Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Bethel Pastor Describes God ‘Losing His Virginity’ By Having Sex with Congregation

Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry Pastor Dave Ward, who is sure to become a mainstay here on Protestia, told the congregation during an August Encounter Room service that he has a message from God given in the form of 50-year-old secular song lyrics: pucker up and take a mint, because the Lord wants to know them as Adam knew Eve, and in fact has already known them in that way.

We’ve written about Bethel Church recently, the charismatic California megachurch headed up by Bill Johnson. A few months ago they sang worship songs to themselves, talked about how angels sit around God’s throne and have farting contests, and had one of their pastrixes promote the notion that God heals through holy snoring. Mostly we ragged on them because they’ve repeatedly shut down their healing houses and supernatural healing ministries due to COVID-19.

In the case of God wanting to get real intimate with his creations, Ward took to the stage during a worship set and explained:

“I’m just going to read the words. It’s a secular song. I won’t sing it, because I don’t know the encounter would work, But I really just feel the Lord is saying these words over us.

Ward continues that he wants the congregation to receive this into their hearts because “the Lord is going deep right now.” He proclaims of the series of man-centered, self-important, sentimental, syrupy, theoerotic lyrics: “These are the words He says over us.”

For reference, the lyrics he reads come from the 1957 folk Song The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. They were written by Ewan MacColl for his lover Peggy Seeger, a woman with whom he was cheating on his wife and having an affair.

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the endless skies, my love

And the first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love

And the first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heart so close to mine
And I knew our joy would fill the earth
And last ’til the end of time my love

After reading the lyrics, Ward concludes “If this song isn’t prophesying, I don’t know what is.”

We believe him.

H/T to Salt and Light for the link.


A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Four

The forty-fourth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Church News

Russell Moore, Son of the Devil

Russell Moore is nothing if not predictable. Moore has never been one to pass up an opportunity to slander and deride the bride of Christ. We can further add his record of standing silently while the world attacks the church. But the trifecta comes with his efforts to elevate himself at the expense of actual Christians, solidifying his position as a false prophet – little more than a court jester for secular elites by claiming to speak for God when he clearly does not know Him.

A recent interview with the Christian Post cited an earlier Time magazine article where Moore claimed, “I don’t know a single family that’s not been divided over President Trump, and politics generally. I don’t know a single church that hasn’t been”. This son of the Devil followed this by claiming that “the church” needs to “recover the credibility of our witness“. One cannot help but speculate that this is due to their unwilling to support the baby-murderer currently residing in the White House.

Why? Because Russell Moore and his ilk are pariahs to faithful Christian families and churches. Simply put, Moore only hangs out with unfaithful, morally (or spiritually) bankrupt people like Al Mohler, Matthew Hall, or the “take the money and run” shakedown-clown Dwight McKissic. These chuckleheads are divided over Trump, Critical Race Theory, and the coronavirus-based persecution of the church because (like other unregenerate souls) of their inability to correctly divide and apply the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15) as it speaks into the issues of the day.

Faithful Christians – under the ministry of the Holy Spirit – rightly understand that there is no comparison between the Trump and Biden platforms. One employs a crass, sinful man who happens to have actively and provably supported free speech and religious liberty, protected unborn life and the biblical understanding of biological gender, and advanced policies that left more money in the pockets of Americans to be used as our consciences and beliefs dictate. The other candidate – now “president” – leads a political party that loves what God hates and hates what God loves. And they have a good and faithful servant in lifelong Democrat and fake Christian Russell Moore.

Continuing to (inexplicably) lead the mislabeled Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, this poster child for 2 Timothy 3:5 has done nothing but advocate for abject wickedness concerning the religious liberty issue of our day, claiming repeatedly that the Church of Jesus must prostrate itself before God-hating worldly rulers and lock the faithful out of church. He has continually slandered faithful Christians who happen to understand that a vote for Donald Trump – while not ideal – was the only moral option for believers in the 2020 election.

97% of Spiritually Active Governance-Engaged Conservative Christians voted for Donald Trump, which means over 22 million Americans are more qualified to lead the ERLC than Russell Moore!

In continuing to employ this servant of the devil, the SBC continues its woeful theological ineptitude, moral cowardice, and spiritual blindness as it continues to slide deeper into spiritual destruction, rank heresy and (ironically considering its apparent goals) cultural irrelevance. If you are a member of an SBC church, you must understand that your cooperative dollars are (sadly) being used to platform Moore and false teachers like him.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies News

Pastor John MacArthur Calls Out Ravi Zacharias and Carl Lentz as ‘Phoneys’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, called out deceased and disgraced renown apologist Ravi Zacharias and disgraced ex-Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz during a January 17th sermon.

