Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured News Politics

Greg Locke ‘Mitch McConnell Controlled by Illuminati Hand Signals’

Pastor Greg Locke, the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing, small-time Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary while retaining his position as pastor of Global Vision Bible Church despite his adultery, has made some accusations against Swamp King Cocaine Mitch.

During a recent sermon, he launched a bizarre attack on the Kentucky Senator and House Majority leader, alleging that there were Illuminati members behind McConnell, directing his words using a series of hand signals during talks of election certification.

“I’m here to tell you there’s a group of elites that run this nation, a bunch of globalists that run the world, and their money runs it. It is nothing more than a satanic death cult.

And the clearest thing I’ve ever seen in my life was when Mitch McConnell gets off track, he turns around and the guy behind him gives him the Illuminati hand signal of authoritarianism to make sure he stays on track, just to remind that sucker, ‘We’re still in control, we’re still paying your bills, and you do anything against what we say and we’ll make sure nobody finds your body, Jimmy Hoffa.

It is happening. Satanism has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Child sex-trafficking has infiltrated the highest positions in the land. Pedophilia, child-sacrifice—not just abortion, I mean the whole deal—it is everywhere, and we are not paying attention. … We watched plain as day those people give the hand signal to make sure he stays on track.

We’d suggest Locke spends less time running conspiracies, less time challenging internet trolls to fisticuffs, and more time begging God for forgiveness for his messed up personal life, so that he may reconcile and repent.

H/T to the obstreperous ne’er’ do well’s at Right Wing Watch for the story and transcript

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Shawn Bolz Apologizes For False Trump Prophecy, Barely

Charismatic preachers are less accurate in their prophetic predictions than drunken meteorologists. In fact, coronavirus has proven that charismatics are far less accurate than that. Not a single charismatic leader prophesied the costliest health-related panic in history. Multitudes of charismatic leaders prophesied coronavirus would never come to America. Many more prophesied Christians would be immune. Hundreds upon hundreds prophesied it would be gone by Easter of 2020. They were all wrong…every last one.

In fact, Shawn Bolz himself falsely prophecied about the end of COVID-19 back on February 28, 2020, before there were any deaths in the United States, and only 2800 worldwide, saying:

The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now!

He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight. The exaggerated fear-based tactics of the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons are coming to an end. The enemy has been trying to distract and steal from several equally important purposes and issues by dominating airwaves with conspiracy and fear.

Even now, several vaccines are coming out, as well as a natural dying out of the virus itself. The Lord is saying, ‘I am removing the threat of this.’

Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel as though it is in the distant past.

Lest you think he apologized and repented of that one – not even close.

But in a recent Facebook post from earlier today, Shawn acknowledged that he gave a false prophecy about Trump winning a second term, writing:

This is the second Charismatic false prophet to apologize in as many days, with Jeremiah Johnson issuing his own yesterday.

While Bolz admits that he got it wrong, he also doubles down on his prophetic prowess, saying that he is still growing in his gift, and despite the miss, during the same time he has had “some of the most marvelous fulfillment of prophecies in my entire career.”

In short, he got it wrong, but it’s a journey, and when it comes to saying God said things he never said, you win some and you lose some.

Given that charismatics have such a childish, fleshly, biblically illiterate understanding of what biblical prophecy is, it’s no wonder he takes such a casual approach to it.

This led Chris Rosebrough to comment on his post, writing:

This is in contrast to the biblical prophets, who understood that any false prophecy, even one, was blasphemy. It was a forfeit of their very lives and worthy of a bone-crushing, skull-splitting, head-crunching, brain-exposing stoning.

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.’  And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’—when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him (Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church In-person Church News Righteous Defiance

Canadian Church Faces up to $10,000,000 Fine for Violating Shutdown Restrictions

Police have laid a fresh round of charges to members of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario, in relation to their January 3rd in-person service.

The new round of tyrannical impositions come after Police charged all 6 elders last week under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27, where if convicted the minimum fine is $10,000 and the maximum $100,000 fine. In Ontario, the province prohibits gatherings of more than 10 people, and churches are not exempt in any way.

Now, law enforcement officers have laid nine more new charges. The first six are believed to be against the entire elder board again, two against congregants for attending a church service of more than other 10 people, and in a surprising move, the last against the church itself.

If convicted, these men will be fined anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000, and the church itself faces a fine of up to $10 million for hosting large gatherings, given that it is considered a corporation.

