals She is All-Consumed with Bad Theology and Grumps that People Call Her a ‘Heretic’

Jen Hatmaker, the popular I’m-pretending-to-be-a-Christian-but-I’m-actually-a-pagan mommy-blogger and podcaster that is quickly climbing the ranks from “Gadfly False Teacher” to “Arch-Heretic,” has continued to out herself as a vessel of inhabitation for shifty-eyed swine who’d rather not go off a cliff, this time as she reflects on her spiritual transition from jewel to Jezebel.

Last time we caught up with her, she was celebrating homosexuality, being pro-transgender, becoming a woke racial justice warrior by saying, “the center of the church has failed to be black, gay, and transgender, and lamenting the death of notorious pro-abort Ruth Bader Ginsberg, giving her the benediction, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

On her August 3 For the Love podcast she endeavours to explain all the ways that she has changed in the last little while. While most of the commentary and self-reflective self-actualization she gives sounds like the sort of status updates you’d find posted on the Facebook wall of single moms whose grandparents have custody of their children but still caption every picture “my kids are my life,” she does offer us a few morsels, explaining that “from a wide-lens perspective, I would first want to talk about the process of flipping the script in my life spiritually, that is really the backdrop to my entire life, all of it.”

In this case, she discusses “what it meant to be a Christian in this world, what it means to be a woman, both inside a faith structure and out of it, and my understanding of God” and notes that “everything I really learned about God was from that angle, everything was on a foundation of fear. So I was definitely afraid of God.”

She was a pastor’s wife for years, and it is so evident that her theology and way of thinking were fundamentally flawed and false to the core.

I was directly told and instructed my entire life, that the salvation of the world was our responsibility, essentially. That if we were not aggressive and assertive evangelists constantly, basically that people’s blood was on our hands, you know?

That we had some secret that for some reason I couldn’t figure out, we had been granted. It was ours to tell everybody, and if we didn’t, we would answer for it one day. So there’s even this thing like all along, which was ‘Oh someday you’ll stand in front of God, and even then, even there, he’ll be disappointed in you.’

Like if somehow you make it through the gates, God is gonna sit there and recite to you all the things you missed, all the things you got wrong, all the chances you squandered. And all your failures, and then reluctantly, God, he would let us in, because he had to, because Jesus. Right? Because Jesus somehow made it okay, and so God had to finally let in these wayward kids that he can barely stand. That’s how it felt.

Turning to the role of women, she recounts how she started “having a cognitive dissonance” because “the God that I understood seemed to very keen on keeping white men in charge, in keeping women and girls down and shamed and blamed in protecting hierarchy.”

This happened in her early thirties, she guesses between the age of 30-33 when “new ideas came in’ and she had a “cognitive dissonance that didn’t fit into her template.” (She is 46 years old now.)

I was definitely scared of authority, which of course, in my environment were men, only. White men. They were in charge because ‘God.’ They were in charge because ‘God.’ They were in charge because ‘Bible.’ They were the head. And the rest of us were just, like, secondary supporting cast, all the women and kids. I never saw a woman in leadership, I’m getting ahead of myself. This is what it means to be a woman. Okay,

She continues:

They could be an aerospace engineer. They can be CEOs of their companies, but they could not preach. That is where their limits hit the wall, which I just accepted, by the way, I just accepted that is, I don’t know if this is how they understand it, they must be right, they’d never get this something this important wrong. I mean, they would never keep half of us, subjugated erroneously, right? They would never get—this wouldn’t be a power play. Wouldn’t be for position. I guess they just got it right. And that’s our lot in life.

Having broken free of that subjugation, she concludes by noting that her newfound belief system allows for her to have a “mysterious faith” where she doesn’t need to have all the answers or believe the narratives she was taught. She remarks that “questions or even dissent were couched as a lack of faith or a lack of obedience or ultimately heresy. That’s the favorite word people like to call me; a heretic.” And then celebrates her own invented notions of God and the scriptures by bashing anyone believing otherwise. [What? We are the heretics? -Ed.]

How could we have formulated God down to all these lists and templates? It’s just silly. So knowing that God was allowed to remain mysterious to me, in some ways, was a big relief, that I could not have to use my mind to find some sort of script to make God fit the narrative I was handed.

Does that make sense? I don’t have to do that anymore. I didn’t have to figure out how to get from A to B to C in a way that created less dissonance for me. I could just say, ‘I don’t know how that works. I don’t know why that happened. I don’t know what God thinks about that. I don’t know how this works out in the end. I don’t know what eternity really looks like. I don’t know—Well, a huge relief.

And then to deeply discover that God has always been unambiguously on the side of the oppressed. And that injustice matters to him and that his beautiful world that he imagined, that He sent Jesus to teach us about is like a paradise, honestly, where everyone is safe. Everyone is cherished. Everyone is deeply Beloved, they are well cared for, they’re connected, no one is alone.

No one is going hungry or going without because we share. There are no manmade hierarchies that keep certain people on top, and others on bottom, simply by virtue of gender, or skin colour, or sexual orientation, or nationality. That’s just not real, that’s invented. That’s invented. What a relief!