
‘Relevant Magazine’ Regular Contributor is a Pro-choice ‘Unitarian Universalist’

A D-list progressive blogger gained a bit of notoriety in discernment circles over the weekend after he tweeted out a wee bit of heresy, prompting the Christian faith community to look a bit closer into him and quickly finding a whole lot of heresy in one obstreperous package. John Pavlovitz’s unbiblical postulations prompted Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio fame to proverbially smack him on the nose, earning a frothty gurgling of even more heresy in return.

If his denial of Jesus as the author of scriptures and the second person of the Trinity wasn’t enough to know that this man is no believer, a quick perusal of his social media shows that he is pro-LGBT, pro-choice, and most tellingly, a Unitarian Universalist, that is, he’s about as far away from Christian orthodoxy as one can imagine.

No longer a passive rebel to God’s law, he is an active participant and planner of theological terrorism, with each article he writes tossing in bits of unbiblical ball bearings to sustain the maximal amount of casualties with his sophistry bombs.

And, no surprise, he writes for Relevant Magazine, that liberal rag slurped up by seeker-sensitive 20-somethings that populate megachurch corner offices, along with Emerging Church ex-pats wanting to relive the glory days.

The magazine will claim they’re not “that progressive” and push back on claims that they are outside the bounds of the Christian faith or have descended into a vat of crippling heresy, while at the same time platforming and promoting the theological musings from, and I repeat, a Unitarian Universalist.

And not just a one-time thing.

For years.

What more needs to be said about either?


Paula White Claps Back at SBC Head for Calling Her a ‘Heretic’

Prophetess Paula White has come out swinging against the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) head Russell Moore for calling her a “heretic.”

In a January 17th sermon, she contextualized her involvement in the Trump campaign, saying that it was never about politics, but rather “I was sent on assignment to do things in the world” from God. White previously claimed that angels “from Africa” had come to deliver President Trump a November victory.

She further insisted that she was no heretic or prosperity preacher, but rather was simply a run-of-the-mill “Charismatic Pentecostal.”

They started by calling me a prosperity preacher. You know who that was? Christian magazine. Church. Then they called me a Heretic. You know who that was? The head of ethics of one of the largest denominations. The church…

Then they called me cult leader. You know who that was? The church. Now The Washington Post finally got it right, they called me a Charismatic Pentecostal, but I’m the ‘queen’ of it.  This fringe movement of some 60-something million people. Do you hear what I’m saying? It’s not the atheist calling me a heretic, or cult leader or prosperity preacher. It’s the church…

White finished up saying she doesn’t need approval from Moore or anyone else.

‘If your name’s not God, your opinion doesn’t matter and your acceptance is not needed,’ she said to cheers. ‘If your name is not God, Jehovah, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Jesus Christ then your opinion doesn’t matter and your acceptance is not needed.’

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Breaking Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Vindication! RZIM Apologizes to Prominent Ravi Zacharias Abuse Victim

We never thought the day would come. Ravi Zacharias International Ministry has issued a formal apology to Lori Anne Thompson, the woman who kickstarted the revelation about Ravi Zacharias’ sexual predations back in 2017. (More on that here.)

With the release of the investigative report confirming once and for all that Zacharias engaged in a pattern of texting and sexting with hundreds of women, along with molesting massage therapists, and even one allegation of rape, RZIM explains in an open letter accompanying it that:

We believe not only the women who made their allegations public but also additional women who had not previously made public allegations against Ravi but whose identities and stories were uncovered during the investigation. Tragically, witnesses described encounters including sexting, unwanted touching, spiritual abuse, and rape. We are devastated by what the investigation has shown and are filled with sorrow for the women who were hurt by this terrible abuse.

