
Former Send Network VP Promotes Bizzare New Missions Apologetic that Minimizes ‘Doctrinal Precision’

Jeff Christopherson is the Co-Founder and Missiologist for Send Institute and the Executive Director of Church Planting Canada. His baby, The Send Institute is a partnership between the SBC’s North American Mission Board and the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, which has been instrumental in training up SBC pastors and missionaries on the way to plant churches and evangelize the lost.

From February 2021, he offers ten characteristics future church planters should prioritize and adopt in order to “engage a fast-changing and increasingly post-Christian North American.” Part of number 7 and 8, enumerated below, are especially troubling.

See when church planters model their ministries after a successful pastor or a successful church of the past, they perpetuate the biases towards Christendom. Messaging that has been tuned for the pleasure of evangelicals ears is not messaging that actually relates to where people live within secularity, and secularity has leveled the playing field.

It is no longer a binary choice. People are no longer saying, you know, ‘Christian or not Christian’, ‘go to church or not go to church’, there are all kinds of different opportunities or options for them.

And all of the different ‘isms’, including secularism has leveled the playing field for a different apologetic, the apologetic what we’re in now; not ‘what is truth’, but ‘what truth works’.

And so you have an opportunity as a church planter, to begin to show the superiority, as like Elijah calling down fire, You have the opportunity to show secularity the truthful nature of the Church of Jesus Christ.

We need to have a different fidelity, a different faithfulness- from doctrinal precision to spiritual authority. See, the Bible teaches us that the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. And for a while, there’s been a lot of us that have been sort of ‘all in’ on orthodoxy, and somehow missing the other side of what true Orthodoxy is- that belief is never anything we own. It’s something that we do.

We don’t own beliefs. We can’t say beliefs, we live beliefs. And the world has heard our ‘talk’ for a long time. And our talk without the orthopraxy has done nothing to convince them of the truth of our message. And until somehow they see the spiritual authority of our words, they will not be, and that’s seen in the Gospel transformation of our lives and our spiritual communities and how we relate.

We won’t see that and so we need a different fidelity, moving from just talk of doctrinal precision, to the spiritual authority that backs it up.

We miss the good old days of ‘what is true for you, is not true for me’ and ‘we all have our own truths.’ For years we were told that relativism was the greatest threat facing the church, but that turned out not to be true at all. Rather than ‘You have your truth, I have mine’ the trend that has dominated the culture from pagan secularists, aided by the media and the LGBTQ lobby, is that ‘There is only one truth. Our truth. You may not simply tolerate it, but rather must openly and actively celebrate it. If you don’t, we will crush you and destroy your life.’

His talk about “what truth works” and repeated castigation of ‘doctrinal precision’ is particularly troubling. Secularity is not a new thing and has always existed in some form or another. For Christopherson, because he is starting with the wrong premise and wrong epistemological foundation, you can be sure he’s going to come up with the wrong solution.


Ransom was Paid in the Release of Captured Missionaries in Haiti After All.

Though it was initially believed that the 17 missionaries who were captured in Haiti all managed to escape or be released without having to pay the $17,000,000 bounty the kidnappers put on each of their heads to secure their release, new reports indicate this was not so, and that the ransom was in fact paid, but that there was disagreements over whether or not to release them, which resulted in the subsequent midnight escape.

The group, which included five children, was abducted after visiting an orphanage in Haiti. According to Children Aid Ministries (CAM), who sent them out and suffered the loss.

Missionary Ray Noecker, whose wife and five children were among the hostages, gave some details at a prayer vigil earlier in the week:

“There had been a ransom agreement reached with the hostage-takers, and to my understanding that ransom was actually delivered the Sunday night that my wife and son and the other lady were released.

The ransom agreement was for the entire group but there was some division within the gang so they were not able to release all of them at that time.

“So that would be one of the reasons the gang would have told the group that were in captivity that they were being released because of the sores, the medical condition of my wife and the other lady.

It is not known at this time who paid the ransom, and how much was paid in total. According to CBN:

CAM officials had confirmed at a news conference last month that an unaffiliated party had offered to provide ransom money, but at the time they refused to say a payment had been paid.

In subsequent remarks, officials said the group had opposed paying cash ransom on principle, though it did make an offer of food boxes that the captors rejected. Eventually, CAM accepted a third-party offer to negotiate with the gang.