Commenting that he loves the clarity that has arisen in these new times of polarization, he expresses gratitude that creative cultural Christianity is going and has gone by the wayside, saying:

And as well as I look at this I, as I mentioned earlier, I love the clarity that has arisen. You know, we had for decades people find a creative cultural Christianity that could appeal to non-believers. It was accepting of immorality, accepting of homosexuality, accepting of racial hatred. There was a kind of superficial, shallow Christianity that watered down the gospel, didn’t talk about sin, tried to have a positive message. It was very successful.

Now, I think there’s a sifting and a shifting. First of all, phoneys are going to have a hard time hiding with the internet.

We’re seeing one after another after another after another dead ones and alive ones, this dead apologist had a deviant sex life. This cool dude, rock and roll pastor, was immoral with multiple women for years and years.

I look at all that, and my thoughts were, I don’t know…I don’t think if it weren’t for Jesus Christ, that I could sell anybody on Christianity. We preach Christ, right? And you’re attracted to him, right? But if there are people out in the world that just look at Christianity it has to be not only uninviting but maybe even repulsive…if it weren’t for Jesus Christ, Christianity would have no appeal.

Lentz was terminated from Hillsong after it was revealed he had multiple affairs, and Ravi’s own organization revealed he engaged in years of sexual sins and molestations of his staff.

For video and commentary of the message, see below:

News Politics

Bail Denied for Capitol Storming Zealot who Said: ‘God’s will’ to Kill ’60 Million Commies’

A man who was arrested at the Capitol Hill and claimed it was “God’s will” to kill anyone standing in the way of Trump returning to office has had his bail denied by a Federal Judge, who declared that “a corrupting and dangerous ideology has poisoned this man’s mind,” and it would not be prudent to release him.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Charles H. Weigle denied the request of William McCall Calhoun Jr. to have home confinement or be saddled with an ankle monitor while waiting for trial, explaining that:

He has been corrupted by, or seduced by, a dangerous and violent ideology that considers the United States to be in a state of civil war, that considers everyone who voted for a Democrat to be worthy of execution, that considers every government official and agent to be part of a ‘deep state’ who need to be opposed by so-called patriots.

On social Media, Calhoun spoke of his desire to put Black Lives Matter advocates in “body bags” and to “stack them high.”

He wrote “Standing by and when Trump makes the call, many heavily-armed patriots [will deal with] the Chicom Democrats,” and declared that the police and military supported him and Trump.

God is on Trump’s side. God is not on the Democrats’ side. And if patriots have to kill 60 million of these communists, it is God’s will. Think ethnic cleansing but it’s anti-communist cleansing…”

For his involvement in the storming of Capitol Hill, he faces three federal charges and could receive up to 20 years in prison.


Jen Hatmaker’s New Spiritual Director is Michelle Obama’s Pantsuit

Jen Hatmaker, the popular I’m-pretending-to-be-a-Christian-but-I’m-actually-a-pagan mommy-blogger and podcaster made an unintentionally serious statement a few days ago, as she exuberantly celebrated the inauguration of President Biden while drooling over the sight of Michelle Obama’s outfit.

The comments came before her tearful statement regretting a comment she made at an interfaith prayer she participated in, where she suggested that God gave the land to Americans, resulting in her woke-meter spiking and issuing a public apology for Native erasure.

On her Facebook page she reiterated her love of Obama’s outfit and then added at the end:

I took one look at that belt and asked Jesus into my heart. That pantsuit is my new Spiritual Director, Michelle Obama.

While we recognize her comments were in jest, it would also explain a lot. Given the trajectory that she’s been going in for years, being pro-homosexuality, pro-transgender, becoming a woke racial justice warrior, we can certainly believe that she would claim it as her Spiritual Director, having abandoned the old one, Jesus, long ago.

We will operate under the assumption henceforth that the pantsuit is speaking to her directly and guiding her theology. It can’t be any worse than it already is.

Can it? [Editor’s note: Sadly, yes, it can.]


Son of BigEva Overlord Says Capstone Report is ‘Trash’

(Capstone Report) When your daddy receives a secret $1 million severance package with the approval of only one trustee, you don’t like when people ask questions. It is understandable. Family loyalty and all.

So, it is no surprise that Sam Rainer, scion of the failed former LifeWay CEO Thom Rainer, attacked the Capstone Report.

CR has reported the uncomfortable truth—about the unethical severance deal and how the current LifeWay team had a mess on its hands after Thom Rainer left.

What was shocking was Sam Rainer’s scattered attack on SBC Presidential candidate Randy Adams and nominator Dr. Russell Fuller. It seems Sam Rainer thinks Randy Adams should prevent the Capstone Report from publishing his public statements.