RZIM thanked the journalist who brought it to their attention (special shoutout from us to Steve Baughman of, who tirelessly led the way – RZIM should have mentioned him) because “their efforts paved the way for us to recognize the truth and to have the opportunity to respond to the truth.” Thankfully, they carved out several paragraphs to mention Thompson specifically by name. This was surprising as up to this point they have all but ignored her, with their last word on it being a slanderous public statement in 2017 and a message a few weeks ago saying they would not release her from her NDA. Now, however, they write:

The investigation’s conclusions have caused us to think very differently about the allegations Mrs. Lori Anne Thompson made against Ravi in 2017. We were wrong. Our trust in Ravi’s denial of moral wrongdoing and in his deceptive explanations of emails and other records that became public was severely misplaced, and our failures in 2017, including our failure to commission an independent investigation at that time, allowed tremendous pain to continue to be caused in the Thompsons’ lives.

We believe Lori Anne Thompson has told the truth about the nature of her relationship with Ravi Zacharias. It is with profound grief that we recognize that because we did not believe the Thompsons and both privately and publicly perpetuated a false narrative, they were slandered for years and their suffering was greatly prolonged and intensified. This leaves us heartbroken and ashamed. We are deeply grateful for their longstanding commitment to making the truth known and admire their strength to carry on even when they were not believed. It is our hope to seek a redemptive way forward with Mrs. and Mr. Thompson and seek their forgiveness, while recognizing that we have no right to this and wanting to be led by them in terms of what might be most helpful.

It must have been deeply painful for the victims of Ravi’s abuse and misconduct to tell their stories and to relive their terrible experiences as they participated in this investigation. To you we say directly: Words cannot come close to expressing the sorrow that we feel for what you have been through or the gratitude we feel for the bravery with which you have responded. We are so thankful to you, and we are so sorry.

Thompson, for her part, has not released a statement yet in response to the report, but did write on Twitter that she was overwhelmed and one would be forthcoming.

Featured News Politics

President Biden will keep US Embassy in Jerusalem, Recognize City as Israeli Capital

(Premiere Christian News) The Biden administration has no plans to move the US embassy away from Jerusalem, the new secretary of state has confirmed. The decision to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2017 was considered one of the most controversial decisions taken by former president Donald Trump.

When asked in an interview with CNN whether he recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, secretary of state Antony Blinken replied: “I do. And more importantly, we do.” 

When pressed on whether he’d support Palestine formalizing its capital in East Jerusalem as part of a potential peace agreement, Blinken replied: “What we have to see happen is for the parties to get together and negotiate these so-called final status issues.” 

A White House spokesperson reportedly confirmed the government’s position on the embassy to Washington D.C. newspaper Roll Call, saying: “The U.S. position is that our embassy will remain in Jerusalem, which we recognize as Israel’s capital.” 

The comments came just days after the US Senate voted 97-3 in favour of a congressional budget amendment which stipulated that the embassy would remain in Jerusalem…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by and published at Premiere Christian News


Rod Parsley’s NAR Network Will Ordain Anyone for $100 and ‘Ongoing Monthly Tithes’

Rod Parsley’s City Harvest Network (CHV) has launched a program where they will ordain or license anyone to be a minister within its network, and all it will cost you is $100-200 and between 1 and 10 percent of your monthly income.

CHV bills itself as a “soul-winning network connecting Pentecostal leaders around the world with a living legacy to expand God’s kingdom through church growth, church revitalization and church planting.” They claim that the “mantle of anointing” and “living legacy of spiritual lineage” has been transferred from Smith Wigglesworth and the way down to Rod Parsely.

[Editor’s note: Smith Wigglesworth was the 19th-century version of Todd Bentley. Smith Wigglesworth infamously claimed (and most Pentecostals believe) that he had healed a dying 2-month-old baby by throwing it against a wall and then kicking it like a soccer ball.]

The program is designed both for full-time ministers, as well as for “individuals seeking ministerial recognition for themselves.”

For the latter, some examples given might include itinerant ministers, chaplains, evangelists, and missionaries, but also importantly, lay people who wish to be licensed to the ministry.

In exchange for your fees, you’ll get:

  • Spiritual covering with recognized ministerial credentials for yourself and your entire ministry team.
    This includes a team dedicated to praying for you and your ministry.
  • Satisfaction knowing you and your congregation’s monthly financial contribution is furthering the work of the Gospel world-wide
  • Special discounts to continue education through Valor Christian College (for yourself AND any students you recommend)
  • 50% off resources from Pastor Rod Parsley
  • Coming soon: Leadership training, tools, and tips from seasoned City Harvest Mentors, including Pastor Rod Parsley

No education is needed other than having passed 6th grade, nor is any formal (or really, informal) ministry experienced required. You do have to tell them when you were saved, along with when you were separately “baptized in the Holy Spirit” with tongues being the evidence.

