Featured podcast Protestia Tonight

Podcast: Protestia Responds to Jason Whitlock

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for May 21, 2024, we delve into the concerns with Jason Whitlock’s “Roll Call 2.0” Conference, including commentary from Jason’s show by Spencer Smith, Virgil Walker, and Anthony Walker. In the PT VIP, we show perhaps the clearest demonstration of the SBC’s woman pastor problem.

In the wake of our article revealing our concerns with Jason Whitlock’s “Christian” conference including notable Mormon Glenn Beck alongside Voddie Bacham and Skillet’s John Cooper, Whitlock reportedly was confronted by several trusted friends and lashed out at Protestia for exposing the 1 Corinthians 5 problems with “Roll Call 2.0.”

In his May 15th subscriber-only discussion on the Blaze, Whitlock enlisted Spencer Smith, Virgil Walker, Anthony Walker, and Kevin Donahue to challenge him on the issues Protestia raised. Listen to our detailed response here:

podcast Protestia Tonight Videos

Podcast: Loser Theology?

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for May 16th, 2023, we talk about why premillennialism is not “loser theology” despite what is being claimed by social media theologians. In the PT VIP portion, we talk about how to witness to those who believe they are saved but are not.

podcast Protestia Tonight Videos

Protestia Tonight: Discern In Context

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for May 9th, 2023, we discuss what John MacArthur meant by claiming he wouldn’t speak alongside women speakers. In the PT VIP segment, we talk about some new changes coming to Protestia and answer a related question about what to do when our pastors are not discerning about their endorsements.

podcast Protestia Tonight SBC

Podcast: Interview with Dr. Jared Moore on the Gay Error in Solid Pulpits

On this episode of Protestia Tonight for January 11, 2023, we speak with Dr. Jared Moore about the evangelical compromise on so-called “SSA Christianity” and “Revoice theology,” discussing reasons why supposedly solid Christian ministers are faltering on the issue and how it relates to attractional, market-driven church methodology. The PT VIP (patron-only) portion of the show is included, where we continue the discussion and answer sincere questions on the SSA issue.

Further reading:

podcast Protestia Tonight

Talking Shop About JD Hall and Answering Our Accusers

We discuss the recent revelations concerning JD Hall and offer a clarifying discussion on the scope and mission of this ministry, as well as what the Bible instructs us to do when facing “guilt by association” accusations.

Evangelical Stuff News podcast Polemics Report SBC

Polemics Report Live 6:30 MST: SBC Corruption

Join us for a livestream on YouTube at 6:30pm tonight!

abortion Church Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: True Christian Nationalism

On this episode of Polemics Report for December 3rd, 2021, JD and David discuss the twisting of the meaning of Christian Nationalism as it relates to the woke evangelical definition of “pro-life,” and touch on the aftermath of James Merritt’s shameful endorsement of his son’s social gospel. In the patron portion, JD answers sincere questions including SBC interference in local church matters, Christian colleges, and pastors who won’t sign religious exemptions.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Wayward Brothers or Simply Lost?

On this episode of Polemics Report for November 4th, 2021, JD “ambushes” his friend Steve Camp on how to address Al Mohler’s support and platforming of teachers and leaders who advance the “gospel” of Critical Race Theory. In the Patron portion, David and JD examine the relatively new accusation from the evangelical intelligentsia that conservative “culture warrior” Christians are the new pragmatists.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

podcast Polemics Report SBC

Podcast: Suing an Unbeliever

On this episode for Polemics Report for October 28th, 2021, David takes issue with a Gospel Coalition article discouraging believers from seeking religious exemptions and tries to figure out why Doug Wilson can’t figure out that Russell Moore is not a brother. In the Patron portion, David answers sincere questions, including children being baptized and who is responsible when people get hurt by vaccination.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.

bad theology Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The Law of the City

On this episode of Polemics Report for October 12th, 2021, JD welcomes Brent Allen Winters of to discuss the finer points of the “law of the land” versus the “law of the city” as it relates to Tim Keller’s obsession with cities. In the Patron portion, we “ambush” Capstone Report’s Alan Atchison a hard time for forgetting about P&P in his list of pastor-affirming online resources.

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

To listen to the full program, support us on Patreon for only $5.95 a month for this and every other full-length, subscriber-only podcast from the #1 Polemics Organization in the world. Not a bad deal, right? Click here to join.