Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report Politics

Podcast: The Real Reason We Support Israel

On this episode of Polemics Report for May 18th, 2021, JD responds to the renewed Israel-Palestinian conflict and reveals the real reasons Christians should support the modern state of Israel. In the Patron portion, JD discusses how Lecrae – like George Floyd – demanded money in exchange for not killing the unborn, and SBC Professor Michael Haykin reading “Pilgrim’s Progress” through woke lenses.

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To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report SBC

Podcast: Jesus Didn’t Die for the Para-Church

On this episode of Polemics Report for May 13th, 2021, JD weighs in on an author at SBC Voices calling for a truce between complementarians and churches with lady pastors and conservatives in Cru exposing the woke disaster in the organization. In the patron-only portion, David discusses pushback on the last podcast’s title, plays a little bit of the upcoming music video, and JD answers patron questions concerning deacons and new Calvinism.

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To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

abortion podcast Polemics Report SBC

Podcast: The Pro-Life Industry and Bible Belt Culture

On this episode of Polemics Report for April 17th, 2021, JD discusses Steve Gaines calling for the publishing/teaching arm of the SBC to be led by a woman, Abby Johnson and the pro-life industry, and Ray Ortland’s celebration of the destruction of so-called “Bible Belt” culture. Later, he answers a question about General Equity, and in the Patrons-only portion talks about Sabbath keeping and answers other Patron questions.

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To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Church podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Pastor versus Layman – Matthew 18 and Tithing

On this episode of Polemics Report for April 13th, 2021, our Bulldogmatic Bible Study hangs out for the program! JD and David discuss effeminacy and doctrinal category confusion in evangelical ranks using Dave Miller as an example, and discuss the finer points of church discipline and the role Jesus gave to the church body versus the elders. Later in the Patron portion, JD and David debate whether or not tithing should be taught in the church.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies podcast Polemics Report SBC

Podcast: Snake Orgies, Empathy, and Hangin’ on “The Block”

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 16th, 2021, JD talks about Tim Keller blaming conservative evangelicals for their inevitable removal from the public arena, Russell Moore falling all over himself to defend Beth Moore, Tim Keller, and Rick Warren, and Kyle J. Howard’s ridiculously white recalling of hanging out on “the block.” In the patrons-only portion, JD and David discuss Gentle and Lowly, and JD answers questions from patrons.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Does Jordan Peterson Know He Needs Jesus?

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 11th, 2021, JD is moved by signs that Jordan Peterson may be being drawn to a true faith in Christ. In the patrons-only portion, he talks about Milo Yiannopoulos revealing that homosexuality is indeed a choice, a little more Beth Moore, and David discusses how tech censorship of conservatives is harming liberal publications as well.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Church Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA podcast Polemics Report SBC Videos

Podcast: Beth Moore Finally Goes Home

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 9th, 2021, JD talks about the blessing of Beth Moore finally leaving the SBC and evangelical elites like David French and Russell Moore throwing faithful believers under the bus for being skeptical of the vaccine. In the patrons-only portion, JD discusses the latest instance of JD Greear mocking the Word and Southern Baptists who insist on biblical orthodoxy.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The 501(c)(3) Church Myth

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses more Kyle J. Howawd and Jory Micah nonsense, then reviews a podcast critical of churches having 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. In the patron portion of the podcast, JD reviews and exposes the false teaching and critical race theory promotion in JD Greear’s speech before the SBC executive committee. 

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Gay Harassers, James White goes PostMill, and Mark Dever Lies About Trayvon Martin

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 27, 2021, JD covers the latest news stories from, including Christians charged in New Jersey with “intimidating” homosexuals by preaching the truth, the propensity for young people to errantly identify as homosexual, and Mark Dever’s historical revisionism regarding Trayvon Martin before discussing “anti-truth” in modern culture and Rand Paul calling out transgenderism for what it is on the floor of the Senate.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Why God Hates Illegal Immigration

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 11, 2021, JD answers sincere questions from his listeners, mostly about ecclesiastical or church issues as members struggle with their church’s bad polity. He covers 3 news stories from the day on Critical Theory and “Whiteness” before explaining in quite some detail why God hates illegal immigration and Christians should oppose it. 

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.