
The Drift Is Real: Aimee Byrd Preaches a Weird, Weird Sermon At SBC Church

Aimee Byrd is drifting. Once part of The Mortification of Spin, a podcast she co-hosted with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, she was sent packing and expunged from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals due to dissatisfaction with her polemical publications, particularly after her views of complementarian went from hard, to soft, to non-existent, which is merely another example of how ‘soft-complementarianism’ is just another fussy word for “egalitarianism.”

For years she rebuffed any notion or concerns that she was on a progressive trajectory- a claim she categorically denied and then became upset that it was even suggested in the first place, despite ample evidence to the contrary. In fact, we noted our concerns with her 4 years ago, after we removed her book from our recommended reading list, two years before she was relieved of her duties on the show.

She used to be far more conservative in her beliefs and was a member of the very conservative Orthodox Presbyterian Church until she left it 6 months ago. During her discourses and online skirmishes, she would frequently point out her membership creds as proof-positive she’s sound in her beliefs- an ironic fact given that she preached to a mixed crowd during the Sunday morning service this past weekend- something her former denomination expressly prohibited.

Pastor Joel Rainey of Covenant Church in Shepherdstown, WV, part of the Southern Baptist Convention, explained that originally Byrd was slated to speak to the women during the evening, but decided to let her preach to the entire congregation because, as he explained it: “I just felt it more than appropriate that she addressed our entire church family about a really really important subject.” He did not take well to claims that he should not have done this.

Byrd starts off by noting that there is something unnerving about the fact that she’s preaching during the morning service, explaining that she knows full well these actions will subject her to criticism.

“And it’s really nice to be here with all y’all and kind of have mixed emotions about it, really. Have you ever come to those times of your life where you’re just like, ‘How in the world did I get myself into this situation? ‘Those moments in our lives that we had never planned, really? Well, that’s me, this morning, speaking on a Sunday morning. I’ve done a lot of speaking, like Joel said, but never before during Sunday worship. And here I am in front of a loving congregation getting ready to offer an invitation to true freedom and belonging in Christ

…So Joel, invited me to come and speak about my work on men and women in the church. And my very presence here today is a challenge to many, myself even. I had to do some, you know, real soulwork and prayerwork to accept that invitation, not only for my own views on that issue, but just knowing ‘Hey, this is going to be on the internet’ and there’s going to be a public smearing of me after this.

One of the strangest portions is this section where she ponders the notion of Totus Christus and the idea that there’s no Christ without his church- a stupid concept, given that Christ existed as the second person of the Trinity long before the church came on the scene. Still, she preachers:

The early church, from the very beginning all the way up into just the modern age, interpreted the song as an allegory of Christ’s love for his collective bride. Church, along with the individual soul of each one, each believer. So that makes the man Jesus, the second Adam, King of Kings, the Great Shepherd, the one who brings peace. And here we see that he’s also a great lover and husband, that all of this was set in motion because of His great love for us. So that makes us, all of us, the men and the woman, the woman in the song. She’s speaking for the collective church and for the soul of each believer individually.

Now the song, like I said, isn’t like other songs. It’s dynamic, and it’s sweeping us up with it, in a sense, and in it, we get what is theologically known as the ‘Total Christ’, or Totus Christus, if we want to get fancy and Latin and sound like we know we’re talking about.

This is a notion that Christ and his church are so united in nuptial union, that there is no speaking of Christ without his church. There is no Christ without his church, and there is no church without Christ. Now this part’s easier for me to understand; there’s no church without Christ. But this part, there is no Christ without his church? That blows my mind. That’s something I want to look into more. And I want to say that we are not going to grasp the scandal of love, until we begin to let that sink in as much as possible.

Weird talk about ‘absorbing truth:’

The bride in the Song identifies herself as a ‘lily of the valleys’, and the groom mirrors her, saying ‘like a lily among thorns, so is my darling among young women.’ The woman says that her lover ‘feeds among the lilies’, and the man describes her breasts ‘like two fawns, twins of a gazelle, that feed among the lilies’.

The bride waits for him until the day breaks and the shadows flee. And leading up to their consummation, he reiterates ‘until the day breaks and the shadows flee, I will make my way to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense.’ He will make his way to her, but he is using the language of sacred space there.

She picks up on that mountain spiciness at the end of the song, she beacons ‘run away with me my love and be like a gazelle or a young stag, on the mountain of spices.’ Now I wish I had time to get into all that imagery that I just had to break in and say a couple of them. It’s in my book, but we see how this language is used. They mirror one another and they do it in such a playful way.