Credentials are renewed monthly until canceled, and in order to remain in good standing with City Harvest Network, individuals contribute a percentage of their personal income monthly. It can be as little as 1%, but Harvest Network suggest either 5 or 10%

Further, any individual wishing to keep their credentials must sign a statement of ethical conduct, which includes things like “Live a life of marital fidelity as outlined in the scriptures” and “Walk in integrity and model financial accountability in ministry and personal affairs.”

It seems like if you were to buy into and affirm this little scheme, you could never affirm that last one.

abortion Evangelical Stuff Featured News

‘Abortion Clinic to the Stars’ Shuts Down Permanently

A Beverly Hills-based abortuary known as the “abortion clinic to the stars” has gone dark and shut down operations, according to a report from Operation Save America (OSA).

“Pro-choice Medical Center” was known as the “abortion clinic to the stars” due to its proximity to Hollywood, its expensive fees, (twice the national average) catering to the upper classes of society, and its services of offering private abortion appointments to “Hollywood celebrities and socialites, who did not want to be seen in an abortion facility waiting room.”

OSA write on their website:

“According to a business record obtained by Operation Rescue, the Sinai Women’s Center, which also went by the name Pro-Choice Medical Center, had its last day of business on December 31, 2020.  The office was vacated over the weekend of January 30-31, 2021, according to a City official.

The abortion business, which was owned and operated by abortionist Josepha Seletz, was one of eight abortion facilities to openly conduct risky, multi-day abortions into the third trimester of pregnancy.

Seletz is one of the few abortionists to do late-term abortions in the country. She previously worked at the now-shuttered Eve Surgical Center, a Los Angeles-based abortion clinic that invented and “perfected” partial-birth abortions.

Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said in a statement:

“Although there was rarely a pro-life presence at this dangerous late-term abortion facility,  we continued to monitor it to document the fact that women were being injured and hospitalized with serious abortion-related complications. I thank God this notorious abortion business is closed.  No more babies will die, and no more women will suffer traumatic injuries there.  That is a victory worth celebrating!”


Church Votes to Not Re-open Until 70% of Congregation is Vaccinated

A church in Kentucky has voted to keep their church shuttered for in-person services until at least 70 percent of the population is vaccinated from COVID-19 and its variants, with members being told to inform church leaders once they have received the shot in order to reach the proper threshold tally.

“Pastor” Linda Kurtz of First Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Kentucky, a progressive body within the thoroughly reprobate PCUSA denomination, made the announcement on Twitter, explaining:

Tonight, my church leaders decided to not resume in-person worship until 70 percent of our city has been vaccinated. Also tonight, my spouses’ church leaders are bullying him into resuming in-person worship ASAP. Our incidence rates remain sky-high. I’m worried for our safety.

Kurtz further explains that attainintg 70 percent levels of vaccinations will enable the congregation to reach herd immunity, at which is the only point they’ll feel remotely safe attending.

The church has only had online services since they closed in March, and has no intentions of opening up until at least March 28th, assuming enough members are given the shot.

Members who have been vaccinated are to report it to church staff who will be keeping a tally. Though the Church says that it will not share with other members the list of congregants, they say disclosing that information is vital if they want to gather again.

In response to Kurtz’ post, several people chimed in that their churches likewise are not reopening until enough people have been vaccinated, even as they disclosed fears that new variants they are not vaccinated from may shut them down all over again.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal

Ravi Zacharias Victim Posts Victim Impact Statement

Lori Anne Thompson, the most well-known and public of Ravi Zacharias’ victims has posted a detailed victim impact statement on her website, detailing the ways that the late-Christian apologist’s sexual predations destroyed her world and adversely affected her and her family for years. It also details the emotional toll that having Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) repeatedly publicly lie about her has had, even as they publicly insist they’ve committed no wrongdoing.