In a press release sent out about last week’s incident, the church expressed their dismay and righteous anger at this news:

Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.  This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.  These are unlawful laws, a violation of God-given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

In another press release, The Justice Centre announced that it will be defending numerous Ontario pastors and church elders charged for holding church services in contravention of the Reopening Ontario Act including Trinity Chapel. “The Justice Centre will contest the charges on the basis that the Act violates the Charter rights of Ontario citizens to peacefully assemble for worship, among other grounds for challenge.”

Despite the very real threat of charging every congregant who attends service a minimum of $10,000, Pastor Jacob Jacob Reaume says the doors will be open this coming Sunday.

cancel culture Featured News

Social Media Site ‘Parler’ Banned From Google Play Store, Apple Store Next

Google has pulled social media site Parler from it’s App store, declaring that the recent home for free-speech activists and right-wing conservatives that have fled Facebook and Twitter failed to take strong enough action to remove posts that seek “to incite ongoing violence” in the U.S and declaring that “Parler is responsible for all user-generated content present on your service,” a ridiculous standard that not even they themsves uphold.

The move to strike against Parler comes as social media sites crack down on conservative figures, notably with Donald Trump being permanently banned from Twitter, along with General Flynn and Lawyer Sidney Powell, and being kicked off Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, Discord and anywhere where he may be visible.

According to Axios, a Google spokesperson has confirmed:

In order to protect user safety on Google Play, our longstanding policies require that apps displaying user-generated content have moderation policies and enforcement that removes egregious content like posts that incite violence.

All developers agree to these terms and we have reminded Parler of this clear policy in recent months.

We recognize that there can be reasonable debate about content policies and that it can be difficult for apps to immediately remove all violative content, but for us to distribute an app through Google Play, we do require that apps implement robust moderation for egregious content.

In light of this ongoing and urgent public safety threat, we are suspending the app’s listings from the Play Store until it addresses these issues.

In a similar vein, Apple has threatened to pull the app from their store, sending a letter to Parler executives, demanding that the app submit to them a “moderation improvement plan” within 24 hours or face removal and termination from the app store.

With Parler being the largest alternative social media site that people are actually using, with over 4,000,000 active users, it is a crushing blow, with Google and Apple able to wield enormous power. Though the website can still be accessed via a browser (For now. perhaps not much longer) it can also be sideloaded via an APK (Instructions here.)

Parler’s owner has responded in defiance to the block from the social media giants, writing:


Conspiracy Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Christianity Today Lays Responsibility For Violence at Feet of ‘White American Church’

Christianity Today, the progressive rag known for giving a platform to every weird and liberally insidious bent, has come out swinging against the violence at Capitol Hill yesterday, laying the responsibility for the mayhem at the feet of the “white American church” and any leaders who voted for and supported the President.

This is not new ground for the magazine, who released editorials calling Trump voters “jobless” and “uneducated,” with that same Editor-in-Chief writing that he didn’t even know any Trump Supporters (yes, he was the same guy who was a Roman Catholic for the last two years and no one there even cared).

These guys brought us such wonderful articles recently like the new Editor-in-Chief likening any churches being open during Covid to engaging in “snake handling.” Last year, they ran an article saying that polyamory provided an “attractive alternative” and that churches should be affirming. A few months ago they accused white Christians of being inherent racists who were committing acts of spiritual violence against black people by voting GOP.

That’s who we’re dealing with.

But in a new article We Worship with the Magi, Not MAGA, author Tish Harrison Warren contrasts epiphany with the dark deeds done by Trump supporters – categorically anti-epiphany.

She explains that Trump has engaged in an unrestrained defilement of any standard for decency over the last 4 years, with a single-minded goal of shoring up power. Then she takes her first shot, somewhat tentative at first:

Though it saddens me deeply, it must be clearly admitted: Yesterday’s atrocity was in large part brought to us by the white, evangelical church in America.

And then lest there be any doubt, she lays the blame again squarely on white evangelicals and those who voted for and supported Trump, even if they did so not out love for the man, but to stop the even worse monster of a Democrat government with majorities in the House and Senate.

I have at times tried to dismiss these leaders and events as fringe, as the crazy cranks and bizarre displays we ought to ignore. I have instead focused on how, day in and day out, pastors and Christian laypeople are seeking to faithfully follow Jesus, to love their neighbor, and to serve the poor, to embody the truth we proclaim this season. But I cannot overlook the reality that millions of evangelicals are swayed by those who proclaim untruth and ugliness in the name of Jesus.

