Podcast: Why God Hates Illegal Immigration

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 11, 2021, JD answers sincere questions from his listeners, mostly about ecclesiastical or church issues as members struggle with their church’s bad polity. He covers 3 news stories from the day on Critical Theory and “Whiteness” before explaining in quite some detail why God hates illegal immigration and Christians should oppose it.
To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.
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Should we be really using the politically correct term “African-American” and “Native-American?” Africa is a continent with 54 countries and millions of lighter brown-skinned people that are normally and erroneously called “white.”.
The point is, the term “African-American” assumes that anyone with darker brown skin are all the same.
Even Kamala Harris, as reprehensible as she is, isn’t “African-American” but rather Jamaican and Indian yet most would still call her “African-American.”
In much the same way, I have seen quite a few Dominicans who are darker brown than “A-As.”