So what can we learn from that? Well, on a practical level, we see that these lovers are good listeners, right? Their reciprocating, their longing for and their delight in one another. They absorbed one another’s truths. And that’s something certainly worth meditating on in our marriages. You know, do we listen to one another that way, that deeply to where we can say it back so playfully?

But this isn’t primarily a message for married people on a deeper spiritual level, which we really need to get first, she is beginning to see herself through the eyes of Jesus. She’s being transformed into this union, even as they’re valuably distinct. That’s Totus Christus. It makes a difference. Two in one voice. That changes the way that we read scripture, and the way that we view one another. We’re practicing heaven then, when we begin to believe this love and enter into it with one another.

This segment is basically peak ‘woman preaching.’ If you can decipher what she’s saying, let us know.

What has been made visible here this morning? Do you fear the Bride of Christ in all her splendor? As my friend Anna says, “the prominence of the woman in Scripture parallels the Spirit’s prominence. She’s present, yet back grounded. She’s visible, yet obscure. However, in the unfolding, she comes increasingly into view until she looms as large as day in Revelation, the bride as the final symbol of mankind.”

Does that make you uncomfortable to hear, men? The woman is obscure in Scripture, not because she’s less, but because she’s last. She is indicative of things to come, yet she’s the treasure worth finding as she represents what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for those who love Him.

Lastly, commentary on how the bride in Song of Songs reveals that all women are in actuality ‘preachers’ while seemingly advocating for no distinctions like “male-only” leadership or roles within the church.

Now, this is an invitation for women, to the competence of Christ’s bride, joining our voice with the spirits like the bride in Revelation and many women throughout Scripture, not joining our voice to Satan’s like when he deceived Eve in offering her an alien glory.

It’s an invitation to be an ally to our brothers, pointing to our destination with longing and great hope. That’s our submission. You’re not sabotaging their vulnerability, and sacrificing, and giving first, not being ignorant to this great beauty or passive, but to be a corresponding strength. In a sense, the bride in Revelation and in the Song of Songs, reveals that we’re all preachers. We’re all revealers. We’re all storytellers. Each member here is gifted and commissioned to use our gifts within the household of God to be heralds of the King, the great bridegroom who has come and who is coming again.

Somewhere out there, John Piper and the CBMW is singing “Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul. I wanna get lost in your rock ‘n’ roll…”


YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Recent Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’

YouTube, ever the bastion of censorship and dutiful soldier in the war of BigTech against free speech, labeled a recent sermon by Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Chuch as ‘hate speech’, on account of him preaching that God made us ‘Male and Female.’

Three weeks ago, Pastor MacArthur requested that pastors around the globe join him in preaching on the biblical understanding of human sexuality, in solidarity with Canadian pastors who were about to be tested after their insane government passed a law with the support of all parties declaring that any efforts to counsel someone or convert someone from homosexual to heterosexual was a crime punishable with up to 5 years in prison.

Without exaggeration, if a congregant tells a pastor they have sinful homosexual thoughts, and seek prayer and counseling for them to have them quelled and brought under the blood of Christ, that is worthy of fines, arrest, and even jail if discovered and brought to the authorities.

At least 4000 pastors pledged to preach in unity that day, with MacArthur contributing content like this:

“Simply stated. There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY, that’s it. God made man male and female. That is determined genetically, that is physiology, that is science, that is reality.

This notion that you are something other than your biology is a cultural construct intended as an assault on God…. The only way you can address it, honestly, is to say, ‘God made you and God made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. You are not only fighting God in His physical creation, you are fighting God in His sovereignty. You are fighting God in His spiritual relationship to you. This is a war on God.’

…On the one hand, the reality of that lie and deception is so damaging, so destructive, so isolating, so corrupting that it needs to be confronted, but on the other hand, that confrontation can’t exaggerate what already exists, which is a sense of feeling isolated in relationships,”

According to Todd Starnes, after uploading a video clip of MacArthur preaching, YouTube took down the video and told him the pastor’s sermon was hate speech, explaining:

“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy,” YouTube wrote to me. “We’ve removed the following content from YouTube: ‘There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY. That’s it. – Pastor John MacArthur.’”

In other words, YouTube affirmed the Canadian law by banning any opposition to transgenderism on their platform.