The responsibility of yesterday’s violence must be in part laid at the feet of those evangelical leaders who ushered in and applauded Trump’s presidency. It can also sadly be laid at the feet of the white American church more broadly.

Naturally, this post was co-signed by a host of fellow progressives, with Beth Moore being no exception.

That’s what it has come down to.

There was chaos at the rally, undoubtedly so. There was violence and terror, and for some unrestrained destruction. Four people died. One woman was shot in the head by police and three other attendees were killed, with at least one woman believed to be trampled to death.

What Christianity Today, Beth Moore, and all the Christian leaders co-signing this screed are saying is this: if you were more or less pleased with Trump’s presidency, if you voted for him and wanted him to win a second term, and if your skin is white, you go to church and you love Jesus while doing all of those things, then “thou art the man.”

You might as well have been there smashing glass, breaking chairs, stealing podiums, pulling the trigger that sent bits of bone and blood splattered across the wall and stepping on spines that crushed the innocent underfoot, the head smashing repeatedly against the marble floor with every unintentional kick and step of the crushing mob.

You are guilty. You are culpable. You are responsible.

And they will not let you forget it.

Briefing Church Conspiracy News Politics Scandal

Mohler Doubles Down on Trump Blame ‘He Encouraged Insurrection’

Dr. Al Mohler doubled down on his criticism and blame on Donald Trump for the raucous events at the Capitol building yesterday, with the Southern Baptist President-elect accusing Trump of inciting rioters to attempt insurrection.

Mohler took to the Briefing to address his role in light of voting for him in November, saying that he did not regret voting for the President at the time, and yet had no idea how bad he would be in his waning days.

What we saw yesterday was the fact that President Trump had incited demonstrators to come to Washington DC for what was advertised as a Save America March, which we are told was organized in order to support President Trump’s assertions that he had actually won the election, and thus that the Congress meeting in joint session presided over by the vice president, as president of the Senate, should declare that he, rather than Joe Biden, had actually won the election.”


I’ll speak bluntly. I voted for Donald Trump for president of the United States. I encouraged others to vote for him too.

Based upon the binary choice we faced on November the third, I believe then that that was the right action to take, and going back to November the third, I would do the same thing again.

And that’s because I do not follow a cult of personality. I am committed as a Christian to certain moral principles, to certain political principles that I believe are derived from biblical Christianity, and faced with the same decision, and knowing what I knew, then I would have to take the same actions in support of those policies, principles, indeed, even the platform of the respective parties. In this case support for the Republican platform rather than the Democratic platform.

But what we saw in Washington, what we heard from the president, the United States, not just yesterday, but in recent days is an attempt to subvert the very constitutional order that he took an oath of office to defend. 

In an interview with Robert Downen of the Houston Chronicles, Mohler was pressed on some of the particulars of his points, saying that if he could do it differently, he would. When asked what sort of role he and other #BigEva leaders (our word) had in endorsing Trump, Mohler was contemplative but defensive.

I fully expect the question, but I’ve tried to be extremely clear from the beginning of the Trump phenomenon in terms of my judgment.

And I stand by the comments that I’ve made at every point. If I could rewind history, and know then what I know now, we’d be talking about a different kind of judgment.

But we have to live life in a temporal line and seek to be faithful in those moments. And for most evangelical Christians, voting for Donald Trump was seen as a necessity in a binary system.

Now, there have been some who have just openly celebrated Trump. But I think there will be a great deal of embarrassment for that now.


But what we have seen is the is the true character of Donald Trump come out in a way that I do find not — that I don’t accept was merely inevitable.

He bears full responsibility for his actions and his words. And he bears full responsibility for encouraging what amounted to an attempted insurrection against the United States government.

Mohler finishes off with words of regret, it seems. You can picture him looking past the interviewer, with an unresponsive and unfocused gaze and a far off look of horror in his eyes, seeing what only he can, as he hoarsely whispers:

I don’t believe that there is any inevitability to Donald Trump’s actions, for which he is responsible, over the last several weeks. I did not believe that he was going to go quietly into any potential defeat. But what we have seen is something beyond what, frankly, I would have imagined in an American nightmare.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

Two More High-Profile Hillsong ‘Pastors’ Resign Amidst Scandals

As Hillsong continues their investigation into the dysfunctional culture at their New York City branch where disgraced pastor Carl Lentz once held sway, a pair of high profile pastors have resigned their post, citing concerns for the need to stay mentally healthy and remain healthy amid fluctuating public sentiment and international turmoil.

