Seattle Barricades Park: Bethel Worship Leader Proceeds with ‘Street Protest’ Anyway

A Bethel Church worship leader went ahead with his massive worship concert in Seattle Monday night, drawing thousands to the streets after city officials barricaded the park where the service was planned in order to shut down their service, resulting in the organizers of the service to declare the event to be a “street protest and prayer event.”
Worship leader Sean Fuetch has been making the rounds across America on his #LetUsWorship tour, defying governor lockdown orders by gathering in large groups, not wearing masks, not socially distancing, and singing out loud, was unimpressed to find that the city of Seattle shut down Gas Works Park due to “anticipated crowding that could impact the public health of residents” upon learning that the outdoor service was planned there. This despite the fact that Seattle has been a staging ground for BLM protesters for months, having over 100 days of protests and riots.
The event pivoted and they held it a block away, with Feucht unconcerned about the ramifications of pressing forward:
Politicians can write press releases. They can make threats. They can shut down parks. They can put up fences, but they can’t stop us from worshipping…We’re here as citizens of America and citizens of the Kingdom of God and we won’t be silenced.
The service was comprised of worship music, prayer, preaching, and manifestations of charismatic theological idiosyncracies.
Feucht, who has a propensity to inflate his numbers a bit, also declared that the night of worship was being streamed and followed by 1.7 million people in Pakistan, though there is no word where that number came from.
Pakistan viewers aside, which would be extrapolated to tens of millions of people watching worldwide, the event was seen by a lot of people, with one stream of the event receiving at least 220,000 views and garnering over 10,000 comments. Several attendees interviewed at the event said they traveled hundreds of miles to attend, as there was no other event like this current touring the United States.
Feucht’s next event will be in Fort Collins and Colorado Springs on the 11 and 12th, respectively.
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