“In the course of this whole thing, there was Christian Aid Ministries’ no-ransom policy,” Philip Mast, a CAM Executive Committee member, said in a recent talk at Mt. Moriah Mennonite Church in Crossville, Tennessee.

But “there was a donor who offered to take the negotiations and deal with the situation, and so CAM accepted that offer, and it was turned over to another party to deal with it,” he continued. “Yes, there was ransom paid, but I don’t think (the gang members) had the intention of releasing the prisoners.”


It’s Official: Conservatives Split from 400 Year old ‘RCA’ to form New Denomination+ Let the Old one Burn

(RNS) — On New Year’s Day, 43 congregations of the Reformed Church in America split from the national denomination, one of the oldest Protestant bodies in the United States, in part over theological differences regarding same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ clergy.

The departure of the theologically conservative congregations to the new group, the Alliance of Reformed Churches, leaves some who remain in the RCA concerned for the denomination’s survival. Before the split, the nearly 400-year-old denomination had fewer than 200,000 members and 1,000 churches.

At least 125 churches from various denominations are in conversation with ARC leaders about joining.

“Realistically, it’s a large group of conservative churches that are also providing a lot of income to the denomination. I really think the mass exodus of all these conservative churches is going to throw the RCA into a really difficult financial situation,” said Steven Rodriguez, an RCA church planter in Brockport, New York. “I doubt the RCA will be financially sustainable for much longer.”

The move follows the RCA General Synod’s October decision to adopt measures for “grace-filled separation” with departing churches and to appoint a team to develop a restructuring plan for those that remain.

The new denomination, besides not affirming same-sex marriage or ordination of LGBTQ individuals, will have a strong emphasis on…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kathryn Post and published at Religion News Services Titled changed by Protestia
Editor’s Note 2. Bold added by us. Good. Let the RCA and whatever remains of it burn.


Dave Ramsey Trending on Twitter and Getting Torched for this ‘Unchristian’ Advice

Evangelical Financial Guru Dave Ramsey is trending on Twitter over some recent advice he gave a Landlord who was struggling with the decision over whether or not to raise the rent on properties he owns, with the vast majority of commenters critiquing him for his “unchristian” perspective and blasting him as a greedy, uncaring capitalist that most assuredly was not giving sound advice.

The ‘caller’ noted that the market rate for the property he owns has gone up significantly, and therefore he could get a lot more out of them if he raised the rent, but was struggling over whether or not he as a Christian should do that, as it would result in several tenants being forced to leave their homes and may reflect poorly on his faith. Ramsey had this advice:

Okay, I own rental property, single family homes, among many other properties that we own. And if I raise my rent to be market rate, that does not make me a bad Christian.

I did not displace the person out of that house, if they can no longer afford it, the marketplace did. The economy did. The ratio of the income that they earned to their housing expense displaced them. I didn’t cause any of that.

And so you are not displacing them. You’re taking too much credit for what’s going on. If they need to move to a cheaper house, because they can’t afford they’re going to move to a lesser house, because if they move they’re going to pay market rent.

Ramsey later continues that on occasion he will ‘have a heart’ and in the spirit of treating other people as he would want to be treated will occasionally give people breaks if they fall under hardships and will ‘work with them’ the best he can, but when it comes to cases where people have jobs and their job income ensures that they can’t afford fair market value, then that is a different matter altogether.

Despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth from pagans and ‘christian’ progressives, we see no issue with what he is saying.

Sounds good to us.


Christian Band Relient K Comes out As LGBTQ-Affirming

The Christian Band Relient K has functionally come out as pro-LGBTQ, inviting open and unrepentantly gay musician Semler to join them on their upcoming tour.

Semler is a queer artist and is a newcomer to the Christian music scene, gaining some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts.

Her real name is Grace Semler Baldridge, she’s a butch lesbian who’s married to a woman while purposefully altering her appearance to look like a man—giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgendered.

Semler has openly advocated for LGBTQ allies to shout out “Gay rights” during Christian concerts in order to force the bands to publicly comment and confront their views on the issue. She recently made news after doing this same thing at a Switchfoot concert, resulting in lead singer Jon Foreman Releasing a pro-LGBTQ TikTok video.

She says she plans to have a Pride flag playing behind her on her set.

One of her songs, ‘Toby Mac’ released last year includes these lyrics, showing her affinity for the band that she is now touring with as well as more sexual perversion.