And it won’t be very long before the sex and gender revolutionaries target the source of our beliefs – the Holy Bible. I foresee a day in American history where Bibles could be confiscated or rewritten to affirm the LGBTQIA lifestyle.”

Critical Race Theory Righteous Defiance SBC

5th Generation SBC Pastor Leaves Denomination in Barn-Burning Sermon, listing Moore, Greear, Litton, Res9, CRT, NAMB as Reasons

Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church pastor Jonathan Sims announced on July 4th that his church was formally cutting ties with the Southern Baptist convention and leaving the denomination, the result of decades of rot that culminated with the gong-show that was the 2021 SBC General Assembly, and included the recent plagiarism scandal by current President Ed Litton and the fact that his wife tag teams sermons with him.

In the sermon he explains:

“I’m a fifth generation Southern Baptist, on both sides of my family. As far back as I can trace, they’ve all been Alabama, Southern Baptists, the Southern Baptist churches, all I’ve ever known. I was born again and baptised in a Southern Baptist Church. I was called to preach in a Southern Baptist Church. I received my master of divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, which at that time, was the largest Theological Seminary in the world. I’ve pastored three Southern Baptist churches as a God called preacher. I’ve never been a member of any other denominational church, but a Southern Baptist Church.

Sims notes that the SBC has been bearing bad fruit for decades, to the point that as a congregation they unanimously voted two years ago to defund the local, state and national conventions of the Southern Baptist Convention, going from tens of thousands of dollars in giving to only 100$ a year, while they considered their next move. It didn’t take long as he announced:

But with this year’s convention in Nashville a couple of weeks ago, the Southern Baptist Convention has reached a point that my conscience will no longer allow me to even be loosely affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, I believe it’s time for us to formally withdraw from the Southern Baptist Convention effectively. You did that two years ago, but I think it’s time for a formal statement. I’ve said it for years. If I were starting over today, I would be a Baptist. I am a baptist to the core of my bone marrow. I believe the historic Baptist doctrine, polity and practice are an authentic expression of historical Christianity. But if I were starting over today, I would not be a Southern Baptist.

Sims then goes on to list his grievances, which include:

Weak local churches that supported or tolerated decisional regeneration, along with national leaders like JD Greear, resulting in the church being flooded with lost people.

Weak churches being planted by NAMB with women pastors and bad theology. Lack of church discipline. The SBC affirming Resolution Nine and Critical Race Theory the first time around, and then the fact that they couldn’t repudiate it by name at this last convention.

The leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention fiercely resisted a resolution calling for the complete rejection of all abortion using the language of incrementalism, the last two SBC presidents saying that God whispers about sexual sins like homosexuality, the plagiarism scandal, and the role and leadership of Russell Moore.

This sermon is absolutely worth a listen. Watch below to Hear or download it here

News SBC

15 Sermons and Counting! Ed Litton Tag-Team Preaching With Wife More Extensive than Revealed

Videos continue to pour in documenting that embattled Southern Baptist President Ed Litton preached far more sermons with his wife than was initially thought, despite claiming that women do not preach from his pulpit.

At this point, we have saved and documented at least 15 sermons (courtesy of this guy) from both him and his wife, Kathy, but also another couple named Justin and Trish took to the pulpit to preach between 2012 and 2018. 

Said another way, 5-8% of the sermons preached from Redemption Church in some of those years were by a woman.

In an interview with, he justified his soft egalitarianism by explaining that he only preached sermons with his wife on marriage and family, and that the BFM2000 doesn’t always speak to them.

I’m a complementarian. I believe the roles that God gives us, I believe that the pastor, and this is right in line with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the elder of the church has to be a male, the primary teaching pastor. But I also believe in the autonomy of the local church. The truth is, the Baptist Faith and Message doesn’t speak to my wife, with me, on a series on marriage, or a series talking about familyI don’t contain all the wisdom in the world. 

I believe the word of God does, but my wife is an apt teacher and she helps me communicate to our people. She also provides a voice that our people need to hear. So, I felt absolutely free, within my convictional status and the Baptist Faith and Message and the word of God, to invite my wife to come up. She is under my authority as her pastor. We did that together. I’m very proud of her. She did an outstanding job.

That’s straight trash, of course, but as we’ve discovered with Ed Litton, who frequently bends or blows past the truth to fit his agenda, it’s also a lie.

