Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31 KJV)

Bethel Church’s newly launched YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel,” which features an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives, has already paid dividends, as Bill Johnson and his associate pastor talk shop about whether or not God is in control of everything, concluding that he is not.

In contrast to that, we would say that not only has God numbered the very hairs on our head, but he controls every movement they will ever make throughout their lifetime, so that a breeze cannot shift a single hair a tenth of a micron to the right without the Lord knowing about it and ordaining it to happen. There is not one stray atom in the universe for God. If this is not true, He is not God.

For Bethel? They find the notion laughable and unpalatable in the extreme. In their view, sometimes things just happen, and God has no control over them.

Q: Does he control everything? Is he in charge of everything, but doesn’t control everything? What are some of the ways you think about that and understand scripture?

Johnson: My understanding in this area creates the greatest challenges for me…my approach is that God doesn’t control everything.

He’s in charge of everything. And the way I’d illustrate is well, you’re a parent, or you’re in charge of your household, but you’re not in control of everything that happens, you know?

Some dish will break. Something will happen. Somebody will say something that was unkind. Those things aren’t because of your influence. They just happen because you have a household of free will.

So that’s my approach, is that God is absolutely sovereign and that he’s in charge of everything. But I don’t credit him with Hitler. I don’t credit him with the disasters that take place in the earth. I don’t look at these and go, “Well, this is the plan of God who’s devised wickedness so that his glory could be seen.”

For me, that’s absolute nonsense.

So I look at his, at his sovereignty seen, in that he’s written you and me into a sovereign plan. For example, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God is not willing. So is it God’s will for people to perish? No. Are they perishing? Yes. Why? Because there’s a [sic] wiggle room in there somewhere, where we have some measure of influence on the outcome.

This eventually prompts Dann Farrelly, Bethel’s Associate Pastor and Dean of Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry, to chime in:

And I think that’s the worldview of Scripture, you see a lot of powerful decision-makers in the angelic and demonic realm, as well as the human realm. And in the Lord’s sovereignty, sometimes I’ll say it to the students. “He’s so sovereign, he’s decided to be in control of what he wants to be and not in control the things he doesn’t want to be.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hunh. Bethel Church Launches Web Series Offering In-depth Responses to Their Controversial Beliefs

In a surprising move, Bethel Church in Redding, CA has launched a YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel’ featuring an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives.

‘Rediscover Bethel’ is a video series that addresses common questions and misconceptions about Bethel Church in Redding, California. This series specifically covers Bethel’s theological beliefs, teachings, and practices—featuring Senior Leader Bill Johnson, Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton, and Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly. This series includes videos on Bible translations, Jesus’ deity, physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, theology of healing, the gospel of repentance, prophecy, and much more.

During the first episode, they address topics like:

  • Jesus Christ is Perfect Theology
  • The Theology of Sickness and Healing
  • The Sovereignty of God
  • Is The Passion Translation Heresy?
  • What Bethel Believes About The Gospel and The Cross
  • Communion and The Sacrifice of Jesus for Humanity

They spend about 20 minutes on each topic, with the pastors fielding questions from the host that offer the controversial leaders the opportunity to sit in the hot seat.

While he does offer some clarity to a point, unfortunately he might as well be sitting on a block of ice with the air conditioner cranked to 11 for all the tough questions and follow-up Johnson is given.

For example, in the topic of healings and miracles, he clarifies what he believes, but a very obvious follow-up question is, “Then why do you wear glasses?” or “Then what about your deaf son?” or “Then why did your church and the supernatural school of ministry repeatedly shut down their school and the healing rooms on account of COVID?” or “Why was an outbreak at your school responsible for shutting down a county of over 175,000 people if your ministry has such an emphasis and belief on healing?”

But these were left unasked and unanswered. Rather, he says that he believes it is God’s will to heal everyone and then later contradicts it with a story of how “one lady, as I was praying for I could tell you…that if I prayed for healing, it would grieve (The Holy Spirit).”

He explains that when it comes to healing “I can’t pray ‘if it’s your will’ because for me, that’s a prayer of unbelief.”

When the host brings up Joni Eareckson Tada, who’s been paralyzed for years, and what to make of that and her faith, Johnson is introspective and falters, offering:

[I] can’t wrap my head around it…I would never want them to somehow feel less than, or that they don’t have enough faith, or that somehow this is, you know, God’s punishment on their life for that nonsense. I don’t want to do that. But I also don’t want to create a theology…around what doesn’t happen? You know, I mean, I don’t have good, I don’t have explanations at all.


