Kyle J. Howard: 48 Hours of Spicy Racism

Our favorite race-baiter Kyle J. Howard, a man who currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

For this reason, we figured a roundup of all the racist things he’s said over the last 48 hours would be fitting. He claimed that white people would rather ‘weaponize’ black folks against each other rather than love them, called a newly called black pastor a token ‘black enabler’ for being part of a mostly white church, talked about how scared he is to go to Cracker Barrel on account of how racist it is, and said that black folk shouldn’t trust white folk who are friends with ‘white supremacists’ – an interesting proposal considering he basically believes all white people are racists and white supremacists, including everyone who voted for Trump.


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8 thoughts on “Kyle J. Howard: 48 Hours of Spicy Racism

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  3. If we agree with some but not all, then we’re bad. If we agree with none, we’re bad. If we agree with all, even when concepts severely conflict, then we’re a nutcase who ultimately agrees with nothing at all.

    But in any case, we’re guilty of some nefarious secret conspiracy to divide and conquer

    And you wonder why whites often throw up their hands and say they’re fed up. There is no pleasing these perpetually aggrieved nutcases.

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