One of the sermon series he preached with his wife wasn’t about that at all, but rather a broader sermon series examining the Christian life, holiness, and overcoming worldliness. It is a similar title to the book and Bible Study by Craig Groeschel, WEIRD: Because Normal Isn’t Working published in 2012…Sermons in the 2013 Weird series were: Weird: Because Normal Isn’t Working, co-preached; Lifestyles of the Weird, co-preached; Weird Pleasures, co-preached; Playing Weird with the Truth, preached by Ed Litton; Weird Sexuality, co-preached.”

In introducing the sermon series, Litton explained that “the ultimate purpose of this series is so that you and I will not only get comfortable with being weird but that we will embrace our weirdness and that we will encourage one another to be weird.”

During his questionnaire for the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood’s Candidate forum, which he participated in order to win the presidency, he said that “The only ministry the Bible limits to God-called and qualified men is the office of pastor, which is rightly designated by the title of pastor and elder,” he also specifically said that women do not preach from his pulpit: a revelation that is patently untrue.

Ed Litton is an unrepentant liar, and anyone wanting to learn more can watch this mini-documentary to learn more.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News Religion

JD Greear Admits to Purchasing Sermon Material to Make Himself “Look Good”

(Reformation Charlotte) In the midst of the exposure of the largest Evangelical plagiarism scandal in modern times, it has become increasingly clear that the vast majority of the leadership in the Evangelical world are frauds. From the newly-elected Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton, who has been criticized for his serial plagiarism of former president, JD Greear–dating back as far as 2013 from what we have discovered–to JD Greear himself, nothing could be more clear than that God’s judgment is on the Southern Baptist Convention.

Some astute watchdogs have uncovered that this scandal runs deep, far, and wide. In an interview with Jim Osman that was published last night, Justin Peters revealed that many Evangelical leaders have been purchasing sermons from a research group that prepares sermon materials for a wide range of Evangelical pastors regardless of doctrinal convictions. That research group is called Docent.

According to Docent’s website, the group “partners with pastors to provide research assistance to lighten their load and help them serve their churches more effectively, ” and will “assist with both sermon and sociological research, offering consultations with experienced ministry leaders, and producing curriculum.” Further, Docent will “carefully pair graduate-level researchers…

To continue reading all about JD Greear’s use of their service, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Protestia.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

GraceLife Church Packed as Pastor James Coates Returns after Month in Jail

The parking lot at Gracelife Church was filled to the brim and the congregants were ebullient and raucous in their praise to see their pastor take the pulpit for the first time in nearly 6 weeks, forcing him to occasionally pause while the congregation cheered and clapped for him as he said a few words before the service.

I’m so thankful for all the love and support you’ve shown me and my family. I’m so thankful for our leadership, for the courage they’ve shown, Pastor Jake, and the courage he’s shown. For Pastor Mike, and all he’s been doing. I’m immensely humbled by the men in this country who stood with us, stood with me, supported me, preached sermons that were supportive and expressed love and affection.

I’m so thankful for you the congregation who have written to me, your letters were incredibly encouraging to me, and strengthened me, and served me so immensely well. I’m grateful for the Master’s Seminary, Grace Community Church, John MacArthur, and the way they supported me and stood by me and upheld me, all of the men that I could have ever asked to be by my side are…and it’s just such a blessing.

He went on to thank a few more people, along with his wife Erin, and his boys and marveled:

This is all to the Lord. It is amazing to me how one act of obedience in a little wee RCMP office, in little wee Spruce Grove could have the impact that it did. I couldn’t sign that condition, and the rest is history. And so anyway, it is a blessing to be back, you can just know that I’m incredibly overwhelmed. I don’t think I understand the fullness of what’s happened. I’m still trying to wrap my head around things, I’m trying to bear back under the responsibility of the pastoral ministry and all that demands of me, and so you can just know I’m overwhelmed, but I’m immensely grateful and immensely thankful to the Lord. I love you and have missed you dearly.

As we stated last week, James did not preach the sermon, but rather that honor fell to Pastor Jacob Spenst.

Police showed up at the service but did not enter, ultimately leaving only one cruiser parked nearby for the entirety of the service. Alberta Health Services had members of the public health team on site, but they did not enter the church.

Charismatic Nonsense Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Charismatic+ Wokeness= Cast out ‘Societal Demons’ That First Showed Up on America’s Shores in 1619

A woke pastrix has given us some insight into what would happen when charismatic theology and Nikole Hannah-Jones’s 1619 project collide, with a sermon saying that societal demons landed on the shores of America in 1619, and that they need to be cast out, particularly out of the police stations.