That’s weird.

I have heard about secondary…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and Published by and at the Capstone Report


Biden Issues Executive Order Demanding Biological Males Be Permitted in Women’s Sports, Washrooms

BigEva types who voted for Biden and encouraged their followers to vote Democrats are dismissive or silent with the news that President Biden signed a sweeping Executive Order permitting biological males to compete against women in women’s sports, as well as have full access to their locker rooms and washrooms.

Titled Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, it was signed with hours of the new President taking office, and states: 

Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.

At last count, 17 states passed legislation allowing men’s and women’s sports teams to be segregated, and this order would ostensibly undo all that, as well as all pending lawsuits suing to keep transgendered athletes from competing in women’s sports. There is also rampant speculation that public schools will have funding pulled if they refuse to allow transgender athletes to compete in girls’ sports.

And not only transgender athletes, but regular male athletes who acknowledge they are male would not be able to be barred from women’s sports, and would be able to compete.

The order would also affect Christian organizations that are government grantees or contractors, with many fearing that employees could face retaliation if they voiced their religious objections, which would now be labeled discriminatory. [Editor’s note: Hey, don’t blame us. We said this would happen.]

Coronavirus Featured News

Govt Urged to Suspend Need for Consent Before Withdrawing Life Support For COVID Patients

The government of Ontario is being asked by their main advisory board to temporarily suspend the law requiring doctors to get patient or family consent before withdrawing life support or ventilator support from people facing a grim prognosis, in the instance that COVID-19 cases begin to overwhelm hospitals.

Though a 2013 Supreme Court ruling made it clear that a hospital couldn’t withdraw life-support without a family’s consent, the government is being urged to use an Executive Order to suspend the province’s Health Care Consent Act for withdrawal of treatment in the ICU. This would take the power away from the family to decide if their loved ones should be removed from ventilators and putting the power in the hands of the hospital where they are being hosted, in order to make room for those better able to survive their COVID-19 diagnosis.

The group making the recommendation is not small group of crackpots, however. Rather, The Bioethics Table “is an advisory body that provides ethics input and guidance to support decision-making at the Ministry of
Health COVID-19 Command Table, Ontario Health COVID-19 Oversight Table, and other Tables as appropriate. They comprise the best of the best in terms of Canadian “bioethics experts from health institutions, universities, and non-governmental organizations.”

James Downer, head of the division of palliative care at the University of Ottawa and a member of the Bioethics Table said:

Nobody likes the idea of ever withdrawing life-support on somebody without their permission, without their consent. But in a triage scenario, we’re talking about a scenario where the focus is no longer on the individual himself, but now on our population as a whole, and trying to maximize the number of people who will survive an overwhelming surge.

Peter Goldberg agrees. He’s the head of critical care at Montreal’s McGill University Health Centre and explains that it’s not practical to get the patient’s and their families’ input when it comes to pulling the plug, because most will just opt-out. This is why it should be in the hands of the doctors, not the families to decide:

We are going to say, ‘by the way, we are taking your family member off the ventilator in lieu of another patient who we feel has a better prognosis, given this pandemic condition. Do you agree?’ I think that if we did that we would not get consent. Nobody is going to give us consent.

Ontario has a population of nearly 15 million people, and has had 5,632 deaths so far from COVID-19.

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured News

SBC President’s Church Announces Review of Pastoral Hire Accused of Botching Sex Abuse Case

(The Houston Chronicle) The church pastored by Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear announced Wednesday that an outside firm will review the recent hiring of a pastor accused of mishandling sex abuses a decade ago.

The review of Bryan Loritts comes six months after he was hired at Greaar’s Summit Church in Raleigh, N.C., and after months of criticism from sexual abuse survivors.

Among the critics were those with whom Greear and other Summit leaders have worked closely as the SBC continues to confront sexual abuses detailed in a 2019 Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News investigation, Abuse of Faith.

In 2010, the worship director at Loritts’ Memphis, Tenn., church was accused of recording at least one person as they used the restroom. The man, Rick Trotter, was at the time Loritts’ brother-in-law and the announcer for the NBA team Memphis Grizzlies. Trotter was terminated from that position soon after, but moved to another nearby church.

After he was charged with multiple counts of voyeurism in 2016, the churches released a joint statement in which they said they “openly discussed Trotter’s prior sexual misconduct and the counseling he attended for sexual addiction,” according to media reports.

Loritts has since said he regrets some of his actions, but that he only spoke to two victims…

To continue reading click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Robert Downen and published at the Houston Chronicle. Title changed by Protestia.