The release of the statement comes on the heels of RZIM confirming they have no intention of releasing her from a non-disclosure/non-disparagement agreement she signed years ago. This continues a long-standing pattern from RZIM of silencing, victim-blaming, and ignoring her wherever possible. It also comes in the light of the knowledge that the big, allegedly “all-encompassing,” and “independent” investigation into Ravi Zacharias will not include her, despite being the catalyst for exposing his abuses and the public face of his victims.

She writes in part:

I tried to tell a Christian counsellor what was happening to me. He told me not to tell anyone, especially not my husband, that he could see RZ’s draw to me, and that if anyone ever found out, the kingdom of God would be irreparably damaged. I became suicidal. When I heard news of someone in our old church getting a diagnosis of terminal cancer, I longed to be her. We visited Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia for my fortieth birthday and I researched how best to slip off the rocks and succumb to the deep—such was the depths of my despair. It was not just what was happening to me, but whom it was happening by.


I was contacted by text, email, and phone from RZ once I had sent a final email to him. He threatened to commit suicide if I broke my silence. I was terrified in that moment and for a long time to come. To my betrayer, telling anyone was betrayal. Abusers not only demand silence—they enforce it.

When I disclosed that same day to my husband what happened to me—he was devastated. Brad had already experienced a protracted history of breach of trust, early abandonment, shaming, and interrupted attachments in his own life. He was crumbling at home with our children and I was in another country in complete collapse. He wasn’t sure he wanted me to come home. I wasn’t sure I would make it home. No one slept that Saturday night and for many years of Saturdays to come. Life as we knew it was ripped apart. We were torn asunder. I can hardly find the words to describe the complete and utter relational, emotional, psychological, and physical implosion.

You can read the letter in its entirety here, as well as watch the video below.

We also recommend that you write a very short email to both, who is the woman who prepared the interim report on Ravi’s guilt and who was hired by RZIM, and itself, asking them why they won’t include Lori Anne Thompson in the investigation.

Keep it short and sweet. If you are emailing RZIM, don’t include any links, as they will not open them.


4 More NAMB Church Plants Revealed to Have Female Pastors on Staff

(CR Voices) The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has an egalitarian problem. How big of a problem largely depends, in my opinion, on the willingness of NAMB leadership to speak with clarity to this issue.

Two weeks ago, it was revealed that a Florida NAMB church plant had a husband and wife as dual Lead Pastors. It appears the church has subsequently chosen to disaffiliate with the SBC.

This week, I have documented and observed that at least four more current NAMB church plants have women pastors on staff. In the interest of not repeating some of the distractions from last week, the names of these churches are not identified in this post. The decision to withhold this information is not because I want this matter to be swept under the rug, but quite the opposite.

The main issue that needs to be addressed is not ultimately with any individual SBC church, regardless of their error. The issue that must be addressed is whether or not we as a convention broadly and NAMB as an entity specifically approve of women serving in the role of pastor.

Has the SBC, without a..

To continue reading, and see list of churches and their female pastrixes, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Nate Schlomann and posted at CR Voices. Title changed by Protestia

News Politics

‘I Have a Message to Christians: Don’t Be Lukewarm’: Says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene After House Vote


(Faithwire) The mainstream media has been hyper-focused on previously little-known House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene after old videos surfaced of her allegedly promoting conspiracy theories.

Few, however, have spent equal time and energy on her statement yesterday denouncing those past views and her 20 minute speech earlier today explaining more about who she is and why she is passionate about being an elected official.

At the end of her speech, which covered a variety of topics, she warned Christians not to be lukewarm and to share the Gospel “with everyone.”…

…I’m really grateful to God, because he forgives me. And that’s what being a Christian is really all about,” Greene said. “I have a message to other Christians in this country: Don’t be lukewarm. That’s not what your faith is for. Our Savior died on a cross so our sins could be forgiven and he doesn’t want you to be quiet about it. He wants you to share the Gospel and..

To watch the video and/ or continue reading more of her comments, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Dan Andross and posted at Faithwire. Title changed by Protestia.