Tanisha Walton, campus pastor of The Way Berkely explains in a sermon preached in June 2020:

The future depends on the work that every person puts in now to heal both their inner demons as well as our societal demons… Racism is demonic, and we shouldn’t be surprised when it keeps popping up. The same demon that landed on these shores in 1619 is the same demon that keeps popping up right now in 2020s, that demons have the same mode of operation, and all it needs is a host or person who is willing to let them manifest in them. So we’re seeing the same spirit, the demons don’t have any other mode of operation, but to operate in the same way that they originally did when they first got here…

People still have the autonomy to operate in these manners. We’re still holding the person accountable, but we have to get to the point where we can look at someone and look past them, and look right at the heart of the matter, that is this a demon that is manifesting itself. How else can you explain that man would keep his knee down on someone’s neck for almost 9 minutes unless you’re full of demons? Unless you’re full of the devil?

She references Mark 16:17 “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; and says that believers have the power available to cast out the spirit of racism and demonic forces.

Do you believe that God wants to use you to raise you up for a prophetic hope, to cast out these demons out of our cities, out of the police departments, out of our government? We have the power to be able to do it in the name of Jesus, but we can’t do it in our own strengths it has to be Holy Ghost, spirit-fueled social justice.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the clip.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured News

Singer Justin Bieber Studying to be a Hillsong Minister, Apparently

Unnamed sources are coming out of the woodwork claiming that Justin Bieber is studying to become a minister with Hillsong Church, with Daily Mail, Ok Magazine, and others reporting that he plans to become ordained in 2021.

Given that there are no names attached to the piece, only “sources close to the singer” alleging that “Justin has never felt happier or healthier, and he says he owes it to the church. [He] believes he can take a leadership position in restoring order,” referring to Hillsong NYC and the aftermath of disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s adulterous joyride taken right through the heart of the congregation, the whole thing is a non-starter.

The fact this is so believable is the real story, however. We can see Hillsong giving him the keys to the kingdom. Bieber is active on social media making consistent professions of faith, inviting a variety of pastors on to give the gospel, and talking a lot about Jesus and his relationship with him. He is a member of Hillsong Choir and has led worship at pal Judah’s Smith Churchome, as well as has preached from the pulpit.

Bieber explains a more recent message he gave:

My whole message at church the other day was, there’s power in your weakness. So when you feel weak — there’s so many people in this world who are struggling — there’s just power in that weakness. So, when you fight through that season you usually get to the other side, and it gets better.

Sounds terrible.

Here’s another spine-shuddering theological poison pill.

Again. What the heck.

While Bieber is anything if not completely unqualified to preach or become a minister, he is consistent in his earnestness, with his understanding of biblical truth being underdeveloped, and is reminiscent of a newly converted 14-year-old trying to explain the Christian faith and gospel to his parents after just one weekend at bible camp.

It’s not great, and you don’t want to see him sharing that with anyone, but you have to admire his willingness to put himself out there. It may be happening with a lot of scrunched up faces and raised eyebrows, but the gist of the internal change is communicated. These sources continue:

[He] doesn’t plan to give up his music career, but he feels there’s a bigger calling out there for him. He wants to be a full-fledged minister next year.

Someone tell The Master’s Seminary to give this kid a scholarship already!

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Todd White Responds to Claims He’s Been Preaching the Wrong Gospel- and He’s not Happy

Evangelist Todd White is pushing back on claims that he repented for not preaching the full gospel and is now newly saved, declaring that he’s been taken out of context and that his critics are sinning in doing so.

White made headlines last week when he preached a sermon and declared that he repented of not preaching the full gospel, with comments like “I feel like I just met Jesus” leading his critics to hope that the known heretic had changed his ways, become saved, and would bear fruit in keeping with repentance. We wrote about this extensively here, here and here, and made the case that if White was repentant and, then like Zacheus there are a few things he would have to do to demonstrate it before we would consider him a brother in the Lord.

He must get out of the ministry, stop preaching (as babes in Christ should not preach), repent of intentionally fooling the masses by knowingly false magic tricks carefully learned and practiced over many years, clarify that not only did he not teach the “full gospel” but that the one previously taught was a false gospel, and if monetary restitution is not possible or practically feasible, then theological restitutions are in order, with Todd doing everything possible to lead those people out of the charismaticism he brought them into.