Bethel Pastor Claims Christians Have Doppelganger ‘Angel Twins’ that Buy Strangers Pizza

As if you didn’t need more proof that the crazy-as-rats-in-a-coffee-can charismatics at Bethel church have lost their minds and are routinely teaching bizarre and perverse doctrines, one of their pastors is now claiming that Christians have doppelganger “angels twins” that look just like them that flitter throughout the world doing random acts of kindness and benevolence. [Great, does that mean I don’t have to? -Ed.]

Eddie Tait, Associate Leader of Bethel Austin, told the congregation during a May 2 service:

I’m sitting in Nebraska, we’re at a pastor’s meeting, and this woman comes up to me at lunch and she says, ‘I just want to let you know how much your church has blessed us.’

And I’m thinking, ‘oh that’s awesome. Shane and I were speaking, we must have really blessed her in this meeting, that’s great,’ and she’s like, ‘about a few years ago…I was in Amarillo, Texas, I was at a prophetic conference, and during the break for dinner a group of people from Bethel Austin came up to me and said ‘we’re kidnapping you and taking you to dinner.’

And she’s like, ‘Why?’ They’re like, ‘God highlighted you.’ And she said they took her to a pizza place; she’s a vegetarian…and the person asked, ‘Hey, what do you want to eat?’ And she said, ‘Well, I’m a vegetarian,’ and they’re like, ‘Great we’re going to eat what you’re eating because we want to honor you.’

And so she goes, ‘I’ve never felt more loved and honored by a group of people…and I wasn’t at church I was with people at a pizza place.’

I was like, ‘Wow, do you know any of, you recognize the name of anybody?’ She goes ‘well the one was Joaquin…’ So I call him, and I relay this story and he says, ‘Uh I haven’t been in Amarillo since 2004.‘ Like, she said this was like two or three years ago.

We start talking and he says, ‘You know, last week I was praying about my angel that used to be seen, and I was telling God I haven’t had that happen in a while.’

I want more of those stories. And I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna find out if this was his angel.’ So I hang up with him and I pull up a Facebook, and I go over and I say, ‘Hey, is this the guy?’ And she goes, ‘Oh yeah, that’s him. That’s Joaquin.’

Not content to share one lie, he gives a few more examples, but not before telling the congregants to “not try to use the word of God to discredit an encounter of God” by telling them to approach his stories with openness, “Come at it with a heart to disprove instead to receive.”

Of course, there are so many questions. Do we likewise have evil demonic twins doing random acts of chaos and mischief? What if our angels get caught on CCTV at the scene of a crime? Do they have the same fingerprints we do?

The fact that this pastor is teaching that it’s completely normal for gangs of angels that look just like their human counterparts to be engaged in these activities is more of the same nonsense, and more of the same poisonous fruit coming out of Bethel church.

h/t to Salt and Light for the video

Charismatic Nonsense Church In-person Church Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Church Pastrix Promotes God Healing Through Holy Snoring

A Bethel Church pastrix (because there’s no such thing as a female pastor) who is likely to be a regular feature here due to some never-before-seen idiosyncratic charismatic manifestations, hosted a guest on her ministry page who describes how God healed her after hearing a word from the Lord through her friend’s snoring.

Pastrix Theresa Dedmon, who “birthed” and now heads up and teaches the Kingdom Creative Movement at Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) had a guest on to describe the creative way that the Lord heals, encourage and uttering “woooooooow” as she recounts the details.

The guest, Bella, describes how she was sick for years with a fever and throat pain that would flare up every few weeks, resulting in chronic depression because of it.

Then one night, my roommate on a missions trip, she was snoring. And one time she was snoring and I was waking up, the presence of God came in very strong and every snore became like a word, and it was like “chosen,” “love,” “unique,” but then this one sentence came: “believe you are healed.”

Bella explains that later when her friend woke up she apologized for snoring, that she knew that she was snoring in her dream and tried to wake herself up, but a voice appeared in her dream told her NOT to wake up, and instead told her, “It’s the lion of Judah!” She concludes:

After that encounter where I heard the voice of the Lord telling me (through snoring), “you have been healed,” I didn’t get sick every third week anymore. So a huge healing has happened because the word, which we have in the bible, spoke, and it works.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Heresies

Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”

(Reformation Charlotte) Jenn Johnson, who, along with her husband, Brian, is one of the senior worship pastors at the infamously blasphemous charismatic Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bethel, which is known for its parlor tricks, false manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and cultish practice of raising the dead and “grave sucking,” is no stranger to controversy.

This time, Jenn Johnson, a female “pastor” who is on stage mocking the throne of God, says that angels sit around the throne of God having “farting contests.”

It really doesn’t get much more blasphemous than that.

Jenn goes on to say that…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Kanye West Crushes Hillsong United and Bethel Music at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards

Kanye swept almost all the Christian categories at the 2020 Billboard Music Awards on Wednesday night, winning 4 of a possible 6 and his work receiving a total of 9 nominations, the most of the night.