Pastor Reed Bogard, who also helped found Hillsong NYC and Hillsong LA and was up until this point the senior “pastor” at Hillsong Dallas, released a short, curt, prerecorded message during the January 3 service announcing that he and his “pastrix” wife Jess were resigning, explaining:

Hey church. Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to take a second on behalf of Jess and I to share some news with you.

As many of you know, Jess and I have been part of our church for 15 years. We met at college, went to Hillsong college, worked on staff in different roles there, and then transitioned back to America where over the last 10 years we’ve been able to be a part of three church plants and have the opportunity specifically here to be the lead pastors. And it has been an incredible ride thus far, we’ve had some crazy days, great days, seeing God do many, many miracles, and we’re so grateful for that.

With that said, the last 10 years of being in church planting mode has really taken a bit of a toll on Jess and I and our family. We just really feel like it’s time to transition off of our staff and take some time to remain healthy, get healthy, and really see what this next season holds for us.

Bogard takes a few more seconds to heap effusive praise on Global Senior Pastors Brian and Bobbie Houston and then signs off, effectively ending his tenure at Hillsong.

Brian Houston continued with the video, explaining that though the announcement might surprise some members, they would care for the congregation and would take their time finding them a new pastor. (With their Church model, a senior pastor is “assigned” to the congregation by upper Hillsong management.)

Reed’s announcement to you right now, not sure if that comes as a shock. Reed and Jess have given their heart and soul to the pioneering of Hillsong Dallas Love the last couple of years, and we’re grateful for that, and the great work they’ve done.

Reed and I have been talking now over a period of time and we both agreed it would be a perfect time for them to come to a new season in their life, which means a new season also for Hillsong Dallas.

I do believe in the future of Hillsong Dallas. In the meantime, we will make sure week by week that the church is being cared for. We have a great team over in America and around the world. Even though we are restricted in what we can and can’t do right now in terms of travel, you are not going to be forsaken.

The video can be seen here.

News Op-Ed

In Light of the Capitol Hill Chaos: Be Wise and Wait

In light of the events on Capitol Hill, with the news media and Christian leaders barking out a cacophony of accusations against Trump and his supporters; mixing them into a cauldron of white supremacy and Christian nationalism while insisting they have blood on their hands, we have some advice: be wise and wait.

The fact is that this is an incredibly messy and fluid situation. The media has done and will do all they can to co-opt the narrative and frame it in the worst possible light, gaslighting you if you say differently.

Nothing in the last four years should lead you to believe they can be trusted to get this right in the first 48 hours, or even the first week.

Even now, videos and eyewitness testimony are emerging showing a different side to the story. Some say the building was breached by a fanatic mob, and there is video of people scaling walls and smashing doors and windows, but there is also a video of security letting people in through the front doors, welcoming and inviting them in.

There is video of a woman being shot and killed, bleeding out on the marble floor from a wound to her neck. There are men stealing “souvenirs” from the various rooms and smashing the furniture as the political representatives cower in fear for their lives, but there is also video of the security guards taking selfies and posing with the protesters, laughing and joking, even as large parts of the hill reported no violence of any kind.

There are men walking around with MAGA hats and pro-Trump flags, patriots peacefully protesting what they feel has been an unjust and rigged election, and there are alleged members of Antifa present in the building, committing acts of vandalism and instigating conflict with officers- claims which even now are being disputed by fact-checkers who deny that as a far-right conspiracy.

The news media is reporting that members of Q-anon “stormed the gates” and “breached the doors.” Did they do so in a wild manner, or did they simply walk through the door among those invited?

For the latter anti-fascists, though some street preaching groups are saying they engaged them at the event, at this time no one knows the extent of their involvement – if they were more or less incidental observers along for the ride, if this was a planned operation with the goal of spreading mayhem and discrediting Trump and his supporters, or if they were even there in the first place. An IED was found on-site and safely detonated. Was it placed by Trump supporters, or was it a false flag campaign?

Will we get truth or fake news? Will we get solid reporting or a predetermined story about home-brewed white nationalist terrorists which may or may not be true. Maybe disgruntled, fanatical Trump supporters did it. Or maybe they didn’t.

So wait.

Give it a couple of days. This is more than what most of our “Christian” “leaders” will do, which is all the more reason to wait.