This has not happened. Rather, Todd clarified his remarks and he is quite discouraging. Here are a few comments he made during yesterday’s service, starting off with assuring people that he didn’t get just saved, but rather has been saved for over 16 years, pointing to his life of holiness after his salvation of evidence of his salvation all those years ago.

Last week I shared in my heart ‘I repent for not preaching the full gospel.’ If any of you think that you know it all about the Gospel, you’re deceived. I don’t care who you are, I don’t care what theologian you are. I don’t care if you’re a doctor of theology, if you’ve got your masters of divinity if you think you know it all, I’m sorry you’re wrong. I have stepped into a new awareness of why I’m really here. I feel like I just got saved. I feel like I’ve just met Jesus. The truth is, if I didn’t meet Jesus when I got saved, I would have continued in sin.

Many thought that the change to Todd was due to newly being exposed to Whitfield, Spurgeon, and Comfort, but it turns out that he’s been reading them for years, and yet has still engaged in his shenanigans. He also mentions Dr. Michael Brown, a decidedly poor resource, and yet Brown will be speaking at White’s Chuch on August 16th. Birds of a feather.

I used an example last week of Ray Comfort’s book . I have read Ray Comfort since I’ve gotten born again. I love his stuff. I’ve read Spurgeon since I got saved. I mention it one time and people are like ‘now he’s reading the right stuff.’ I got news for you. I love them. Andrew Murray is one of my favorite authors in the whole world. I love those. You know who else is a great author? Dr. Michael Brown.

Todd then rips into the movie American Gospel, criticizing the makers for not coming to him directly to asking what he believes, despite there being more than a decade of public content and videos out in the world detailing what he believes. It is clear, at this point, that he doesn’t get it.

There are a lot of people out there that have believe that I’m deceived. Thank you for praying for me. I need it. I need prayer.  To say that someone’s wrong and to not get on your face and cry out for their soul. Because if I’m deceived, and you’re not crying out for me, and you say that you love God you’re a liar, because you actually hate me.

If I’m going to tell you that somebody’s deceived, but I’m not going to be one to go on my knees and be (unintelligible) Christ like Jesus did, and cry out for them like to see the truth, then I’m not a Christian. I don’t love them, I love my opinion.

I am overtaken with gratitude for people that have prayed for me, and have said “man, he’s going off.” They made a movie, called the American Gospel, about me. None of them called me to talk to me, not one of them asked me to share my heart, not one of them asked me what I believe. They assumed and put me into a place of guilt because of association and friends like Bill Johnson or Kenneth Copeland. Now all of a sudden Todd’s the biggest heretic on the planet. Or Benny Hinn.

Shame on you for not praying for me and talking to me, but making a movie thinking that you’re God’s police. You’re going to stand before a holy God and answer for your life of judgment and hate and it’s called murder.  It’s no different than racism. It’s the same thing It’s called no love. You have no love. If you think that being God’s police officer is love, you’re wrong, because you haven’t prayed with the human tears.

White further clarifies what he meant by repenting of the full gospel.

Jesus is the way. The gospel is the way. When I say I haven’t preached the full gospel, it just means that God has taken me to a depth of his heart that I have not yet seen and I want to see more people come to Christ. I mean in our school at LCU, ‘Todd white repents’ is all over the internet. Well here’s the crazy thing. Like this isn’t justification, I’m telling you what’s out there. Like we should all want to be repentant. Repentance isn’t the days you get saved only. If something’s wrong you repent.

And then fires back at his critics, claiming to be misunderstood and having his viewpoints unfairly characterized, which is sin on the part of the accuser.

There has to be this behemoth desire inside of me to bless those who persecute me and pray for those, who despitefully use me, like despitefully use my name, and say ‘he’s this and he’s that’, without even listening, that’s dangerous. That’s called presumption, an presumption is one of the greatest sins on the planet.

Todd spends the rest of the sermon giving a pentecostal apologetic on the validity of miracles and healing ministry.

So there you have it. From the looks of things, Todd White has repented of presenting the gospel in the wrong way, but has not repented for his plethora of false teaching and false miracles, or shown that he understands the crux of the theological grievances people have.

We have heard that the makers of the American Gospel are still in contact with him and trying to reach out to him further, but it appears that he’s dug in deep. It’s only been a week since his message and we’ll see how this goes, but at this point it seems that from his perspective, the ones who should be doing the most repenting are his critics.