I wanna make my girl a mixtape
Of love songs she’d know were just from me
But the only songs I know are Christian
So I have to think strategically

..Well there’s a drag queen out in Tennessee
She dedicates her act to Amy
Well “Baby, baby” I hope one day she’ll be acknowledged
Like Relient K fucking got my ass through college

Here’s the deal: it’s not like she is a “side B’ Christian- someone who says that they are Christian who is gay but believes it to be sin and so is celibate- that’s its own thing, but at least is more understandable.

When you go on tour with a band that that is openly and unrepentantly engaging in something so vile as sodomy- who has made it her mission to propagate the normalization and acceptance of it, both in her public statements as well as in the music itself, you are wholly complicit in it.

If Relient K thought it was wrong, she wouldn’t be there. If they thought it was right, she’d be right there at their side.

Nice to know where they stand.

Featured News

‘Christian’ Helps Montana Abortion Clinic Rebuild After God Destroys it With Flood

We have great news in Montana. Frozen pipes caused massive flooding at the kill clinic in Billings, MT. It should be shut down for months, but it’s receiving help from a “Christian man” and company who’s willing to take blood money to get it going sooner.

This act of a Christian rebuilding a murder-mill is similar to an incident in Oklahoma several years ago that our publication successfully stopped. For this reason, Gideon Knox Publisher JD Hall, is planning a 3-hour countdown clock tomorrow for him to repent before tough measures are taken to place the company out of business. JD explains below:


Disgraced Pastor Tavner Smith Announces Small Sabbatical, Then Back to Preaching

A week after a video was released showing Venue Church ‘pastor’ Tavner Smith sharing an illicit kiss with his has worship leader Lexi Elisha, confirming a long-rumored affair, Smith announced on Instagram that he is taking a sabbatical from church business in order to take some time to “fill up, spend time with God, and get some counseling” in order to come back “ready, refreshed and ready for the rest of the year.”

Despite the news causing chaos within his church, resulting in 8 staff members quitting, Smith is not going anywhere. This is because his theology is a jumbled mess of prosperity preaching, wretched theology, charismatic mumbo jumbo, vision casting, the pursuit of ‘impossible dreams’, an unsatiable ask for money and seed-sowing, and constantly positioning himself as hearing directly from God and being the conduit to the heavens.

Like most cult of personalities, this led him to escape accountability, with no elders or guardrails, much like Mark Driscoll at his current church. The structure was created to allow him to indulge in his baser passions without anyone being able to call him out on it, resulting in rumors swirling for years that he was a womanizer and engaging in some Very Bad Things, but absent any way to remove him.

In the same vein, there is unlikely to be anyone who is able to oust him and force him to step down, and this is all by design. Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith had an excellent analysis of this here:

Despite cheating on his wife and engaging in clergy sexual misconduct, his fans aren’t going anywhere, writing, among other things:

During his last service, Tavner preached a sermon titled “It’s a season of new beginnings” where he stressed “don’t keep going over old history” while telling his congregants “we need to turn the page as a church” before concluding with a conveniently timed need for a sabbatical that fails to mention anything about the kissing pictures that were spotted weeks earlier.

“I would like to say this: as your pastor I’ve been through a really hard two years. It’s been a lot. Number 1 I just wanted to say to you, I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused for you.

But I- even through everything, I have been faithful to show up every single week, to the best of my ability. I’m not saying it’s been easy, and I’m not saying it’s always been great but every week I’ve stood here and I’m giving it my best to get a fresh word from God for that week, even in the midst of this.

But if I could be honest with you- I’m not going anywhere. I’m your pastor, I’m here- but can I just be honest with you? I just need a little bit of a break. I’m good. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not emotionally unhealthy and all of the thing, I’m just tired.

This was not something that was forced on me, this is not something I’ve been made to do. This is something I’ve asked and I’ve spoken enough and said “listen. I just need a few weeks to get filled back up. Cause in the midst of all of this, I’m gonna be honest with you, I’ve poured myself out to almost empty. And I need to get filled back up. I need a few weeks where I can go to church.

So what I’ve asked them, is I said, I want to go and and just give the vision that we’re turning the page, that we’re coming together and concentrating, and that God’s promise still stands and I’m still here and we’re still here and we’re going to do this together. But what I’ve said is, for the rest of January, can we call some friends and get some friends to fill in for me so I could take the next four week and let God fill me back up.”


The Winner of The Worst Christian of 2021 is………!

Who is the worst Christian of 2021? Who will be getting the actual award physically mailed to them?

