Featured podcast

Video: Why Peter Masters is Wrong About COVID Church Lockdowns

JD was asked during the subscriber-only portion of the Polemics Report to opine on Dr. Peter Masters’ recent article, arguing that churches have to close down when the government asks.

JD explains why Dr. Masters is wrong and Dr. MacArthur is right, and encourages listeners not to look at the Scripture through the lens of a peasant, serf, or slave.

Featured podcast Polemics Report Polemics Terms

Podcast: SBC Now Funding Lady Lead Pastors

In this episode, JD reveals NAMB (the SBC home mission board) funding a church plant with a lead lady pastor. Other topics are covered as well, including The Gospel Coalition telling pastors not to speak out as much.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: JD Critiques Al Mohler’s Wayward Professor, Jen Hatmaker, and Says Voddie Baucham is Wrong About Something

On this episode of Polemics Report for Jan 23, 2020, JD discusses Jen Hatmaker’s compliment to Mrs. Biden’s pants and her apology for reading a liturgical prayer that says God gave us America’s land. JD points out parallel’s to Israel’s Manifest Destiny that God gave them of the Canaanite’s property and draws parallels. Then, he discusses one of Albert Mohler’s staff, Dr. Haykin, who praised Biden for reinstating the Paris Climate Accords (which promote abortion). Finally, JD points out the one and only time Voddie Baucham has been wrong. JD has to correct him on a point of the Bible.

You can watch the free version (below) or click here to subscribe for only $5.95 and get access to the entire episode.

Featured podcast Polemics Report Polemics Terms Politics

Podcast: Reconstruction Isn’t Coming This Time

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD launches into the news from The Insurgency email update (which you should definitely sign up for at and focuses on news regarding the Democrats’ payback to conservatives, Christians, and Trump-supporters. JD explains that Reconstruction – like that started by President Johnson in 1865, is not coming this time. Even though there has not been a Civil War yet, the Democrats are acting like it and want revenge. But this time, the federal government will not extend an olive branch like they did to the South. They will come for us, and no one will be there to protect us but God. Then, JD includes the Prepping 101 portion from the Bulldogmatic Bible Study at the end of the podcast

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Podcast (btwnoriginal): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 43:25 — 59.6MB) | Embed

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Church Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Cracked Nipples Don’t Make You a Pastor

On the episode for December 28, 2020, JD is back from “vacation” and ready to talk polemics. After sharing the Gospel, JD launches into an explanation for why Albert Mohler got “Worst Christian of 2020” award from Protestia (he’s been sent a trophy with a goat atop, per our annual tradition). He then discusses numerous topics, including Jonathan Merritt RT’ing a poem and woman who claims that women are uniquely qualified to be a pastor because breastfeeding gives them cracked nipples (we kid you not). JD also gives an Ode to Ken Fryer, who passed away into glory. And then, JD answers some patron’s questions and explains why people missing church for COVID-19 should be disciplined. 

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 51:22 — 70.5MB) | Embed

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Featured podcast Religion

Video: Rick Warren Hates Churches Open During Flu Season

The daily news update from JD is just one segment of the Polemics Report podcast. Listen to the truncated free version here or the full Patreon version for only $5.95 a month here.

News podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: RICO-Statute the SBC & Misc Topics

On this episode of Polemics Report for December 4, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day, and then discusses the levels of corruption in the SBC and why they should be broken up under the RICO Statute. He goes on to explain the perjury committed by the ERLC in a recent brief designed to help the Convention maintain its corruption. JD moves on to other topics, such as churches buying shopping malls and then covers additional discernment news.

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Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Carl Lentz. CT says Solar Panels a Gospel Issue? ‘Fideism.’ David Miller defends SBC, and Qanon

Admittedly, this episode has nothing to do with flattening the curve (JD got distracted). He began the program with a run-down of the day’s polemics news including Christianity Today claiming that putting solar panels on your church are a ‘gospel issue’ and more on Carl Lentz. Then, he discusses “Fideism” and uses a young man in Arkansas as an example of Fideism gone crazy. Intellectualism (rationalism and reason) is not contrary to faith, and JD explains that a lot of the times it’s not that someone is stupid, per se, but that they have an epistemology problem. Then, he moves on to discuss Dave Miller at SBC Voices saying “anyone who tells you the SBC has a problem with liberalism is lying” and the president of Gateway Seminary calling Critical Theory a “conspiracy” like QAnon.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:30:24 — 124.2MB) | Embed

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Conspiracy podcast Polemics Report Politics Religion Righteous Defiance

Podcast: Voter Fraud, Carl Lentz Adultery, and Time to Dig Trenches

On today’s episode, JD speaks about voter fraud, the election results, and gives news updates from Protestia. Then, JD discusses evangelical arguments for Biden and why no one is really both a Democrat and a Christian. He uses the example of Lecrae and Pastor Matthew Lyon to discuss those who “creep in unawares” and “wear sheep’s clothing.” He also brings up Keller and Deve both being registered Democrat. JD also discusses Carl Lentz’ “fall” from ministry.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:35 — 68.1MB) | Embed

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Church podcast Polemics Report Politics Righteous Defiance

Podcast: ‘Fighting back’ and then Prepping for Aftermath of Election

On today’s podcast for Oct 29, 2020, JD talks about one topic – why Christians should FIGHT BACK and a theological defense of doing so. Then, he goes on to explain the common sense prepping Christians should be doing RIGHT NOW to be prepared for what could happen November 4

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Podcast (btwnoriginal): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:02:20 — 85.6MB) | Embed

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