West, who is busy promoting his possible spoiler presidential campaign, gave glory to God for the recognition his Jesus Is King album received, saying in an uploaded video:

Thanks (to) all of my Christians that’s been praying for me, praying for the day where I would serve the kingdom. You know God just keeps showing up. Incredible increase and the favor.”

Kanye took home Top Gospel Artist, Top Christian Album, Top Gospel Album and Top Gospel Songs, losing only to Lauren Daigle for Top Christian Artist and For King and Country’s “God Only Knows,” for Top Christian Song.

Artists he beat include Kirk Franklin, Bethel Music, Hillsong United, Casting Crowns and Skillet. None have yet commented on their losses.

Breaking Coronavirus Heresies News

Bethel Church Causes County of 175,000 to Lockdown Over COVID Cases

Does God cause Sickness? “I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness… You can only give away what you have. Can God give away sickness? No: He’s not sick. You can’t give cancer if you don’t have it….Does God ever choose not to heal? No. ~Bill Johnson.

Shasta County in California has announced that they are implementing stricter lockdown policies and curtailing a host of business activities on account of a dramatic spike in COVID cases, the vast majority tied to Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM).

The County, which has been in Tier 2 up to this point, made the decision to entered into Tier 1 after 274 positive diagnoses of COVID cases were reported at Bethel’s SSM. As a result of the downgrade, the County is enforcing the following restrictions:

  • Places of businesses like hair salons may be open while abiding by the mask and social distancing rules.
  • Retail stores can be open but with only 25% capacity.
  • Places of worship, gyms, movie theaters, wineries and restaurants will be required to move all services all outdoors.
  • Bars that don’t serve food will be required to close.
  • People who work in offices will be required to work remotely.

The Megachurch of 11,000 has been called out specifically by Dean Germano, chief executive officer for Shasta Community Health Center, after Bill Johnson’s wife, Beni, called masks “worthless” in a since-deleted (but saved here for posterity) video.

“It’s disconcerting to see leadership in any role disavowing the basic public health tenets of distancing and masking…It’s infuriating particularly for those working in the health care side of things (who are) dealing with the repercussions of people failing to do this.”

Many residents of Shasta county are outraged over the actions of Bethel Church, which already has a mixed “love them or hate them” public image, with one business owner saying “It’s because of these idiots that I have to close my business again. I can’t sustain this. I’m going to go bankrupt because these a****** hate science. And I’m not the only retailer who thinks so.” and another commenting “Can you imagine being responsible for a quarter of a million people re-entering lockdown? From a church that is all about miraculous healing and supernatual [sic] miracles? Unreal. ”

Kris Vallotton, a spokesperson for Bethel speaking about the virus spreading among church members, called the criticism unfair:

“I think it’s important to note although we’ve had some spread and our students have participated in that spread, there are churches that have been having services in our city,” he said. “We’re not one of them.”

Bethel shut down their healing houses 8 months ago, discontinued in-person classes at the School of Supernatural Ministry weeks ago, and Bethel Church has been closed since the pandemic began.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Seattle Barricades Park: Bethel Worship Leader Proceeds with ‘Street Protest’ Anyway

A Bethel Church worship leader went ahead with his massive worship concert in Seattle Monday night, drawing thousands to the streets after city officials barricaded the park where the service was planned in order to shut down their service, resulting in the organizers of the service to declare the event to be a “street protest and prayer event.”

Worship leader Sean Fuetch has been making the rounds across America on his #LetUsWorship tour, defying governor lockdown orders by gathering in large groups, not wearing masks, not socially distancing, and singing out loud, was unimpressed to find that the city of Seattle shut down Gas Works Park due to “anticipated crowding that could impact the public health of residents” upon learning that the outdoor service was planned there. This despite the fact that Seattle has been a staging ground for BLM protesters for months, having over 100 days of protests and riots.

The event pivoted and they held it a block away, with Feucht unconcerned about the ramifications of pressing forward:

Politicians can write press releases. They can make threats. They can shut down parks. They can put up fences, but they can’t stop us from worshipping…We’re here as citizens of America and citizens of the Kingdom of God and we won’t be silenced.

The service was comprised of worship music, prayer, preaching, and manifestations of charismatic theological idiosyncracies.

Feucht, who has a propensity to inflate his numbers a bit, also declared that the night of worship was being streamed and followed by 1.7 million people in Pakistan, though there is no word where that number came from.

Pakistan viewers aside, which would be extrapolated to tens of millions of people watching worldwide, the event was seen by a lot of people, with one stream of the event receiving at least 220,000 views and garnering over 10,000 comments. Several attendees interviewed at the event said they traveled hundreds of miles to attend, as there was no other event like this current touring the United States.

Feucht’s next event will be in Fort Collins and Colorado Springs on the 11 and 12th, respectively.