On the surface, this seems like a foolish or even pharisaical question. The fact of the matter is that there are none worthy to stand righteous before God except his perfect son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every believer struggles with sin every day and will continue to do so until the Lord returns and raises us anew in glory. None of us are really better than another. Yet, we can still fairly ask and answer, “Who is the worst Christian of 2021?” if we consider the question in terms of an individual’s influence on the visible church at large. Who out there, among the professing, has had the most deleterious effect on the health of the body of Christ in the year 2021? Using a number of criteria and identifying candidates from a pool of nominees (obvious charlatans and the theologically heterodox were not included for consideration), I have come up with one professing Christian who can fairly be considered “The Worst Christian of 2021.”

Who is the worst Christian of 2021? The Nominees were as follows:

After careful consideration of the use of power, influence, responsibility, and the expression of theology, I hereby bestow the title of “Worst Christian of 2021” to Beth Moore.

Mrs. Moore,

You are the worst Christian of 2021.

Before I go on let me be clear about just how bad you had to be to win the “award”  this year. 

You beat out Pastor and SBC President Ed Litton.  Ed Litton is a trained actor who used his degree in theatre to portray the sermons he plagiarized from others as his own.  He is a truly despicable man, a clear phony (perhaps the perfect qualities for a modern SBC president) and you beat him out. I mean, your sermons are really bad but at least you don’t steal them from others.  Ed Litton was really deserving, but JD Greear got the Worst Christian of 2019 trophy.  So Ed can pretend JD’s award is his if he wants to, just like he pretended JD’s sermons were.

You beat out former ERLC President Russell Moore.  This is a man whose convention politics were so destructive and low-down that Mike Stone sued him for defamation.  Russell Moore is so awful that’s he even platformed you.  After taking a hefty Southern Baptist salary for over a decade, Russell Moore left his SBC job and then joined a church that isn’t even Baptist.  That’s phony.  It shows a lack of integrity.  He made Donald Trump look right for calling him a “nasty guy with no heart.”  But you beat him out, too.

Like Ed Litton and Russell Moore, it seems like you are a phony.  Frankly, I think you are a better actor than Ed Litton and more heartless and nastier than Russell Moore.  Let’s face it, the average pew-sitter doesn’t even know who those guys are.  But they know you.  It’s your face that stares at them from nearly every Baptist Church library in Dixieland and beyond.  That’s why you beat the rest of the nominees out.  For over three decades Southern Baptists trusted you to teach their women.   You made millions of dollars from Southern Baptist (LifeWay) book deals and events (conferences, cruises, etc..).  You acted like you were one of them, that you believed like they did.  But did you?  After all those years teaching Baptist women, you apologized for teaching and supporting complementarianism, the very doctrine Southern Baptist Churches were trusting you to uphold.  How could someone who specializes in teaching the Bible to women come to reject the very biblical doctrine which concerns how women are to teach the Bible?  For that matter, how could a Bible teacher who has taught the Bible for 30+ years all of a sudden abandon her belief in the two ordinances (baptism and the Lord’s Supper) of the church?  I don’t begrudge you joining the Anglian Church, Beth, but I think it does prove your theological moorings were as shallow as…well…every single one of your tripe-filled books.

Someone might want to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you had a genuine change of heart about being a conservative Baptist.  Someone might think that perhaps you honestly and truly believed in complementarianism for all those years and honestly and truly changed your mind after careful study.  Someone might think that perhaps you honestly and truly believed in Baptist doctrine for all those years and truly changed your mind after careful study.  I am not that someone.  I’ve read your books.  You’ve been claiming all these years that God speaks to you directly and even inspires your writings.  So, I’m inclined to believe that, if God was really speaking to the world’s most popular women’s Bible teacher, he would tell her to start baptizing babies and letting women preach and be pastors instead of letting her continue in such egregious Baptist and complementarian error.  We both know He didn’t.  God doesn’t tell you the things you claim He has.  You see, that’s how I know you are a phony.  That’s how a I know you’re an actor.  You’ve been making money off of lies about God and his word for years.  I think you taught what was most convenient for you to be rich and popular.  Why should I or anyone else think you have honest and genuine theological convictions when you will flat out lie about God speaking to you

That’s why woke statements from you like this one don’t even chap me.

Your beliefs aren’t worth the cheap paper LifeWay prints them on. 

Beth Moore, you are the worst Christian of 2021.