Let the CNNs, Fox Newses, Newsmaxes, and MSNBCs of the world say their piece and develop their information. Pay special attention to alternative media and citizen reporters posting the videos, sharing the tweets, and publishing the live streams. You know it will likely contradict the narrative and the decisive condemnation of what the mainstream media is telling you, so wait for that.

Take it all in, get the big, balanced, messy picture, and then speak.

You’ll be better for it.

Breaking Featured News Politics

Al Mohler Blames Trump for Chaos at Capitol

As pro-Trump protesters and Antifa entered the capitol building, some by force others by building security, ultimately forcing it to be locked down and evacuated when things became too raucous, Southern Baptist President-Elect Al Mohler took aim at President Trump, blaming him for the chaos and saying that he is responsible for the mayhem.

The invitation of the populace into the hallowed halls of Capitol Hill came as lawmakers met to certify the Electoral College votes, eventually causing disorder and pandemonium to break out, and for Mohler to take his shot, writing:

What we are seeing in Washington now is the refutation of our American commitment, a form of unleashed anarchy which is the enemy of ordered liberty, and President Trump is responsible now for unleashing mayhem. Pray that God will rescue is [sic] from this.

It’s a move from Mohler that we called many months ago, and is not unexpected given the cloying relationship he has with the President.

During the 2016 elections, Mohler signaled his inability to vote for Trump. In an op-ed for the Washington Times, Mohler opined, “I am among those who see evangelical support for Trump as a horrifying embarrassment – a price for possible political gain that is simply unthinkable and too high to pay.” He also tweeted out, “Never. Ever. Period.”

Then he changed his mind. On April 15, 2020 Mohler laid down his steadfast, staunch opposition to Trump and announced he would be voting for his long-time nemesis, sexual perversities and all, and would furthermore be voting Republican for the foreseeable future. This action caused the dogs of war to howl all across the SBC, disappointing and enraging many parties who saw the move as Mohler selling out and selling his soul.

We here at Protestia claimed that Mohler’s support wouldn’t last long, that it was a ploy to appeal to the conservatives and that he would soon find fault and would be looking for excuses to declare that Trump had gone too far, giving him cover to rescind his support. Perhaps we have found it.

President Trump, for his part, has decried the violence and called for peace, tweeting out:

Editor’s note. There is some confusion about the presence of Antifa and far-left agitators at the event, so we have deleted a section about that until we have further clarity.

Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston Recommends Plastic Surgery, Not Feeling like a ‘R******’ For Better Sex Life

Bobbie Houston, wife of supreme Hillsong overlord Brian Houston, has some interesting advice to women wanting to have a better marriage, and it’s getting her a lot of flak.

In some recently unearthed audio from a 2003 series called Kingdom Women Love Sex, a title that was later toned down since to Kingdom Women Love and Value their Sexuality, Houston speaks about staying fit, exercising to boost your sexual prowess, even geting surgery if need be, but it was one particular comment that has people raising their eyebrows. Actually, make it two.

Though most of it is run of the mill sex advice, it was her candid descriptions on the effects of weight gain in the marital bed that irked critics, who accused her of using one particular word as a slur and pejorative.

If I carry weight I feel like a retard, how are you going to do anything to surprise your man when you need a hydraulic crane just to turn over in bed?

Shockingly, she goes on to recommend plastic surgery “down there” to enhance the sex, as well as recommends kegels.

Have plastic surgery if it makes you feel better and it is for the right reasons, and girls, pelvic floor exercise – can you believe I am saying this? You know, I have heard that orgasm is not as strong if you are really sloppy in that area…

Back pain. Plumbing bits. OK, get them fixed, get healed, or go to a doctor, I’m not joking.

Houston says not to worry about “Kama Sutra position 5004,” saying, “just don’t even go there. It won’t work,” riffing, “because how many would agree your men have trouble assembling a swing set on Christmas morning?

She says that women should also get their teeth done, get a facelift if needed to keeps things sagging and employ an extensive anti-aging beauty regiment to keep one looking good.

We need to be good at sex ourselves so that if the world happens to come knocking we can tell the story of God in our lives. We can say, ‘I have a great marriage and a great sex life.’ Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Hillsong is currently embroiled in a scandal in its’ NYC church plant, after a culture of sexual perversion and power struggle has been unearthed in the aftermath of the firing of disgraced adulterous pastor Carl Lentz.