Biden says Pope Francis Called him a ‘Good Catholic’ + ‘Keep Taking Communion’

Well. That answers that. Joe Biden met with Pope Francis in person during his visit to the Vatican today, with the President of the United States clear and content that the man who sits in the seat in Rome did not confront him about being one of the most pro-choice presidents to ever live.
After a photo op with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi a reporter asked Biden, “Did the issue of abortion come up at all?” Biden responded:
“No, it didn’t. – we just talked about the fact that he was happy I was a good Catholic and keep receiving Communion.”
The fully-throated endorsement is likely to infuriate conservative catholic organizations like Lifesite News and Church Militant, who have been criticizing the Pope for years over his inconsistency around the murder of millions of babies a year, and the fact that he is harder and more openly critical of capitalism and the destruction of the environment than the destruction of children via abortion.
In September, Biden previously said ‘ “I happen to be a practicing Catholic, and one of the things I like about my pope today is that he’s all about renewal and forgiveness, that’s what he’s about. And I’m looking forward to – I hope I get to see him in the not too distant future.”
Some American Roman Catholic Bishops will find themselves disappointed by this, as they hoped that their morally decrepit leader would at least try to function like a Roman Catholic, with Bishop Thomas Tobin noting:
In November, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is expected to draft a document on rules for who can and cannot take communion, and many are hoping that it will include something about not giving the bread and the wine to unrepentant pro-choice politicians.
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If the Pope believes a godless serial liar and lifelong corrupt politician whose party has tirelessly advanced and protected the unfettered mass slaughter of unborn children is ‘good,’ than they are both of the Devil. And they clearly are.
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