Full disclosure: I wrote a book about how awful you are long before I did this year’s “Worst Christian” article.  I think your actions in 2021 make me look downright prophetic.

G. Seth Dunn

*Please note that the preceding is my personal opinion. It is not necessarily the opinion of any entity by which I am employed, any church at which I am a member, any church which I attend, or the educational institution at which I am enrolled. Any copyrighted material displayed or referenced is done under the doctrine of fair use. 


Reaping the Whirlwind! COVID-19 Woes Forces Megachurch To Go Fully Virtual

A Denver megachurch is reaping the whirlwind after closing its doors during the majority of the pandemic, with the end result of having to sell its $12.2 million dollar, 137,000 square foot building and move the entire operations completely and permanently online, in a bid to stay afloat.

The Potter’s House of Denver, led by husband and wife team Touré Roberts and Sarah Jakes Roberts (yes, she is the daughter and he the son-in-law of the notorious Trinity-denier T.D. Jakes an they are one of his “plants” of sorts) announced to the congregation that their building would be sold and they were moving to online-only service- an ignoble move precipitated by an extended season of sowing during the pandemic.

Rather than remain open and be a beacon of light to its people while also being obedient to the Lord, the church gleefully encouraged everyone to watch them on zoom, resulting in no one watching and donations drying up, because ‘online-church’ is a damnable misnomer and about the stupidest thing ever.

Roberts explained to the Denver post:

COVID-19 forced every church in America to rethink how to best serve their parishioners and the broader community. Due to the inability to gather and the economic instability of the pandemic, our church, like many other churches in the nation, experienced declining donations. We decided that the best way forward would be to sell the property, continue our online offering that had proven a successful alternative and maintain our hands-on community outreach operations, which includes our food bank that feeds thousands of families per year.”

Given that this church is “under the covering of The Potter’s House (Dallas) with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Serita Jakes” we can’t say we’re sad to see them dry up and wither, and only hope the virtual services goes just as terrible as the last two years have been.


Let’s Play a Game: Name that False Teacher Based on this Facebook Post

A well-known charismatic figure recently made the Facebook post, following a pattern of posting bible sounding words of the Lord that don’t mean anything. It’s all buzzwords. This individual is saying something, but at the same time isn’t saying anything at all. Instead, he/ she is stringing together a series of continuationists marxisms, which sound spiritual, but are really not. Unfortunately, this is seen as wisdom of the ages and therefore was repeatedly shared and commented on ‘amen’ and ‘yes Lord!’ and ‘100 fold harvest, I expect it and I receive it!’

“I have had a reoccurring open vision several times over the last several years of ripe seeds on the ground. In the vision these prophetic seeds would open, sprout and grow quickly as the latter rains came down from heaven. The Lord nudged me that these seeds were the “seeds of prophetic promise” and this was a time of accelerated prophetic fulfillment.

These seeds also represented the planting in our lives like the 30, 60 and 100 fold measurements and these ripe seeds represent The coming harvest in our lives and that has yet to fully produce.

Recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me again about receiving the 100 fold measure of harvest. It felt like a fresh prophetic promise of walking in a new 100 fold season in 2022. That this year would be a year of reaping our previous labors and seeds.

…The number 100 in the Bible means promise, specifically the promised son who came from one, Abraham, who was as good as dead. So, 100 also has the idea of life from death, or resurrection. When we receive Jesus, the word of God, in our hearts, we become sons of God, children of the promise. We go from life to death. We are resurrected. Are we ready for the latter rain (Fall harvest rain) to come and we see our unfulfilled visions, dreams and prophetic promises fulfilled? The bible makes reference to the latter and former rains in the book of Joel. The former rain is the rain that comes in the season of planting and the latter rain is the rain that comes for the harvesting. I know the Lord is speaking to me about a new season of reaping the 100 fold blessing, answered prayer on past and present seeds that have been sown. Are we ready to see the 100 fold? “

…The bible commands that for every seed that has been planted and down it will return to us. My question is what about all the unfulfilled seeds of promise, vision, labor and dreams. In these reoccurring visions I keep seeing a harvest of all things sown in your past season and a supernatural ingathering of all of of our past works we will see the 100 fold return in the barren places, as we pass from death to life. We must expect a new season and understand that will require a new identity. Many will embrace the new and finally let go of the old.

Feel free to guess in the comments who said it. Hint, he or she also likes to talk a lot about ‘soaking in the glory.’